Crysis and DX10


Dec 4, 2006
I've had Vista installed for Crysis for about a few months now. I completely HATE Vista. An OS doesn't need to ask me if I want to delete or move a file from a "special" folder every time I do it.
But now with Crysis out and DX10 playing like crap, I wonder if I made the right decision in wanting to use DX10. My question is how much better does Cyrsis perform in DX10 over DX9 in Vista, and what's the difference in performance in DX9 between Vista and XP. The second question is the one I'm more worried about. I may decide to reformat and install XP soon. What a disappointment DX10 has been...
Depending on what vid card you're using, I saw that nvidia has some Crysis optimized video drivers.
I have been sitting here with an empty 20gb partition just waiting for the Vista copy sitting on my shelf. I thought Crysis would finally be a reason to install it. Nope. I will probably have to wait another year or two (it's already been a year) for native DX10 games. Every game built on previous DX APIs or OGL (aka every game in existance) runs better on XP.
DX10 is a joke. I just got done doing a review of a 8800GT and DX10 performance is simply a joke. Give DX10 a couple more years and it will be decent.
I've had Vista installed for Crysis for about a few months now. I completely HATE Vista. An OS doesn't need to ask me if I want to delete or move a file from a "special" folder every time I do it.

you should do a little digging behind that issue. And try switching back to XP and notice all the little annoyances that have been removed in vista.
Dead even AT BEST and in the vast majority of cases games run faster in XP.

Depends on your rig. Before I had what I have now (Q6600, 2GB RAM, 8800GT), I would say yes but now it's not a huge difference. In Crysis, there is at least 5-10 FPS difference just between Vista DX9 and XP DX9. I think the extra 5-10FPS is worth playing in XP.