CS:S for $9.99 on steam


Feb 26, 2008
Yeah I've never played a Counter Strike game(played a CS-like mod for UT2k4 though).

How is Counter Strike? Is it up there with TF2 in playability?
Hell yes! Finally!

I've been waiting for this deal for a long time. I needed CS:S again for my new Steam account. (Yeah, I'm a cheapskate).

I'm going to get the Counter-Strike Complete package.

Also, Lost Planet just got a 50% price drop. It's $20 now.
Sweet deal. I'll have to coax my friends into getting it.

Thanks for the heads up. :)
CS both 1.6 and :S still sells very well (according to steams top10 sales list)
I wonder why Valve decided to bargain the game for a weekend.

Nice price but most people that want to play CS probably already own it since they're already cheap to begin with.
is lost planet worth the $20??? I want to try that game but am unsure. Damn steam is such an awesome place
Check some of the packages its bundled with its bound to be cheap bundled with other games you'd like.

It's pretty fun, better with mods like gungame IMO.
Please tell me that was sarcasm :D
I used to scrim with my friends in CS 1.6... I guess that's what I liked about the game. Only one of them bought CS:S, but ended up going back to 1.6. Didn't see much point in shelling out $20 or $30 for this. $10, however, is hard to pass up.