Crysis on a 8800GT on very high settings?

I don't have any new, concrete suggestions for actual setups (though I will try Hamidxa's config at some point), but after doing some more tweaking, I have some observations:

- For some reason, Crysis runs insanely slowly (i.e., <1 fps) if I bump up the resolution or anti-aliasing in the middle of a game. To see the true speed, I have to do those sorts of changes between games. In my experience, the game may also fail to load certain textures properly if you don't make sure to exit out of the current game in progress first before changing resolutions.

- Similarly, for tweaking the Asus AI Gear CPU settings (I have an Asus P5N-D motherboard), I have to reboot before trying Crysis; otherwise, it runs (and loads, for that matter) extremely slowly.
Hmm, well I'll get my rig on sat so i'll just try some settings / configs and see what happens. I'll post back in this thread once I get things up & running.
I played Crysis on my cousin's computer (8800 GT, E6750, Vista 64-bit) in DX10 Very High at 1280x720 and it ran at about 30 FPS on the first level.

Oh wait till you get to the end. I had no probs with High settings with my rig until i reached the end. :rolleyes:
Hmm, well I'll get my rig on sat so i'll just try some settings / configs and see what happens. I'll post back in this thread once I get things up & running.

Make sure that 8800GT is a 512mb version not the 256mb cos there is a lot of difference between the two. You can actually squeeze in the 3870 ATi between the two when it comes to performance.
Umgil: It's definately the 512, wouldn't make that mistake! :) I can't wait man, I'm totally psyched to OC the chips and see what I can punch out...

Aside: I looked at the Viewsonic 24" at Best buy yesterday and it looked amazing! Anyone have experience with this monitor - the q241WB? The brightness was amazing (500 lumins), I know their CRT's were amazing, I just can't find any reviews of this monitor in terms of overall quality.The other one I liked was the HP 24", but it's just too expensive (~$500!)..
Im running crysis on all very high and 8x AA at 1024x768 and its completely playable with a 8800gt. Mulitplayer is another story though....
Sani: What config are you using? Can you send me a link?

I dont' care about multiplayer, that's what unreal/quake 4 / battlefield 2142 are for. :)
Im running crysis on all very high and 8x AA at 1024x768 and its completely playable with a 8800gt. Mulitplayer is another story though....
wow you really want 8x AA that bad? I would much rather play at a higher res and turn down the AA a bit. :eek:
I was able to play Crysis fine with some very high @ 1440x with 8xAF using a 8800GT 512Mb.

I had Texture, Object, Water, and Post Processing on Very high. Shader, Particles, and Game effects were high. Very high shader is what really kills performance. Of course AA does too. Keeping shadows to medium seems to help.

The card was @ 700|2000 1700. I probably could have done 1680x and I didn't try it. I was using a Q6600 G-0 @ a flat 3.0Ghz when I tested it. It also did fine @ 660|2000 1650.
Hmm I thought you can't select very high unless you're using dx10 (which I'm not).... I'm on xp here.

8xAA isn't that noticable I find, unless u look at still images. You'd get higher FPS by turning it down, smooth play is very imp. for me.
I cant run at higher res thats the problem lol
I'm pretty much in the same boat, at least if I want a 16:9 widescreen FOV with very high settings (which I do): It's pretty much either 720p or 1080p on my TV. 1080p kills my system (single-digit fps rates), whereas 720p with moderate AA is playable.

One thing to keep in mind is that we may be CPU-bound, not GPU-bound, in some situations. I'm going to experiment with conservative overclocking of my Q6600 over the weekend.

Hmm I thought you can't select very high unless you're using dx10 (which I'm not).... I'm on xp here.

