Crysis Vista 64 fix for 3870x2!

Nov 26, 2007
Was messing around with Crysis today and discovered that under Vista 64bit, if you go into the Crysis bin32 directory and run the game from there instead of the games panel it runs a heck of alot better on 3870x2! No more fps drops in the teens, lowest FPS go is 25 average 45fps and up to 60fps on some maps LOL This is running 1920x1200 object and texture detail Very High, Shaders high, water high, motion blur high and everything else medium except SQ very high.

So it appears Crysis 64bit has issues, 32bit DX10 runs freaking great on 3870x2!

Just a tip for anyone else having slowdowns in Crysis on Vista 64!

Was messing around with Crysis today and discovered that under Vista 64bit, if you go into the Crysis bin32 directory and run the game from there instead of the games panel it runs a heck of alot better on 3870x2! No more fps drops in the teens, lowest FPS go is 25 average 45fps and up to 60fps on some maps LOL This is running 1920x1200 object and texture detail Very High, Shaders high, water high, motion blur high and everything else medium except SQ very high.

So it appears Crysis 64bit has issues, 32bit DX10 runs freaking great on 3870x2!

Just a tip for anyone else having slowdowns in Crysis on Vista 64!


Great timing on your post!

Trying to not give any spoilers if your playing, but this is what happened to me last night:

I've been playing through the game at 1920x1200 at Medium All for the whole game, that is until Reckoning. The carrier deck scene where you must fight the walker turned into a slideshow, I would repeatedly have to press pause then unpause to force frames to move ahead. Restarting/Rebooting fixed nothing. So I gradually lowered resolutions, reloading the saves and retrying. I ended up at 1024x768 Low All, which still had stuttering. I kept playing, and well you know the game ends eh, man I was pissed. Still pretty irritated at the momemt, but it gets better.

So I read your post and loaded up 32 and cranked up my saves from the walker, and there is no way to describe the night and day difference, I was able to play no problem at 1920x1200 Medium, nothing like what happened in x64 was showing up at all.

You are definately right 32 Crysis in DX10 owns x64 DX10. I am probably going to replay the game now and crank my settings up to see how much a difference there is between the two.

This whole experience though has made me believe that Crysis is a big steaming pile of programming crapola in general or is this a driver issue?

Did you have any issues with the carrier deck if you have progressed to that point yet in x64?
This whole experience though has made me believe that Crysis is a big steaming pile of programming crapola in general or is this a driver issue?
I think both, although mostly Crysis is just poorly programmed.
You might want to send this into ATI for them to investigate. Something strange about that.
hmmm interesting kyle said that there wasn't any difference between vista 32 bit and 64 and i think he tested 3870x2 with vista 64bit or may be i am wrong
i thought most of the issues were in dx9 with this card though. but i guess its nice to get it working better in dx10, its just that most of the mp servers are dx9.
hmmm interesting kyle said that there wasn't any difference between vista 32 bit and 64 and i think he tested 3870x2 with vista 64bit or may be i am wrong

Most games are developed in 32-bit still. Crysis is one of the only recent games I've seen that come with a 64-bit version. Kyle was just inferring running games as usual between the two there little to no difference. When you're talking different optimizations (and in this case executables), then you will wind up with different results. There could be some good/bad code that is or isn't in each version. You start winding up with different performance metrics when comparing 32-bit and 64-bit code operations, etc.

With the OS itself, Microsoft shares the same 32-bit DLLs to run in the "virtual" 32-bit environment that runs in WOW64. The WOW64 layer (on x64 processors anyways) switches the processor hardware from 64-bit mode to compatibility mode when running 32-bit processes, so there is no performance hit since its not doing emulation of anything. Thus the performance between the two Operating Systems are very similar. The only difference will be the possibility of driver performance difference, since they have to be either 32-bit or 64-bit. More than likely most drivers will share very similar codebases so that will be similar performance as well.

A bit more info on the WOW64 layer for the 32-bit mode in Windows 64-bit:
Hehehe, for a while Crysis' 64-bit binaries weren't in the nVidia SLI profiles. Wonder if ATi has made the same mistake for Crossfire.
Hehehe, for a while Crysis' 64-bit binaries weren't in the nVidia SLI profiles. Wonder if ATi has made the same mistake for Crossfire.

