cs:source cheating


Jan 18, 2004
i see referances all the time to the vast amount of cheating in source. i've heard people say that they aren't going to play until they take care of it. i'm a bit perplexed by this. a little curious how long they intend to wait to play. valve did a wonderful job getting rid of cheaters by 1.6- so i expect the same timeframe for source.

i guess what i'm asking is why it is such a big deal. source is going to have cheaters just like regular cs did.so find a good server or a good group of people, chip in on the server and get admin and boom. you can fix that cheating problem. i think i've run into 3 people with hacks.exe on my server- one of them couldn't hit anything even with the speed hack. i felt so sorry for him. he really needed it. :( most of the time its just ghosting. but hey, that will always happen.
yes, all little bitch cry babies need to do is find a server with no hackers and stick with that. i got many if anyone needs any ips haha.
I think most people were turned off CS and never want to go back because of the few cheaters that were there long ago and the focus of cheaters on it more-so than any other game.

I'll say that i played CS quite alot, from the first betas infact, and when 1.5 / 1.6 came around the cheating went way down and i hardly ever saw a person cheating. But most people are just sought of 'finished' with it, its just too out dated.
GOD'SlittleSERVANT said:
yes, all little bitch cry babies need to do is find a server with no hackers and stick with that. i got many if anyone needs any ips haha.

This doesn't relate to the cheaters but I have a general question about CS:S that I hope maybe someone can answer. Since CS:S is basically the old game on the new engine will the old maps (user maps and such) work from the regular Counter Strike to Counter Strike: Source?
I think CS:S is a blast ..but I guess I just havnt found a "good" server yet .

I see alot of speed hacks , and being a noob and knowing that there are some really good players out there , I cant really distinguish whether or not wall hacks and/or aimbots and that kind of stuff is going on.
suspect someone of cheating? spectate them in first person. (see what they see) ... and you can bust them almost imidiately.

then just go find another server, because none of these dumbasses will ever admit it, and no admin seems to want to kick them.
I think the people saying, "stop bitching, just find another server" are part of the reason why the cheating got so bad in the first place.
If you've played 1.6 lately, you'll realize they did "a wonderful job" for about 4 months.
The fact that we can even discuss the cheaters is disgusting. I played CS for years, and am formally DONE with it and anything related to it. I cannot stress enough how lame and outdated the game is now, but thats just my opinion. CS:S is just a 5 year old game with a facelift, ..... and people PAY for it.

No excuses for cheaters, we shouldn't have to go to another server. The fact is ... CS and CS:S suck, because of the rampant hacking. Valve does little to prevent it, mainly because they know a LARGE percentage of their players hack. Why turn the majority of your fanbase away from your product ? Valve knows this, and doesn't nothing.

CS and CS:S are the armpit of online gaming.

/spits on Valve

(No animals were harmed in the creation of this wonderful post).
I think a lot of the reason that CS is still so popular is because it is one of the most unrealistic games around today. Most games moved towards realism but CS is still back 5 years ago where realism was no existant.
theNoid said:
No excuses for cheaters, we shouldn't have to go to another server. The fact is ... CS and CS:S suck, because of the rampant hacking. Valve does little to prevent it, mainly because they know a LARGE percentage of their players hack. Why turn the majority of your fanbase away from your product ? Valve knows this, and doesn't nothing.

CS and CS:S are the armpit of online gaming.

/spits on Valve

(No animals were harmed in the creation of this wonderful post).

i concur. :D
Eh, every game is the same. It comes down to personal preference. Until some game company comes up with the equivalent of a multiplayer Rez or something similarly amazing, you shouldn't use the, "It's generic!" argument. Every other game is too, CS was just one of the first ones to do the team-based thing right.

There hasn't been any innovation in the genre for a long, long time. Everybody just tweaks the formula a little bit and calls it revolutionary.
wat is this speed hacks you are all talking of ? I play cs source every day and have yet to see a cheater in it... however i played cs 1.6 the other day jsut to see how crappy it was and the first server i was in there was a guy int he middle of the map snapping around with the autosniper headshotting everybody in the server throo walls and everything... ij ust laughed and left... i think that source doesn't have any cheats and the old cs does.. i quit the old cs because of the cheats but now i am playing source and i have totally gottne back into coutner strike!


EDIT: lol cigolon nice sig
CS has excellent gameplay, and IMHO* all it needed was a graphical update to make it shine to me again. I love the game, and if it wasn't for the excellent singleplayer Half-Life2 i would be playing it now. Currently in HL2 i'm getting the shit kicked out of me by striders. HL2 is the hardest FPS i've played in ages, so much harder than doom3 again IMHO.

IMHO all you cs haters should go play something else, i heard doom3's multiplayer is really fresh and new.. lol@sarcasm of the last sentence. Besides we should have a simple HL2 based multiplayer mode soon enough.

of course cheaters suck, and i try to find servers without cheaters on them. CS has been cheated on so many times i'm sure it will never have a serious long term relationship again. I suppose that last joke would be lost on all the "parents basement" dwelling loosers that have never been closer to a woman than choking their chickens to a JPEG.

