CSS Developers Look Here


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2006
I am looking to get some help on my website and willing to pay. The website layout will be pretty basic consisting of a header, body, and footer. There will be 2 columns in the body where the content will be.

I have made the website exactly how I want it to look in Photoshop but do not know how to implement the css for it to be setup properly. I have built a few basic websites before, but never using css so there are gaps in knowledge in regards to coding, alignment, etc.

Basically, I need someone to guide me through the process of building the site. The correspondence can be done through aim or another instant messaging program.

Please pm me if you are interested and we can discuss the details.
...any takers?

I will compensate you for your time. It really should not take too much of your time and I am willing to work around your schedule. Please contact me asap.