Cyber Café of Tomorrow

In the future, why would anyone need a cybercafe? Even today the concept is kind of outmoded, at least in western countries where people make decent incomes.
most of it is possible ... .induction charging for the phone, touch screen for the keyboard, it's just the monitor that needs to be developed....
the keyboard is in the seat? but people put their dirty ass there......and you eat there too. its like eating someone else's shit.
The seats look very uncomfortable

Based on the fact that this is a design for the future, you have to take the time into account. In the future, we will be much more obese, therefore negating the need for comfy chairs. Our asses will be dragging beanbags.
I could see having it in an airport or something, tied in with a coffee shop. Maybe some kinda polarization on the screens to make then difficult to see by strangers.
I still fail to understand the logic behind semi-transparent monitors.

I would think it would be incredibly irritating to look at that for a prolonged period of time.

I get having semi-transparent windows on the workspace, but I don't understand a semi-transparent monitor.

Also those look uncomfortable. Super uncomfortable.
The cyber cafe is dead. Laptops and wi-fi killed it. Now every cafe is a cyber cafe.

Why would you (presumably) spend extra money to use some random public computer in some restaurant where food isn't the first priority, when you could bring your own laptop (with your own data and software) and use wi-fi at any one of like a million Starbucks in the US? Or use 3G tethering with a smartphone?
^ Because some of us only take our laptops around when we are on a business trip. I do not have any need for my computer when I am on a leisure trip, and I do not want to be worried 24/7 about it when I just want to lay down on the beach drinking from a coconut.
Look at the 3rd picture, the keyboard is in the desktop, the seat is a chair underneath it.

That said the semi-transparent thing looks obnoxious as hell, and if light can shine through one way it can the other which means snoops wouldn't even need to shoulder surf any longer.
Cool, but doesn't look very comfortable. It would definitely have to be a bit more homey for me to go there. A little more wood and cushion and a little less glass/plastic please?
No. Why the hell would anyone want to doing any significant amount of typing on a flat surface? One of the best inventions ever was buttons. When there is a tech that gives you precise and immediate tactile feedback about location of your fingers and state of the key.. then okay. Right now we have nothing like that and touch screens for typing still suck balls compared to keyboards.
No. Why the hell would anyone want to doing any significant amount of typing on a flat surface? One of the best inventions ever was buttons. When there is a tech that gives you precise and immediate tactile feedback about location of your fingers and state of the key.. then okay. Right now we have nothing like that and touch screens for typing still suck balls compared to keyboards.
Well it would be easier to clean, which is an issue I have with publicly-used keyboards. Pesky germs. But yeah, I agree that a regular keyboard is superior in other regards.
Yeah but images like this seem meant to look futuristic, but not actually be futuristic.

It's like 1950's images of people flyin around on jetpacks and using convoluted appliances for tasks that don't require them.

Buttons are not bad, they are awesome. Someone tell Apple that please. Remember their one-button mouse? idiocy. Also I like the websites dedicated to hilariously-corrected iphone texts. That stuff never happens to me, because my droid phone has freakin' buttons and autocorrect disabled.
I'm liking the terminals and touch tables - grade A, but the bland white walls and floor remind me more of a sterile hospital ward or something. It's too bland and sterile. Did I mention it looks bland and sterile?