Crysis shuts down - bad cpu???


Feb 11, 2004

I have an E6600 which I overclocked 5% to play it safe however the PC would occasionally shut itself off during gameplay in Crysis and Crysis Warhead through different versions of nvidia drivers in Vista 64. Other games such as Bioshock or Assasin's creed never cuased any trouble. Right now I'm playing Mass Effect no issues yet. Though this 'Crysis' would also happen in SLI mode being enabled. Non-Sli mode seems stable. I tested the psu with a voltmeter and under load the 12 volt rain ranged between 12.12 and 12.17 volts as it is a 1KW pc power cooling psu.

I have a multiboot system including win xp, vista 32, and vista 64. 32 bit os's seem stable. Never had a shut down event in SLI where the motherboard post code error 98 'psu deassert'.
So a friend told me today that it may be my cpu may have a 64bit scratch.

I spoke with an Intel tech guy on an internet chat and he pointed fingers towards my motherboard. Anyone have any ideas?

Thank you a million!

Hello. Have you tried just running one card, then swapping the other to see if one card is overheating or bad?
Does the whole screen artifact up and then reboot? If so, and later on down the line it starts to do the same with other games then yeah it's your motherboard.
Problem happens only in SLI so I don't think running one card would show anything...

If your computer just shuts down without warning then I had the same problem. Temps on CPU and GPU were fine but I couldn't run anything 3D intensive. Couldn't figure it out but it worked itself out in a few days and after a few reformats and reinstalls of the OS unrelated to this issue. May be a driver conflict or corrupt drivers, not sure.
I would check the temps of everything but especially those GTXs - ideally writing the temp logs to file so you can see what the temp was when your comp dies. I had this problem in a poorly ventilated case with a single 8800GTX and it turned out it was just the video card overheating.

The symptoms all look like graphics card overheating - only occurs on relatively GPU intensive games, or with SLI (which will pump out a LOT of heat) on less demanding games.