crytek video posted on front page


Oct 26, 2005
Does that video have a clip of a guy 1 shotting a tree, sliceing it completly in half or are my eyes deceiving me? It's no twig either, its a tree. I thought at first he unloaded a clip into it but after re-watching he missed his first 2 shots and then hit with the third. It definately gets sliced in half before the edit where they show him reloading.

So what I got from this video wasn't the cool eye candy, but rather the fact that we can 1 shot trees in this game! :)
Drepd said:
Does that video have a clip of a guy 1 shotting a tree, sliceing it completly in half or are my eyes deceiving me? It's no twig either, its a tree. I thought at first he unloaded a clip into it but after re-watching he missed his first 2 shots and then hit with the third. It definately gets sliced in half before the edit where they show him reloading.

So what I got from this video wasn't the cool eye candy, but rather the fact that we can 1 shot trees in this game! :)

It's the natural evolution of the FPS genre: 1 shot kill trees :D
You've never seen the movie Predator with my man Arnold?

They laid WASTE to some trees in that movie!
Steve said:
You've never seen the movie Predator with my man Arnold?

They laid WASTE to some trees in that movie!

A classic 80's movie with two Governors.

They must have fired over a thousand rounds though...
Steve said:
You've never seen the movie Predator with my man Arnold?

They laid WASTE to some trees in that movie!


True story: I used to work at KayBee Toy Store in Minneapolis, MN and one day a big, scruffy lookin' guy came in and bought some jingle bells. The one and only Jesse Ventura. :D I told him, "Dude, you were awesome in Predator". To which he replies, "Thanks man. I'm just waiting for the version where Arnold gets HIS chest shot out."

ROFL - Classic memories... :D


Crysis looks good. REAL good.
If you really wanted to give Jesse Ventura some praise, you should have told him that Abracksus: Guardian of the Universe was the best movie ever! :D
I thought this was a full size tree we were talkign about here, but after watching the video It seems pretty feasible to me that a tree that size would fall over in a fire fight. Also, judging by the way the tree fell, it seems more to me that its the enemy behind the cover's rounds that take down the down the tree, not the players so its hard to tell how many times it actually got hit.
Steve said:
You've never seen the movie Predator with my man Arnold?

They laid WASTE to some trees in that movie!

oh hell yea, thanks for the great memory. I f-ing loved that movie when I was a kid.
J-Mag said:
A classic 80's movie with two Governors.

They must have fired over a thousand rounds though...

Blain [Jesse Ventura]: Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here. This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.

Poncho: You're bleeding, man.
Blain: I ain't got time to bleed.
[Poncho shoots a bunch of grenades up to the top of the cliff]
Poncho: You got time to duck?