Crytek Is Going Exclusively Free-to-Play

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
But...but...but, you won't be able to blame pirates anymore for "lost sales" if you go free-to-play. :eek:

"As we were developing console games we knew, very clearly, that the future is online and free-to-play," Yerli told VideoGamer. "Right now we are in the transitional phase of our company, transitioning from packaged goods games into an entirely free-to-play experience."
Boo... if F2P is such a great system (hint: it isn't), then why not switch to it immediately!

I guess part of it is that an SP experience is hard to milk with microtransactions...

screw that...
After Crysis 3 , Homefront 2 and whatever else. They plan to then go for a F2P so they can attempt to convince gamers into buying whatever garbage DLC they can push on them.

Crytek is developing Homefront 2?
Well, at least they are finally pricing their games at actual worth. :p


Seriously though, this is bullcrap. It's going to be free to walk around in a tiny, barren environment, sure. But if you want actual textures, sound, weapons, items, multiplayer, a access to the campaign/story mode, the ability to save your game, etc, all that is going to be $10 a piece. And altogether it's going to cost $100 instead of $50-60. But don't worry, this is what's best for gaming. This is the future.
Let me guess. Every game will require the always-on nonsense like Diablo 3.

F these guys.
Free to play == Pay to Win

Not always. Look at League of Legends. F2P game and balance isn't spoiled by the cash shop. All the cash shop is for is cosmetics and shortcuts to unlocks that you can get without paying.

And they make loads of cash. So pulled off correctly, F2P is certainly viable without being Pay to Win.
Let me guess. Every game will require the always-on nonsense like Diablo 3.

F these guys.

I can browse the internet a lot, but when the network is down, I play more games. That's a great time to play games. Can't get work done online... If I want to go online to play, it will be multiplayer game. No way for a single player.

I like Crytek, but I won't go for a free to play game. Just not my cup of tea. I've tried some of those, and didn't like them. I'm not buying a lot of little things just to get ahead in the game. Fuck that. Some people spend thousands on Farmville, but that's an exception.
I would hope that people would avoid this like the plague and Crytek goes down the toilet. But I know that's not going to happen. Our Video Game industry is so screwed up with all this DLC and Microtransactions that the games themselves are starting to suffer for the effort. The publishers are treating the gaming industry like the music industry and look where that is at today......

I've played many "F2P" games where the premium content always had an unbalancing effect.

But to be fair there are many that don't. F2P works if its just cosmetic changes , it fails when you start paying for an "edge".
Not always. Look at League of Legends. F2P game and balance isn't spoiled by the cash shop. All the cash shop is for is cosmetics and shortcuts to unlocks that you can get without paying.

One bad thing about f2p games is the communities that surround them. They are usually full of shitheads.

You can join a f2p game for nothing, piss people off, get banned and just make another account over and over. Load up whatever exploit, get banned more, make another account over and over. Getting repeatedly banned in a $30 game would get expensive fast, but f2p theres no possible punishment or deterrant the owners can hand out.

It's not like the paid for crytek games are secure or cheat free either. :D
No sir, I don't like it!

Gaming a la carte, in app purchases, fuck that shit!

Damn right. Too bad Crytek, I like your work. F2P is balls on sucks.

reading the article, to me it doesn't sound like they will be making console / pc games anymore but just stuff like iphone, xbox live arcade type games. Which is how / why they will be f2p. they won't be releasing Crysis 4 as F2P, Crysis 3 will be the last one in the series (unless somebody else takes the rights for the game) and they will stop making games like that.
I'd be fine with free to play if there was an option to pay $50-60 for all content. But instead if you want the full game you have to get nickle and dimed for hundreds.
I like the way TF2 goes about F2P.

