CS:S in SLI mode = artifacts


Jul 2, 2004
Just built a new system this past week, specs:

AMD 4400+ X2 (dual core)
2x 74gb WD SATA Raptor 10k rpm (in RAID 0)
320gb WD SATA
2x evga 7900gt ko (in sli)
2gb corsair ddr400

Anyhow, im getting weird artifacts (it almost looks like static) on the majority of my screen when SLI is enabled. The game runs fine without SLI. Any reason / fix for this? FYI all the other games I have tested with SLI enabled (bf2, oblivion, ut2k4) work fine.
No idea, you could try installing coolbits and playing around with clock speed, or your could try removing 1 card and testing them each seperatly.
would it matter that im running in winxp 64? i havn't installed 32-bit yet, gonna do that later on to test.
If I am not mistaken, CS:S doesn't really get faster with SLi in the first place, why even bother?