8xAA isn't that noticable I find, unless u look at still images. You'd get higher FPS by turning it down, smooth play is very imp. for me.
You can hack the config files and copy-and-paste the very high settings (quality 4) into the high section (quality 3). You still won't get the true DX10-exclusive effects, but the improvement in quality (and the framerate hit) is very noticeable.
Right, which is why I was asking for which config he used.. lol, we're going in circles :)

A few ppl on this thread have posted their configs, if you have any else that are worth trying, I'm game. I don't personally know much about modifying config files...
Oh wait till you get to the end. I had no probs with High settings with my rig until i reached the end. :rolleyes:
I know what you mean. My 8800 GTS ran Crysis fine on High throughout the game... right up until the last level. When I got on the deck of the cruiser when the aliens are flying around, my graphics card pretty much said, "Screw this. I give up."
you cant run higher than 1024x768? you need a modern monitor because that 8800gt is a waste of money at the res.

No its not that, it becomes unplayable at any resolution higher with the details maxed. I do need a newer monitor though my 19inch LCD Xerox x-92d only goes up to 1280x1024. The problem is is that it has such a good picture and has a glassy screen. I cant seem to find a 24in like it
heres what i get with these specs

Abit I-p35
E6750 @3.4ghz
2gb ocz 1066 ram (running at 850)
8800gt at 675/975

crysis benchmark_gpu looped 3 times at very high dx10 64bit on 1280x1024

i get aroudn 20-22 fps, not exactly super playable for intense action .

shoot for high, the game looks good enough like that
Hey Guys, I finally got my system and here is my first field report. I haven't done any OCing yet, been busy installing software/games all day today, tomorrow I'll try my first OC:

So my system right now is:

q6600 g0 @2.4
Asus p5k premium
XFX 8800gt
TRUE hs (with a scythe 120mm fan)
OCZ Stealthxtream 600W PSU
Antec 900 Gaming case
2 gigs Patriot Extreme Performance ddr2 800
500gb WD SE Caviar hd

Under "High" settings, at 1280x1024 res, I had frames in the 40-50 fps range!! I found a custom config file from file planet for very high and tried again. There was a huge change in beauty of the game, it's just stunning...However, the FPS did drop quite a bit: ~30 fps, some scenes faster, some slower. When they is a lot of action, its definately in the mid 20 range...But still VERY playable! Never goes into the teens.

Now, I haven't OC'ed anything yet and I also know tweakguides has some settings that allow you to get very high looking with a minimum hit on fps. So I might try their tweak next or another one from this thread.

It's looking amazing, I can hardly believe without OCing this game is playing so well on my comp. I'm actually using my 42" LCD LG tv with a 5.1 surround sound stereo and it's amazing....

Will post tomorrow as I get more comfortable with my new pc and doing these various tweaks! Thanks for the tips, this is pretty cool!
awsome! You are probly using the same mod I use...(CCC 1.31)

I played through the game and just beat it on hard. I enjoyed everybit of it all the way up until the level core..then I didn't like it much.

I can't wait to replay it on the hardest setting with next gen hardware...hopefully capable of 1920x1200
Sounds like you found the same set of config files that I did, too. I get lower framerates than you at 1280*1024 (low 20s-ish), but I have AF turned all the way up to 16x, as well as image quality set to "High Quality" in the NVidia drivers. I should experiment to see how much those settings affect my framerates.

I OC'ed my Q6600 G0 to 3.168 GHz over the weekend (I couldn't push it farther without passing my risk/reward line in terms of voltage required). I got a slight (15% or so) improvement in framerate. Given this, my guess was that I was CPU-bound until I hit 2.7-2.8 GHz or so. Now I'm GPU-bound. You should have no problems hitting 3.0 GHz with relatively minimal voltage changes, at which point your 8800 GT would be your bottleneck in most situations.
I'm playing Crysis on this setup:

Asus Maximus Formula
Q6600 @ 3,6 with TRUE
8gig of Corsair DHX PC2-6400 @ 800mhz
Gainward 8800 GT golden sample OC @ 740/1090

Everything but postprocessing,which is set to high, on very high. The game runs fine without hiccups. Very playable.

