Cyberpunk 2077

This is one of the few games where I did every side quest, including the small Gigs. Have around 130 or more hours into it. Did all the endings. Nothing else for me to do anymore in game. It could have been a bit better but I still enjoyed it more than most similar games. It is too bad we won't gt more expansions. With luck a sequel enters development soon but I have to assume the next Witcher game will take priority for the next 3-4 years.
I feel like I could write a 20 page academic paper on the philosophies of CP2077. I’m not completely done yet, but it’s fair to say it is having a fairly large affect on me.

EDIT: Even though pretty much everyone who has played it has played it, I'm planning on writing a lengthy review in the review section.
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I tried that mod on the weekend and with full path tracing enabled at max settings at 4K on a 4090 I went (in Dogtown) from 45 FPS to about 60 FPS. I’m not sure how this was accomplished but a pretty good result, I reckon.

So why the hell can’t CDPR themselves do that? Maybe they should contact the guy?
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are there any other games rumored to be coming out that will feature path tracing?...or is Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2 the exceptions and there are no other ones coming in the next 12 months or so? it worth it to even get a 4090 now just for those 2 games when it would seem that the 5000 series and beyond will run them even better

I can most likely run Alan Wake 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 with ray tracing maxed out (not path tracing) with my current 3080 with DLSS Quality enabled at 1440p and get over 60fps
is it worth it to even get a 4090 now just for those 2 games when it would seem that the 5000 series and beyond will run them even better
It's the age old question of "should I wait or should I upgrade". There's always going to be something new on the horizon. In this case the 5090 is probably at least a year away. Even when it does release, what are the odds of getting one with all the scalpers scooping them up as usual?

I'm just thinking how hard it was to get a 4090 FE. Even to this day... It's sold out all the time. Sure you can go AIB but in my case I didn't want to pay an AIB premium and I didn't want to deal with the massive size of the AIB cards. They don't even fit in most of the cases that I'm interested in.

I managed to refresh Best Buy at the right time the other week. They had a single 4090 FE in stock at a nearby store. I purchased it without even thinking. Is it a waste of money? Probably. But whatever man, YOLO. If you have the funds for it I vote go for it. If you get the upgrade itch when the 5090 comes along, just sell the 4090.
are there any other games rumored to be coming out that will feature path tracing?...or is Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2 the exceptions and there are no other ones coming in the next 12 months or so? it worth it to even get a 4090 now just for those 2 games when it would seem that the 5000 series and beyond will run them even better

I can most likely run Alan Wake 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 with ray tracing maxed out (not path tracing) with my current 3080 with DLSS Quality enabled at 1440p and get over 60fps
DF did a pretty comprehensive video on all of the first gen UE5 games that have either come out or are about to come out. And it was a notable video because it talked about all the RT implementations, Lumen implementations, etc or lack there-of. There are lots of games coming with various amounts of RT. And UE5 definitely requires more to push than previous game engines. Because new rendering techniques require more. Still UE5 is very optimized with software RT and Lumen/Nanite.

As for your other question, there is never a perfect time to upgrade. If you upgrade at launch then you pay the most for the privilege. If you wait too long then something else comes out that makes you feel bad. So, pick your proverbial poison.

The other half of this is the question: is there something you want to run that you can't? And then are your current tradeoffs worth it or not? You're on a 3080, honestly I would just stick it out and wait until the next gen drops, or if you "must" buy, get a 4080 Super when it comes out as it will likely be much better performance per dollar.
However you "lose" the most money when you upgrade every gen. You'll get a much better uplift if you skip at least one gen. These are just my opinions. If you have tons of cash to burn and you don't care, then just buy a 4090 and then a 5090. I mean, why not at that point?
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are there any other games rumored to be coming out that will feature path tracing?...or is Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2 the exceptions and there are no other ones coming in the next 12 months or so? it worth it to even get a 4090 now just for those 2 games when it would seem that the 5000 series and beyond will run them even better

I can most likely run Alan Wake 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 with ray tracing maxed out (not path tracing) with my current 3080 with DLSS Quality enabled at 1440p and get over 60fps
Personally I wouldn't get a 4090 just for those two games. RT is still in it's infancy so will probably be 5090 or 6090 before the card is somewhat future proof. Unfortunately VRAM is becoming a limitation on the 3080 10GB models so it might struggle quite a bit with upcoming games, especially UE games so there will probably be quite a few games that requires a mix of medium and high settings on the 3080 in the near future unless you are at 1080p. I usually buy new cards when i need them and I rarely buy for a single game, unless it is a massive must play title.

