CSS Bugs


Limp Gawd
Nov 16, 2006

I'm trying to get a layout working properly in IE7 and keep running into problems with two aspects of the site that I can't seam to figure out.

If you view the site (solved) in Firefox everything shows up and naturally functions correctly, but if you view the site in IE7 the text under the red tabs vanishes and the main content area get's clipped.

Anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix these problems?
I suggest on fixing these first.

EDIT: Whoa. In IE, CTRL+F "bannerage". Notice anything weird?

I fixed the css bug, granted it was complaining about the color. The bulk of the errors are part of the gallery script I have on the site and are mainly browser targeting and in no way related to the problems.

On a side note I was able to correct the problem with the top text so the remaining problem is how to get the content height to function correctly in IE?

Thanks again!