edit: @ 1680/1050 resolution
TKD: I'm going to start the OCing in a few minutes, so we'll see how it goes. What's the max vcore for this chip? I've heard everything from 1.4-1.5! First I'll oc the cpu, then I'll try the gpu and see how it goes. Btw, 16x AA probably isn't worth it, 2x is usually good and won't kill your computer. AA is a funny concept, it's essentially regression smoothing using a kernel density estimator (i'm a statistician btw) so while things get smoother at 16x, there's a point at which it's not noticable, 2x/4x might be good enough for ya :)

Veldi, that's sweet. Let me get my cpu up today and see from there.

I'm using the OC guide from tomshardware/clunk forums, hopefully b/w the two it will cover all of the settings I need for my board.

Wish me luck!
TKD: I'm going to start the OCing in a few minutes, so we'll see how it goes. What's the max vcore for this chip? I've heard everything from 1.4-1.5! First I'll oc the cpu, then I'll try the gpu and see how it goes. Btw, 16x AA probably isn't worth it, 2x is usually good and won't kill your computer. AA is a funny concept, it's essentially regression smoothing using a kernel density estimator (i'm a statistician btw) so while things get smoother at 16x, there's a point at which it's not noticable, 2x/4x might be good enough for ya :)

Veldi, that's sweet. Let me get my cpu up today and see from there.

I'm using the OC guide from tomshardware/clunk forums, hopefully b/w the two it will cover all of the settings I need for my board.

Wish me luck!
My 16x referred to the anisotropic filtering (AF, not AA). As for anti-aliasing, I did notice a image quality difference between 16xQ AA (at which I have no hope of running smoothly) and no AA and 2xAA. I haven't played around with other intermediate settings yet; I spent most of my weekend stress testing my setup.

With proper cooling, the Q6600 can go to 1.5v VCore (check other people's results in the Intel forum), but I didn't feel comfortable when I got in the high 1.3s and the Q6600 was running in the high 60s C under full load, and nowhere near stable yet to boot. So I dropped back to 3.168 GHz and 1.29375v (I think), which runs fine at 61 C max under small FFTs. I don't want to get too high, since I have better things to do with my time and money than to replace a dead CPU. Your risk tolerance may be different. :) Plus, I'd gotten well past the point where Crysis was regularly CPU-bound.

With my current setup, 1080p runs at 14-20 fps, so I might focus on getting that resolution playable. 1080p definitely looks better than 720p once I had the chance to see it at something faster than 10fps.
Oops, you wrote AF, not AA, my bad...Of course that won't have as big of an impact.

I've started OCing now, I have it running 333x9=3.0 Ghz. I'm using Prime 95 small FFTs (like everyone says to) for 1/2 hr so far and my temps are running b/w 45 C and 51C from Coretemp. So far so good!

As for the vcore, right now it is on auto. Should I find out my vid at default bios settings and set it manually in my bios? Both Cpu-Z and ASUS Pc Probe report my vcore at 1.34V. While coretemp says my vid is 1.32 (default vcore?).

Things are looking good so far. How long should I run prime95 to consider the system stable? I might let it run for a few hrs, then try to go higher leaving it on auto vcore. Then bring the vcore down to the lowest stable voltageonce I find a stable oc. What do you think?
Usually Prime95 fails or freezes relatively quickly (within the first 15 minutes) if it's going to at all, but generally a few hours minimum is a good idea. Your motherboard seems to be a doing a better job of autodetecting voltages than mine (P5N-D); I couldn't get past even the POST beyond 2.63 GHz on auto.
Maybe this is a dumb q: But if I can it on auto, does that mean it will automatically raise/lower the vcore depending on load (which would be fantastic to prevent cpu burnout), or does it simply find a stable vcore to allow you to boot into windows and keeps it at that level?