I love valve, thank god they didn't chicken out like so many other game developers and just ship an unfinished game missing its most innovative features (cough fable, gran turismo 4 cough). I know alot of people have problems with Hl2, but its a massive game, and developing for computer hardware is always problematic. At least i don't crash every minutes like i did with doom3.

*which is always right.
The problem with cheating isn't so much getting beaten by cheaters, or even having cheaters directly ruin your fun. The problem comes from the incredible paranoia and excuses created by knowing that people can cheat. If you don't cheat but do well, you will have to live with people accusing you of cheating, constantly. If you see someone doing well and aren't quite sure what they're doing, part of you will assume they're cheating. It just taints the entire experience.
GOD'SlittleSERVANT said:
yes, all little bitch cry babies need to do is find a server with no hackers and stick with that. i got many if anyone needs any ips haha.

.........../___ \
.............|_| OMG HAX

actually the only cheaters i've had problems with are the admins. if i've been playing any cheaters on the servers then i've either been playing WITH them or i just own them anyways
yes, cheating is real. but cheating is real in ANY GAME. are there a lot in cs? yes. of course, its the most popular online game..ever. so naturally the law of averages finds its place. if you are done with cs, wonderful. but that isn't my argument. i'm saying that every game has cheaters, invariablity you create a better lock you get a better thief. so you are always given the choice of either 1) dont play or 2) find a good place to play.

i dont understand why the second is such a forbidden thing. i'm not all about valve or anything like that, i'm just saying that too many people expect a perfect product that is unhackable. that simply just isn't the case with anything.

like i said, i've seen 3 people with hacks...since the beta. so thats several months. and the server stays almost all day long. its not a big deal and i dont understand why people cry about it all the time.
good server = good ping + good admin + fun players
warsawtag said:
wat is this speed hacks you are all talking of ? I play cs source every day and have yet to see a cheater in it... however i played cs 1.6 the other day jsut to see how crappy it was and the first server i was in there was a guy int he middle of the map snapping around with the autosniper headshotting everybody in the server throo walls and everything... ij ust laughed and left... i think that source doesn't have any cheats and the old cs does.. i quit the old cs because of the cheats but now i am playing source and i have totally gottne back into coutner strike!


EDIT: lol cigolon nice sig

You'll know it when you see it .. I was one server and a mygot guy was on going a billion miles an hour .. he was saying it was way harder to shoot other peeps cause your going so fast , so he would generally just run up on you and knife you then ..

was on another server and 2 guys were using the speed hack .. you would spawn and instantly you see them dart off, again at about a billion miles an hour.

CS:S is fun and I usually get "PWN3D" or whatever ...but still fun, and I do have my moments where I'm in the zone so to speak and I get a bunch of headshots in a row runnen and gunnen ... but those spurts usually dont last very long ...darn :)
The people who downplay the rampant cheating are cheaters or have friends that cheat. You know there's a problem when there are servers that are "cheater only"

Plenty of admins hack on their own servers and will ban you if you call them or their buddies out on their hax :(
i do agree that 1.6 did fix a lot of hacking but now its getting bad again, i have seen so many people with that yahm script going. the best part is when they try to deny it or tell everyone who calls them a hacker a nub.

source is the same game just with a face lift. ill play it just because thats what people will migrate to over the next 6 months to year. havent seen any hacking in it yet but that will change very quickly wihtout a VAC type service.
Oh man I saw 3 Ts pin a speed hacker up against a box in Dust, it was so funny. FF was off so the cheater couldn't do anything.
I myself also havent seena cheater yet and think the blame on CS is overdone already. Teh game is well polished and complaingin about cheating wont help the situation, email valve and tell them what you saw. Thats the only way it will get fixed.
UltimateMan said:

ya since ive been playing since beta........
I haven't seem major cheating...but it's a bit more difficult to tell with source. I've seen people get kills constantly even though their crosshairs were a second behind a person, but I always just figured it was lag on my part..or something.

Anyway..I like how so many people claim to write and create hacks..yet can't answer the question of what language they write in.
I also nnotice the headshots when the cursor is always behind the player, but its just alg. By the time we see the bullet hit the head on our screen, that person has already done it and the comp just shows us the death before the headshot to stay synched with game play.
came across a very blatant cheater just today. he would start shooting before he saw anyone, regardless of they were making noise. he also would stand behind thin doors/walls and pick off people far away. wasn't very subtle. plus the way he was talking to people, you could just tell that something was up. i stuck around to kill him once, then i left. hehe

but yea sometimes they are just really good, but sometimes they do cheat, and its apparent. Given the oppurtunity to take a steel pipe to their PC and beat the cheater within an inch of their life, yea, i would definately take it. im not a violent person, but i wouldn't feel bad doing that. :eek:
i haven't played much source, but i have never even seen a cheater. maybe i'm just lucky.
minc3d said:
Ive also been playing CSS since beta and havent seen a cheater yet.

then either you are a cheater... or have no idea how to spot one.
minc3d said:
Ive also been playing CSS since beta and havent seen a cheater yet.

