Crysis Warhead Interview: Lessons Learned

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Shacknews has a really good interview with Crytek posted today that you guys really should check out. They talk about everything from future Crysis titles to whether or not Crysis will ever be patched and the performance of Crysis Warhead. Definitely worth the read.

We want to cover [the high-end], but in Crysis, looking back, the focus was a bit off. Because we from the beginning focused on the highest range, and then over the development we scaled it back. So what we did here [with Warhead] was focus on the mid-range, on the High setting. Not medium, but High. We're Crytek, so it's not Medium, it's High. [laughs] So then we scaled it up, and we said, "This is running, so now crank it on."
Why so negative? It looks like they recognize mistakes that they made with the first game, and are trying to improve on them. I'll probably pick it up on Thursday for $24 at Fry's.
I didn't get the original Crysis but the combination of low price, more focused game play and *possibly* better optimization/performance has me interested in Warhead.

They also seem to have gone ahead and eaten a bit of humble pie on their pre-launch claims that the original Crysis would run at at 700fps with DX12 enabled, ultra-superhigh graphics at a res of 4000x3000 on a $50 pc or whatever it was.


Ok, I jest ... but not much.

However I don't like how they keep not mentioning what resolution their "Crysis PC" is getting 30fps at high/gamer settings at or if that's while running around shooting stuff, or standing still staring at the ground.
Bernd Diemer: In Crysis, one thing we did--with the best intentions of course--was we switched the AI behavior quite fundamentally in the later levels with the aliens. So everything you learned from fighting humans wasn't valid anymore. And looking back, I think the switch was a bit too harsh.

Actually this makes a lot of sense. I think the biggest problem with the aliens level wasn't the aliens themselves, but the free floating inner mountain area. I actually quite liked the outside alien levels.

Caving and putting the human AI into the aliens does not sound like a good thing at all. We'll see I guess.
I'm going to wait for some reviews. For $30, if the single player game is better and the multiplayer is actually good, I would be willing to give it a go. If it looks and runs better, I'm going to have a hard time not getting it. I love being able to show my console gaming friends what a PC can do. :)

Also, it's available on steam...

and I'm addicted to buying stuff steam. :p
well if they expect me to buy warhead after the crap they pulled with crysis they have another thing coming.

I preordered and purchased crysis only to end up with a broken game that crytek gave up on .

crysis was a good game that just needed to be tweaked polished and cared for like all the other big shooters out there .

but instead crytek spat in my face said were not updating this anymore. because it is a waste of our time.

well your products are a waste of my money crytek inc.

you can take your silly excuses and your subpar games and stick em up your @ZZ .

I supported your products and what do i have to show for it ?

a almost completed game that could have been something if the team would have finished it .

i really hope it meets with the same sales as crysis because if those sales were not enough to support crysis .

i highly doubt these sales will be enough to support warhead .
and hopefully they will drop support for warhead..

then we will see the true lesson they learned . that gamers are saps who will by junk as long as there is good marketing spin on it.
I too didn't like that they stopped patching Crysis, it just felt really cheap. Yeah, the game was alright and then the Core level loaded up................................

But now we're privileged enough to have the opportunity to purchase what it should have been all along. So, no thanks... I'll send my $ to Blizzard for SC2.
In this time of waning PC developers, I feel somewhat like supporting Crytek.

I'm seriously annoyed at all the console ports... console games, for the most part, are for noobs :D There I said it :) I don't want to play linearized games which lack depth and are fraught with cut-scenes, scripted actions, and clunky controls...
Average of 30fps on a $700 machine=shit.

:rolleyes: Not really. As long as it runs smooth and doesn't stutter its fine. You don't need 60+ FPS on average to play Crysis. Even [H] has the playable bar set lower for Crysis as it is playable at a low FPS.
The review read like an advert. Probably because it is.

A review that was not paid for WOULD have specified SETTINGS and FRAME RATES rather than saying, generically, 'this game runs better than crysis'. Foobar.

CryTek has succeeded where no other software developer has before - see you at the bay, mates.