Wouldn't surprise me, but doubtful. Most of those profiles are done based on the name of the inital executable that launches the game. It's still Crysis.exe for either the 32-bit or 64-bit. I did run into a profile problem with Universe at War though (had to rename it), so it wouldn't have surprised me if that would have been the case. Could always try renaming it to something else?
Im running vista 64 cat 8.2 and in 32 bit dx10 mode the games chugging quite a bit with the same dx9 slowdowns it suffers from.
Yes, I would like to know as well. I have horrible performance on my 3870 Crossfire.
There was a leaked driver i was using a while ago, after i tried out cat 8.2 and removed it i tried to reinstall the leaked driver and could never get it installed again. Done the whole 10 yards with driver cleaner etc but after that al it would do was install cat control center then throw up some bs error about no video driver =/
I honestly don't have the patience for that. I'd rather just play a game that works and wait for a patch or a new driver for Crysis.
Not to hijack the thread a little, but when ur running the Crysis benchmark, what do the disk icons on the top left indicate? I notice the hitching whenever the green disk icon flickers on. Is that loading in textures or something? It's just the oddest thing that if I am stationary in game I can get pretty good fps, but the minute i start moving forward, or turn in a different directing, i get a massive hitch or hiccup...makes me think it's a texture loading issue...even though I have 2 gigs of DDR3 ram and quick drives...
Think its textures streaming in, or at the very least its referring to some sort of disk access.
Use the 08123a driver it fixes all the hitching with 32bit Crysis. In order to install first open control panel go to device manager>displays right click 3870x2 then click uninstall (also check the box that says delete driver) windows will uninstall the driver, do the same for the 3870x2 below it, windows will say it needs to reboot. Once you reboot go into control panel remove programs doubleclick ATI Install manager, select express remove all ati software wait for it to finish uninstalling everything once it's done refresh the programs list to make sure everything is uninstalled if so go ahead and install the 08123a driver.

You may run into a glitch where it says display driver failed .inf file not found, if you do go ahead and reboot then run the installer again and it will install the display driver only this time. because everything else is already installed. After it's finished reboot and be prepared to be amazed with the performance in Crysis with very high texture and object detail, high shaders etc...1920x1200 :D

Use the 08123a driver it fixes all the hitching with 32bit Crysis. In order to install first open control panel go to device manager>displays right click 3870x2 then click uninstall (also check the box that says delete driver) windows will uninstall the driver, do the same for the 3870x2 below it, windows will say it needs to reboot. Once you reboot go into control panel remove programs doubleclick ATI Install manager, select express remove all ati software wait for it to finish uninstalling everything once it's done refresh the programs list to make sure everything is uninstalled if so go ahead and install the 08123a driver.

You may run into a glitch where it says display driver failed .inf file not found, if you do go ahead and reboot then run the installer again and it will install the display driver only this time. because everything else is already installed. After it's finished reboot and be prepared to be amazed with the performance in Crysis with very high texture and object detail, high shaders etc...1920x1200 :D


Where can you grab that driver, and what is it called?
Something very strange is going on here, I just loaded up 64bit Crysis and now it is running just as smooth as 32bit Crysis, no slow downs, I even loaded up old saves that I know had some bad stuttering like the schoolhouse in recovery level and they run smooth as butter.

WTF is going on? LOL I am very confused now...nothing changed except I ran 32 bit Crysis for a few hours playing the game and then switched back to 64 bit Crysis...:confused:
Well I tried out the 8.4xxx beta drivers that you linked and so far so good. I see a bit of improvement playing Crysis. It used to dip down to 11fps erratically now it just dips down to 25 fps erratically :) All settings on high except for motion blur.
Tried to install these again and no luck, the inf driver refuses point blaank to get installed. Tried 5 times now.
Did you reboot and run the installer again without uninstalling? I get that .inf file missing but then after rebooting and running the installer again it always installs the driver. Probably done it like 5 times as I have been testing every driver out there LOL
Holy crap man, thanks for pointing me to this driver! HUGE difference! The hitching is pretty much nonexistent with this driver. Just for kicks I did 1920x1200 everything on Very High and it's actually not that bad, pulling between 18 and 30 fps. I'm gonna have to fool with everything and get it to a comfortable level, but the stutter is gone, that's what was preventing me from playing before. Again, thanks alot. Now I'm gonna try some other games and see if it improved anything.


CoD4 and UT3 performance improved also. Makes me excited for the 8.3 drivers when they come out. Hopefully they are a derivitive of these, with even more improvements and CrossfireX thrown in. The only thing that makes me sad is the fact that I'm going on tour with my band from March 5th to the I'll be away from gaming almost the whole month, haha.
For a performance increase add this line to a system.cfg r_MultiGPU=0

I know it is supposed to disable multigpu, but it doesn't.
I get about 6 fps more that if I set it to r_MultiGPU=1 or 2 I'm waiting for the official drivers, before I try the betas.
For a performance increase add this line to a system.cfg r_MultiGPU=0

I know it is supposed to disable multigpu, but it doesn't.
I get about 6 fps more that if I set it to r_MultiGPU=1 or 2 I'm waiting for the official drivers, before I try the betas.

This post makes no sense at all.
What he means is that setting it to 0 results in a performance increase. I have a theory that may explain this, I will try and confirm on my system later.