If it's a) then i rather keep it on auto, if it's b) then I probably want to set it lower than what the MB decides for itself.
Update: I managed to OC my q6600 to 3.2 prime 95 stable for 1 hr. temps 50-55 C, I'm going to leave prime 95 on tonight and see if it's stable for 8 hrs.

However, when I tried to OC to 3.6 (400x9), even using a vcore of 1.5, I couldn't get into windows xp. I would see the welcome screen for a brief 2 secs, then my tv/monitor says no signal and it reboots! I was hoping to hit 3.6 as others did with similar setups. Should i play with the northbridge voltages? What about that fsb strap? What should that be set to (i don't totally understand that concept even though I read up on it).

As for Crysis: After OCing i ran a fraps benchmark and things are very good:
Here are the results:

2008-04-07 21:21:09 - Crysis
Frames: 1220 - Time: 39521ms - Avg: 30.870 - Min: 22 - Max: 39

I'm averaging 31 fps at 1280x1024 resolution with every single option set to VERY HIGH! Sweet!

I'll probably try to hit 3.4 and maybe call it a day. Then start tightening up ram timings and start ocing the GPU. Quite a bit of work but it's been well worth it so far.
Maybe this is a dumb q: But if I can it on auto, does that mean it will automatically raise/lower the vcore depending on load (which would be fantastic to prevent cpu burnout), or does it simply find a stable vcore to allow you to boot into windows and keeps it at that level?

If it's a) then i rather keep it on auto, if it's b) then I probably want to set it lower than what the MB decides for itself.
At least on my MB, judging from the BIOS help, it seems to mean "try stock voltage and let it vary according to usage", but that doesn't work for anything past minimal overclocking. :(
Update: I managed to OC my q6600 to 3.2 prime 95 stable for 1 hr. temps 50-55 C, I'm going to leave prime 95 on tonight and see if it's stable for 8 hrs.
Which utility are you using to monitor temperature? Asus' AI Gear (in my experience) tends to report temperatures about 5 C lower than HWMonitor.

However, when I tried to OC to 3.6 (400x9), even using a vcore of 1.5, I couldn't get into windows xp. I would see the welcome screen for a brief 2 secs, then my tv/monitor says no signal and it reboots! I was hoping to hit 3.6 as others did with similar setups. Should i play with the northbridge voltages? What about that fsb strap? What should that be set to (i don't totally understand that concept even though I read up on it).
I have my P5N-D NB voltage at 1.40v for a 3.168GHz overclock and the FSB/VTT voltage at 1.50v. Your motherboard is different, though, so your mileage may vary. Trying to jump 400 MHz from 3.2GHz to 3.6GHz in one shot probably isn't useful for voltage requirement feedback, though, in any case. I'd do smaller FSB increments.

As for Crysis: After OCing i ran a fraps benchmark and things are very good:
Here are the results:

2008-04-07 21:21:09 - Crysis
Frames: 1220 - Time: 39521ms - Avg: 30.870 - Min: 22 - Max: 39

I'm averaging 31 fps at 1280x1024 resolution with every single option set to VERY HIGH! Sweet!
Very nice.

I'll probably try to hit 3.4 and maybe call it a day. Then start tightening up ram timings and start ocing the GPU. Quite a bit of work but it's been well worth it so far.
Practically speaking, you're not going to be CPU-bound for almost anything that you're going to do, so it makes sense to focus on the GPU at this point.

As for me, I've now noticed that my framerate at 1080p on Crysis is beginning to break into the low 20s from time to time during gameplay (not in the provided benchmarks), but usually hangs around in the teens. At that resolution, no amount of AA makes any difference in quality to me. I'm so tempted to try to keep that resolution that I might very well get another 8800GT to SLI.

And to think that I really didn't care what graphics card was in my computer before two weeks ago, as long as it worked decently well. I just put in an 8800GT in my current system just "in case" I felt like playing modern PC video games. But of course within 24 hours I just had to try Crysis. :)
Which utility are you using to monitor temperature? Asus' AI Gear (in my experience) tends to report temperatures about 5 C lower than HWMonitor.