Get a new card if you really need one or have cash to burn, otherwise wait until there are enough games that need new GPU to run well. CP2077 runs well enough on a 3080 and Alan Wake 2 runs fine when you turn of RT. Cyberpunk 2077 has a lot more difference between RT on and off in night scenes than Alan Wake 2 and I'm not sure I would say PT is a killer feature in AW2, even though it is more impressive than the normal rendering.
are there any other games rumored to be coming out that will feature path tracing?...or is Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2 the exceptions and there are no other ones coming in the next 12 months or so? it worth it to even get a 4090 now just for those 2 games when it would seem that the 5000 series and beyond will run them even better

I can most likely run Alan Wake 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 with ray tracing maxed out (not path tracing) with my current 3080 with DLSS Quality enabled at 1440p and get over 60fps

I didn't bother using Path Tracing. Did it look better? In some videos it did but it also changed the lighting drastically in some scenes. Even if more realistic it didn't look better. Regular ray tracing already looks good. You can max out regular ray tracing settings and turn on DLSS if necessary. Will path tracing add a lot more to the experience? I doubt it. I know wanting to use the max graphics settings but it probably isn't a big enough change to make the game a better experience.
The other half of this is the question: is there something you want to run that you can't? And then are your current tradeoffs worth it or not? You're on a 3080, honestly I would just stick it out and wait until the next gen drops, or if you "must" buy, get a 4080 Super when it comes out as it will likely be much better performance per dollar.
However you "lose" the most money when you upgrade every gen. You'll get a much better uplift if you skip at least one gen. These are just my opinions. If you have tons of cash to burn and you don't care, then just buy a 4090 and then a 5090. I mean, why not at that point?

Personally I wouldn't get a 4090 just for those two games. RT is still in it's infancy so will probably be 5090 or 6090 before the card is somewhat future proof

I understand about the 4090 availability...I was just using that as an main point is that rasterization performance on anything from the 3000 series onwards is pretty amazing (especially at 1440p) GPU's have gotten so powerful that the need to upgrade would not be there were it not for ray-tracing and now path tracing...that's the only reason to get a new GPU in 2023 and beyond (high refresh rate 4K gaming is another)

even my 3080 can handle ray tracing pretty well maxed out at 1440p (although I'm sure that will get worse with newer games) Nvidia is creating this new uber powerful tech that is not realistic for anything besides the top end 4090...I was surprised that Alan Wake 2 was announced as being fully path traced...I thought Cyberpunk would be the only one for years to come...CP2077 is still labeled as a 'Technology Preview'

so my point is- are there any other path tracing games in the pipeline?...and if not is chasing path tracing a valid reason to upgrade?...I was looking into the 4080 Super and maybe 4070 Ti but then again I was thinking that still won't be the GPU's that make path tracing viable...can't I just use my 3080 with path tracing at 1440p with DLSS and hope that I can at least hit 30fps...30fps used to be the playable fps marker years ago...I'm thinking the 6000 series might be the one where we hit that sweet is it viable to keep making incremental upgrades every year for 2-3 games?

I love eye candy and always prioritize visual fidelity...and ray-tracing is amazing...but now path tracing is here and it seems that it's being used just as a way to get people to upgrade versus being a viable technology in 2023
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so my point is- are there any other path tracing games in the pipeline?...