My girlfriend started an account and they wouldn't let her trade and only gave her one page of items in her backpack. So what did she do? She spent like 5 bucks in the store and it unlocked everything. More money than most games from 07/08 make these days :p

Also Valve didn't make any items you HAVE to pay for to get.. you can always get the items through a trade or a random drop. Impatient people will be wiping the wallet out if they want something that bad.
Free to Play as in "tired of losing to people with better skills? buy this armor and gun for 10 bucks". Oh, we know you pretty well, you fucking piece of shit f2p model. GO THE FUCK AWAY

Want no ads in-game, more servers etc? Sign up for the $4.99/mo service.
Even Quake Live ended up charging in the end. Bait and switch.!premium

I rather pay upfront.
You gotta be kidding me. id Software actually offers a great premium service with QuakeLive. The ability to spawn a server anywhere in the world through a fairly oversimplified web interface is pure gold. I hope they reuse this platform in DOOM 4 and forward.
Crysis 3
Start with Nanosuit with stealth capabilities + hand gun with unlimited ammo!

Strength upgrade +$1
Speed upgrade +$1
Machine gun $1
Unlimited machine gun ammo +$1
Well I actually read the article and in that article they had a video preview of Warfare which is one of their F2P fps games. And wow, that looked like fun and it was great looking as well. I would defintely definitely suggest you guys go back and watch that video so that you get a better idea of what you get for free. (sans the obvious things in that video that look like extra $$ items.)
Selling player power in the cash shop is not in any F2P game run by a reputable company. Sure some companies do, and those games are crap and fail after a little while.

That doesn't mean the entire business model is crap. It's the future for a lot of PC games - more exposure for the developer, and no risk for the consumer. It's really a win/win situation if done properly (i.e., no selling of power).
In other news: No one gives a fuck about Crytek.
Want no ads in-game, more servers etc? Sign up for the $4.99/mo service.
Even Quake Live ended up charging in the end. Bait and switch.!premium

I rather pay upfront.
Same here. I'd rather buy the game once and play it forever. I can still play oldschool Quake any time I want.

Free to play == Pay to Win
Which is exactly why I'll be avoiding this sort of thing. The only DLC I'll buy is something like a mission pack expansion for a single-player campaign.
I don't think crytek can make a compelling enough game that will survive F2P model.

looking at Warface, i think "egh. I've seen this shit before...."
Want no ads in-game, more servers etc? Sign up for the $4.99/mo service. Even Quake Live ended up charging in the end. Bait and switch.
Quake Live is still free to play and still losing money every quarter. They're being pretty charitable by keeping the damn thing online at all, 'cause that shit isn't even paying its own bills, let alone turning a profit.
You gotta be kidding me. id Software actually offers a great premium service with QuakeLive. The ability to spawn a server anywhere in the world through a fairly oversimplified web interface is pure gold. I hope they reuse this platform in DOOM 4 and forward.

It's not about the service quality, it's about paying a "monthly or annual fee" to play the game that was otherwise a flat cost at retail.
F2P is a way for devs to fight piracy and eliminate product value depreciation(monthly fee). It also gives them a license to spam advertising to non-paying customers.
I can't see how the consumer receives a fair deal when at the end of the service agreement, after 1+ years a person loses all of the perks they paid for.

Flat Rate > Annual Membership - One of the main reasons why I left XBL.

This reminds me of this Martin episode called Rent Em Spoons!
You serve them the soup for free, and the rent the spoons to eat. LMFAO! :p
Dollar here, a dollar there, that shit adds up quick. People only see hey its free til they play it and all the cool shit costs money. Well its only $5 a month, oh wait a gun pack for $5, different costumes $1 a piece. Before they realize they have spent well over the $60 the game should have cost.

The only f2p games I do are stupid android games to kill time.
Damn I'm trying to teach my youngest son about this F2P shit. He doesn't understand money well enough yet, just numbers. He says $5 isn't that big a number to buy some platinum, but I try to tell him and get him to understand that virtual crap is worthless. It's not worth any amount of money. Now some of friends say, well you pay a monthly fee for your MMO. I counter that rhetoric with explanation its my cable ala cart purchase :p