IGN PC is always like that, but they're not the only ones saying that it looks and runs better though. Driverheaven has a review up. They used a Q6600 and a GTX260 (no other specs mentioned) and were able to run it 1920x1200 at Enthusiast level (very-high) and got between 35 and 50 FPS. And then they said this: "Anyone with a 8800GTS or higher will be able to enjoy Crysis at high resolution with the eye candy on full. For those with slightly less impressive hardware, you can comfortably use Gamer setting, which increases frame rates by a good 20%. You do lose a little of the image quality obviously but it’s still very impressive."

Link to review:
why the hell does everyone say Crysis was "broken" it worked perfectly fine on my pc with high setting.. i really enjoyed the gameplay plus the graphics left me with a sense of awe i haven't had since FarCry... and its not like i have some uber-sli rig or nothing... i was happy to part with my $119 for it (and i'll be parting with whatever this game asks too)... yes $119.. i live in australia.. a $50 game is unheard of.... if it was $24 i'd probably buy a few copies to lend to friends!!!

i dont think crysis deserve the crap that it gets... i'd like to see you do better......
COD4 on the otherhand.. what a dull-looking ghetto piece of trash... dirty alleyways n shit.. yeah that was worth spending big $ on gfx cards... pffft.
why the hell does everyone say Crysis was "broken" it worked perfectly fine on my pc with high setting.. i really enjoyed the gameplay plus the graphics left me with a sense of awe i haven't had since FarCry... and its not like i have some uber-sli rig or nothing... i was happy to part with my $119 for it (and i'll be parting with whatever this game asks too)... yes $119.. i live in australia.. a $50 game is unheard of.... if it was $24 i'd probably buy a few copies to lend to friends!!!

1. Read the crysis threads - TONS of people had problems, regardless of your p[personal experience.
2. Go online RIGHT NOW and see that there are like five Crysis servers running the multiplayer - it's a buggy hackfest and it's not even 1 year old!
3. You compare Crysis to Far Cry - CryTek STUCK WITH Far Cry and patched it until the SP game was perfect. Far Cry is a masterpiece, one of the best PC shooters ever made. Crysis had WORSE AI (how is that even possible?) and tons of bugs, and the whole latter half of the game sucked.
i dont think crysis deserve the crap that it gets... i'd like to see you do better......

??? Dude, I am not a game publisher selling broken buggy software for $50. I don't have to do better, other developers ALREADY HAVE! (e.g. Half-Life 2, Chronicles of Riddick, Mass Effect, etc.)
1. Read the crysis threads - TONS of people had problems, regardless of your p[personal experience.
2. Go online RIGHT NOW and see that there are like five Crysis servers running the multiplayer - it's a buggy hackfest and it's not even 1 year old!
3. You compare Crysis to Far Cry - CryTek STUCK WITH Far Cry and patched it until the SP game was perfect. Far Cry is a masterpiece, one of the best PC shooters ever made. Crysis had WORSE AI (how is that even possible?) and tons of bugs, and the whole latter half of the game sucked.

??? Dude, I am not a game publisher selling broken buggy software for $50. I don't have to do better, other developers ALREADY HAVE! (e.g. Half-Life 2, Chronicles of Riddick, Mass Effect, etc.)

Mass Effect? ME has a shit ton of problems. They're "working on it", but considering how long it took for the first patch to come out....
Crysis gets so much flak because the audience it is geared toward is very small -- graphics enthusiasts who like sandbox gameplay.

I fall under this group and have had no problems playing this game since when I had an 8800GT.
I had no problems playing the game either. I didn't finish it because it got boring and then I read that they have given up on support/patched fo rit. To me that felt like a big "e have your money, so EFF YOU!". I will not be buying this until it hits some sort of bargain bin.
I can't believe all the bitching on here, I'll definitely be picking this up for $30. They've obviously realized they made a mistake before and are trying to make up for it. Not only did they work hard to make it run better, but they are selling if for damn near half of what most new games cost. If some of you can't see that as an olive branch, and give them another chance, then you need to grow up.