I'd say you're lying. At one point people were using console commands to see through walls. Anyone could do it and didn't need to download a wallhack. When people were made aware of the console cheat you couldn't find a single server where things didn't go down.
console cheat? i have never heard of that one... all i know is i have yet to see a cheater since being in the beta and i have playn cs since beta .5

Cheating online is obviously a very touchy subject... Most people loath people who wallhack/aimbot online, including me. Its even worse when they aren't trying to hide it, laugh when they ruin everyone's game, and aren't getting kicked from the server. Some people, including me, do not have many servers to choose from. Having to play against cheaters on my lowest pinging, crowded pub server stops me from playing at all those nights. Although I can honestly say I do not encounter hax very often as I tend to NOT play cs or cs:s...

Online cheating is like the salem witch trials now though! People are so ready to accuse and blame "witch", that they cannot distinguish between an honest skilled player and someone using a hack. You get some admin who is a fuckin huge noob and they haven't a CLUE what to look for or how to distinguish someone cheating from someone legit. So that admin just boots and bans honest players. My girlfriend, who many have declared to be the best female SoF2 DM player (( :) )) almost always encounters someone accusing her of cheating everytime she sits down to play. I've seen her get kicked, banned many times from servers because she just owns them... We live in central Canada in a small town with a very shitty ISP... most of our servers in ALL popular online FPS games are 100+ ping. I have yet to find ANY server in ANY fps online game where I ping 30 or less... So her problem is that they see her 140 ping, see her owning everyone on the server who mostly have 30 - 80 ping and they call hax... :rolleyes:

Same happens with me in RA3. I join a server with 100 ping solid.. which to anyone who plays RA3 is high ping. Most players in RA3 have 40 or less. I start leading the server in frags and damage and suddenly I hack. Or Im cheating somehow. I've been kicked many times as well because of some noob / noobs who don't know how to spot a hack or tell if someone is just more skilled and has luck on their side that night.

So yes, I have a very big problem with people who hack. Not only do they ruin the very few good servers I can choose from to play on, but they fuck up everyone else's paranoia causing everyone to blame hacks on anyone with skill or someone who is honestly kicking their ass.

Since I haven't played much CS:s at all, I haven't encountered a cheater yet, but my friend who has been playing lots since HL2 came out said he has noticed lots that have been hacking...

Just be thankful that you have morals, values and chivalry in your soul and continue to play online without the .exe's, wallhacks, aimbots and etc etc... YOU are the ones that are appreciated and respected. Im proud to have been taught some respect for others, and to realize its a human being with feelings and agenda's behind that alias and they just want a fair challenge. Karma is god. Learn to love it, it will love you back. :)
so far i havent run into a single person with hax, and ive been playing source since hl2 came out. if your looking for a good server, try the [H]ardgaming servers :D
In counterstrike, I've seen many cheaters who OBVIOUSLY were cheating. Fortunately, I'm a server admin so they get an automatic BIZZAN. It's pretty obvious someone is hacking when you hide in a corner the whole round, and he "miraculously" finds you every round and headshots you. At least try and be subtle :rolleyes: I can't say I haven't encountered a cheater in CS:S, because there was this speedhacker back when CSS was beta. Also, with the number of headshots you get in CSS, it's sometimes hard to spot those hackers who are good at hiding their hacks.

Me, I have never hacked in my life. I don't even know how to install hacks, and I'm afraid to download hacks because you never know what is in those things....www.pwned.nl anybody? ;)
Noodle Boy said:
In counterstrike, I've seen many cheaters who OBVIOUSLY were cheating. Fortunately, I'm a server admin so they get an automatic BIZZAN. It's pretty obvious someone is hacking when you hide in a corner the whole round, and he "miraculously" finds you every round and headshots you. At least try and be subtle :rolleyes: I can't say I haven't encountered a cheater in CS:S, because there was this speedhacker back when CSS was beta. Also, with the number of headshots you get in CSS, it's sometimes hard to spot those hackers who are good at hiding their hacks.

Me, I have never hacked in my life. I don't even know how to install hacks, and I'm afraid to download hacks because you never know what is in those things....www.pwned.nl anybody? ;)
In addition to rampant cheating, which I also abhor, there tends to be the related problem of over-accusing. Often do good players run into these sorts of admins, who "know" you're hacking because someone "finds you in a corner" every round. Let's be honest, CS is an old game, there are no camping/hiding/defensive spots we haven't all seen a thousand times before. This is not to say that paranoia is a worse problem than the hacks themselves, but certainly, and unfortunately, it has become one in its own right.