Currently using 1 dell 1800FP considering going for a dual monitor setup, what to get


Nov 30, 2004
I am currently and have been using a dell 1800FP for over a year now, its a great monitor. I was recently thinking of putting together a dual monitor setup. Basically what i was thinking was I could either find another 1800FP from ebay or somewhere for probablly around 325.00 or so. Or I could buy a coupld of new 1704FP's from dell for around 522.00, but I could then try to sell my 1800FP for around 250.00-275.00, making total cost of the 1704's about 250.00 to 270.00. SO the 17's would both be brand new and cost about 50+ bucks less then another 1800FP.

My space is kinda tight, but I am reasonably sure 2 1800FPs would work. I know they will fit, it will be a bit tight though, just not sure how it will look exactly with those 2 big monsters crowding my desk. One reason I am leaning towards the dells is thier price/performance ratio. I also like the fact that they can hook up to both VGA and DVI at the same time with a button to change betweent the inputs. My plan was to use the dual VGA otu of my biostar 200N combined with the dual DVI of whatever video card I buy in my new rig. That way I can have dual monitors on both my rigs in a confined space. I also like the ability of the 1704's to rotate to the portarit mode. I spend a lot of time on the web and think that would be a benefit. Not to mention I think for some things having a 6x4 ratio as opposed to a 8x3 ratio monitor setup would be nice.

But I also like how big the 1800's are. So what would you do in my position?
you could pair it up with a 1901fp or something, you would not be able to notice a BIG difference...Only the stand you would....Or try to find a 1800/1801, maybe in their reburb section...
Isn't the 1901 bigger? I think I would notice that differance? Why would I want to get a 1901 anyways, whne I can either getting another matching 1800FP or sell mine and get 2 new 1704FP's?