In Vista64, Crysis reports MGPU is enabled, but the second GPU of my 3870X2 does not fire up to 3d clock speeds. I think Crysis is correctly reporting Crossfire operation with MGPU 1. However, because the second GPU is staying in 2d clock mode at 297MHz, the Crossfire driver is then throttling the frame rendering rate down to the speed of the slower GPU in the CF array.

So, we're seeing a single card at 825MHz/900MHz out perform the dual 297MHz/900MHz. Maybe? :)
Sorry for the confusion.
I have Everest Ultra logs to show that both GPUs are running in all 3 settings. I have to figure out how to post them.
I get the best performance in Crysis with only 1 card in my system, howerver with crossfire changing the r_MultiGPU=0 in the system.cfg results in the GPU clock of both cards staying in 3d mode for a much smoother framerate and an Increase of 6-10 fps. If I have it set to 1 or 2, both cars run, but the clock speed fluctuates and performance suffers.
I think the 1.1 patch and new (7.12-8.2) drivers made crossfire worse. The r_MultiGPU=0 setting used to disable the second card completely and when I changed it to 1 or 2, I would recieve a good 30-50% boost in framerate with HD 3850 crossfire.

Also 32bit Crysis runs 2-3 fps slower than the 64bit executable for me.
Check title of post

I did :confused:
I had an x2 for a week and I had the same issues plus enough issues for me to go back to HD3870 Crossfire. Please try changing the setting in your system.cfg for Crysis, Run the 64bit executable and enjoy not having slowdowns with a performance increase over 32bit and 64bit with the default r_MultiGPu setting.;)
I did :confused:
I had an x2 for a week and I had the same issues plus enough issues for me to go back to HD3870 Crossfire. Please try changing the setting in your system.cfg for Crysis, Run the 64bit executable and enjoy not having slowdowns with a performance increase over 32bit and 64bit with the default r_MultiGPu setting.;)

What other probs did you have? Only game I had a problem with was Crysis but running 32 bit.exe and using the 08123a driver fixes it no need for messing with any configs. All the rest of my games ran perfect right out of the gate using that driver.
I didn't really have a problem with the X2, but my system had stability issues with it installed. I don't know if was a power or heat issue. The card worked great to play games but my 2 tv tuners ATI 550 would lock up Mediacenter when it was recording or watching live tv. I tried moving the cards to different slots, reinstalling the drivers, moving the X2 to the bottom PCI-E, leaving the case open, etc... Haven't had any problems with Crossfire 3870s or 3850s.
Holy crap man, thanks for pointing me to this driver! HUGE difference! The hitching is pretty much nonexistent with this driver. Just for kicks I did 1920x1200 everything on Very High and it's actually not that bad, pulling between 18 and 30 fps. I'm gonna have to fool with everything and get it to a comfortable level, but the stutter is gone, that's what was preventing me from playing before. Again, thanks alot. Now I'm gonna try some other games and see if it improved anything.


CoD4 and UT3 performance improved also. Makes me excited for the 8.3 drivers when they come out. Hopefully they are a derivitive of these, with even more improvements and CrossfireX thrown in. The only thing that makes me sad is the fact that I'm going on tour with my band from March 5th to the I'll be away from gaming almost the whole month, haha.

This has to be FUD because I think Kyle would have reviewed "new drivers" that would change his mind. Please bench to show us this difference otherwise don't talk about it. I'm already frustrated that ATI optimized your card for benchmarks, but now to say that some drivers made a "huge noticable difference" infers 5-10 fps extra which I'd like to see either from an in game FPS log or something. Otherwise it's just more false hope and padding for those who justify their purchase
This has to be FUD because I think Kyle would have reviewed "new drivers" that would change his mind. Please bench to show us this difference otherwise don't talk about it. I'm already frustrated that ATI optimized your card for benchmarks, but now to say that some drivers made a "huge noticable difference" infers 5-10 fps extra which I'd like to see either from an in game FPS log or something. Otherwise it's just more false hope and padding for those who justify their purchase

LOL Yes it's FUD everyone in this thread is lying :rolleyes:
This has to be FUD because I think Kyle would have reviewed "new drivers" that would change his mind. Please bench to show us this difference otherwise don't talk about it. I'm already frustrated that ATI optimized your card for benchmarks, but now to say that some drivers made a "huge noticable difference" infers 5-10 fps extra which I'd like to see either from an in game FPS log or something. Otherwise it's just more false hope and padding for those who justify their purchase

Well, I didn't post for your edification. I'm just telling you that with the driver I had from the Asus cd, the stuttering was unbearable in Crysis. When I installed the driver from this thread, the stuttering was gone. Don't know what to tell you.

And the benchmarking tools would not show the stuttering, because it actually stopped the game when it happened, so its not like the FPS went from 20 to 0, its at 20 and then the game stops for a second, and then continues at 20.