As somebody else said, there aren't many PC developers left, so you should take the opportunity to support the ones that are still left. Be glad that they actually give a shit enough to listen to your bitching and moaning about how sorry their first game is, and actually try and do something about it. The status quo for most developers has been to tell PC gamers to go screw themselves and move to the console (EA, Epic anyone?). So keep acting like a bunch of crybabies, and pirate the game to show them who's boss, pretty soon you won't have anything to cry about anymore.
I can't believe all the bitching on here, I'll definitely be picking this up for $30. They've obviously realized they made a mistake before and are trying to make up for it. Not only did they work hard to make it run better, but they are selling if for damn near half of what most new games cost. If some of you can't see that as an olive branch, and give them another chance, then you need to grow up.

Wrong. It's not an olive branch, it's a product and they are selling it to make money. CryTek dropped support for Crysis - even though they acknowledged it ran poorly, was buggy, and had broken multiplayer, all so they could work on another MONEY MAKER. Don't be naive.
I can't believe all the bitching on here, I'll definitely be picking this up for $30. They've obviously realized they made a mistake before and are trying to make up for it. Not only did they work hard to make it run better, but they are selling if for damn near half of what most new games cost. If some of you can't see that as an olive branch, and give them another chance, then you need to grow up. .
Half the price because it's 5 hours of gameplay. It has NOTHING to do with an olive branch.
Well I'm looking forward to see how my 4870X2 does on this game.

Good news for enthusiasts at least is that Warhead + STALKER Clear Sky will finally test some video cards.

I do have to wonder though, if Warhead shows that original Crysis was very unoptimized...
I've read some reviews and it seems like they really dug in and optimized their code to make it run much better on standard rigs rather than the bleeding edge 4870x2 crossfired Q9xx0 rigs :)

For 30 bucks I'll pick it up. I've never played the first one but I rather not spend that much on a game that I know won't be performing as well as it's sequel/whatever you call it.

So many games, so little time :( Witcher, STALKER, Crysis on Steam lately... it's like Steam wants my wallet... and not to mention my PS3 preorders with Motorstorm, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Eternal Sonata (finally)... my income is taking a beating :<
(18) You will not discuss, suggest, engage, or encourage any ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. Links provided to locations that deal with any such activity are also expressly forbidden.

If you're going to do so, it would be a good idea to not say anything about it here...

Just a friendly warning. ;)

You're also not supposed to backseat mod

Just a friendly warning ;)
Thats the kind of reasoning I'd expect from a child that has no viable knowledge of the world, not from an adult. If you don't want to "sick it to them" don't play it. Don't buy it. Don't pirate it. Simple don't play it. You vote with your wallet, NOT your internet connection.


If you disagree, I'd be glad to hear WHY, but the pot-shot and run won't get us anywhere. Buddy.

*sigh* kids...

Where is it you think this is supposed to "get us"? If I need to tell you why you can't steal, then you need to go talk to your mommy and have her explain why you aren't supposed to do that. :rolleyes:
If I need to tell you why you can't steal, then you need to go talk to your mommy and have her explain why you aren't supposed to do that. :rolleyes:
I just asked her and she said it was because I would be depriving them the use physical property which I had taken.

Oh wait, I see you're incorrectly equating copyright infringement with theft... not that I'm encouraging it, but it's disingenuous to suggest they are the same thing and have the same effect.
did they say in the interview if they were going to fix crysis or not?

We're still evaluating the possibility of bringing all three products we now have on the same level, but that's something you have to look at really really carefully, because that's a big challenge for us. So maybe even patching the old game up to use the performance improvements we did on Warhead. That's something we're discussing internally, but there's no final call on that yet.

Probably not.
We're still evaluating the possibility of bringing all three products we now have on the same level, but that's something you have to look at really really carefully, because that's a big challenge for us. So maybe even patching the old game up to use the performance improvements we did on Warhead. That's something we're discussing internally, but there's no final call on that yet.

Probably not.

Translation, "We are looking into it but are having problems trying to modify the engine".