->I'm using both Coretemp and Everest Corporate edition (report the same temps).

I have my P5N-D NB voltage at 1.40v for a 3.168GHz overclock and the FSB/VTT voltage at 1.50v. Your motherboard is different, though, so your mileage may vary. Trying to jump 400 MHz from 3.2GHz to 3.6GHz in one shot probably isn't useful for voltage requirement feedback, though, in any case. I'd do smaller FSB increments.

-> I realized that I might have to up the fsb/NB voltages as well, currently I only upped vcore. I'll try 3.4 first for stability then go up. It was just shooting for the moon so to speak!

Very nice.

-> Yeah I'm happy with that. :)

Practically speaking, you're not going to be CPU-bound for almost anything that you're going to do, so it makes sense to focus on the GPU at this point.

-> That's true, but I just want to see if my cpu can do it, (more for fun if anything). I''ll probably stick with 3.2 for 24/7 use anyway. It's an experiment at this point ( and I'd like to post into the OC database my max OC).

As for me, I've now noticed that my framerate at 1080p on Crysis is beginning to break into the low 20s from time to time during gameplay (not in the provided benchmarks), but usually hangs around in the teens. At that resolution, no amount of AA makes any difference in quality to me. I'm so tempted to try to keep that resolution that I might very well get another 8800GT to SLI.

-> Playing at 1080p is nuts. My stupid tv is only 1080i (sigh), even considered selling my tv to upgrade to a 1080p (haha), one thing at a time! It's either buy a 24" Monitor 1080p or get a new big screen tv, decisions

And to think that I really didn't care what graphics card was in my computer before two weeks ago, as long as it worked decently well. I just put in an 8800GT in my current system just "in case" I felt like playing modern PC video games. But of course within 24 hours I just had to try Crysis. :)

->>>Don't say it! Man, I'm just happy to play Crysis at max. If my system can play Crysis, then every other game is a joke! As for SLI, I haven't seen great evidence showing it's all it's cracked up to be. From what I've read (correct me if i'm wrong), it's better to wait 6 mos and buy a single latest/greatest vid card.

I bought a p35 board b/c of realiability for OCing, so I gave up the SLI config. Plus the sli boards were way out of my price range.

After I played Crysis with my OC, I'm very happy I didn't cheap out on any of my components. :)
As for SLI, I haven't seen great evidence showing it's all it's cracked up to be. From what I've read (correct me if i'm wrong), it's better to wait 6 mos and buy a single latest/greatest vid card.
The sole benchmark that I've seen that does 8800GT SLI at against Crysis 1.1 or later ( ) shows significant gains from 8800GT's in SLI. The problem is that the 8800GT came out before Crysis, so benchmarks against the more recent versions of Crysis (which use SLI more capably) are rare.

My understanding (which I admit could be wrong) is that the criticism of the performance of SLI and Crysis was largely based on the demo and/or 1.0.
Hey thanks for the link:
I see what you're saying, that's almost DOUBLE! Pretty sweet man. Oh well, I'm stuck with my p35 board for now. I'll upgrade to one of those gx2 boards next year (sli on a single board from what I've read) so I can keep my mb. Overall, I think my board is pretty stable which is exactly what I was looking for. :)
I couldn't resist. Ordered a 8800GT from newegg at $170 after rebate. I'll let you know how it improves performance.

Edit: One thing to keep in mind about SLI is that it won't help for the resolutions originally talked about in this thread (1280*1024, 720p, 1024*768). I'm going for it because my eyes are beginning to want all of the Very High eye candy at 1080p.
I have an e6700 @ 3.4Ghz and an 8800GST - 640mb version. I have everything but the shader on Medium, I leave that on AA, at 1440x900. It's good for ~25fps average. The game uses both cores...but not at 100%, looks good to me, I like.