currently res/pump in 1 loop add an additional pump?


Limp Gawd
Nov 27, 2005
I currently have a koolance integrated case which works great up until this point. I'm planning on using DTEK blocks for two new components (1 q6700 and 1 8800gt block at this time) migrating from my old single apogee cpu block (air cooled x1800).

As the koolance has an integrated pump with resevoir pushing a measily 135 gph, I'm wondering if it's possible to add another pump? I'm planning on probably adding another 120x2 radiator (since I may add another 8800gt in the near future)in addition to the 120x2 that sits on top. I highly doubt that the integrated pump will push it, so I was wondering if it's possible to just add an additional (quiet) pump to the mix?

If this is possible what is the best loop setup(res/pump->cpu->pump->gpu->gpu->resevoir?>? I want to avoid splitting this into two loops even though it seems like it'll be the easiest if possible.
No real reason to add another pump... Flow rate doesn't really mean much. High flow systems are vastly an antiquated idea now with really low restriction components.
I wouldn't doubt they are.

Try it, and report your temps back. I run my pump at around 150gph with 2 radiators, and 2 waterblocks and see no temperature difference between that and running it at 317gph.