We have two games with it. Maybe a handful of others over the next year, some of which you may have zero interest in actually playing. Ray tracing itself is still a struggle on modern GPUs. I doubt path tracing will be common for a while.
I understand about the 4090 availability...I was just using that as an main point is that rasterization performance on anything from the 3000 series onwards is pretty amazing (especially at 1440p) GPU's have gotten so powerful that the need to upgrade would not be there were it not for ray-tracing and now path tracing...that's the only reason to get a new GPU in 2023 and beyond (high refresh rate 4K gaming is another)

even my 3080 can handle ray tracing pretty well maxed out at 1440p (although I'm sure that will get worse with newer games) Nvidia is creating this new uber powerful tech that is not realistic for anything besides the top end 4090...I was surprised that Alan Wake 2 was announced as being fully path traced...I thought Cyberpunk would be the only one for years to come...CP2077 is still labeled as a 'Technology Preview'
Value is in the eye of the beholder. Millionaires can buy a new machine every year with 100% new parts, built by a boutique, and not feel it.

Also what you're describing is just what it's like to be an early adopter. However apparently a lot of enthusiasts don't know the difference between enthusiast and early adoption. Indeed those things are often blurry. But in case it's not obvious, the 4090 is definitely there for early adopters. And yes, hardcore enthusiasts.
so my point is- are there any other path tracing games in the pipeline?...and if not is chasing path tracing a valid reason to upgrade?...I was looking into the 4080 Super and maybe 4070 Ti but then again I was thinking that still won't be the GPU's that make path tracing viable...can't I just use my 3080 with path tracing at 1440p with DLSS and hope that I can at least hit 30fps...30fps used to be the playable fps marker years ago...I'm thinking the 6000 series might be the one where we hit that sweet is it viable to keep making incremental upgrades every year for 2-3 games?
I brought up the DF UE5 video. System requirements are going up. Not sure what about that you don't get. Does it matter to you? Well, depends on what you want to play and how much you want to spend.

For most, upgrading every gen isn't a good use of money. I said that already.
I love eye candy and always prioritize visual fidelity...and ray-tracing is amazing...but now path tracing is here and it seems that it's being used just as a way to get people to upgrade versus being a viable technology in 2023
Sure, but historically that's always how its been. It generally has been rare to have hardware in front of software. But the consolification of gaming has made it so that a good chunk of games haven't scaled to performance past what a PS4/PS5 needs. Now with UE5, Northlight, and Red Engine 4, I think that's changing. Because those titles scale from a 2060 to a 4090.

Certainly if your goal is higher performance per dollar and trying to get the most out of upgrade cycles, it doesn't make sense for you to buy at this time. But for anyone? Well lots of happy 4090 owners here.
I brought up the DF UE5 video. System requirements are going up. Not sure what about that you don't get. Does it matter to you? Well, depends on what you want to play.

the DF video was specifically talking about upcoming UE5 games...that's not an issue with my can handle the latest UE5 titles with Lumen and Nanite fine at 1440p (with DLSS enabled)...the only thing that worries me is path tracing and how prevalent it will become in the next 12- 18 months...that's the only reason I'm thinking about upgrading to a 4000 series card instead of my original plan of waiting for the 5000 series

*path tracing and the 3080 only having 10GB VRAM are my main concerns
the DF video was specifically talking about upcoming UE5 games...that's not an issue with my can handle the latest UE5 titles with Lumen and Nanite fine at 1440p (with DLSS enabled)...the only thing that worries me is path tracing and how prevalent it will become in the next 12- 18 months...that's the only reason I'm thinking about upgrading to a 4000 series card instead of my original plan of waiting for the 5000 series

*path tracing and the 3080 only having 10GB VRAM are my main concerns

I would just get an RTX 4080. You can upgrade to an RTX 5080 in the future when it comes out, which I assume is either late 2024 or early 2025.

What resolution are you using?
1440p...G-Sync display...I want to play Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2 and I know my 3080 will run it fine without path tracing but I want to play it with the highest quality graphics
Get the 4090. I currently use 3090 and 4090 for gaming. The difference is huge. A generational performance uplift from 3000 series to 4000 series is one of the biggest in the recent GPU history.
Get the 4090. I currently use 3090 and 4090 for gaming. The difference is huge. A generational performance uplift from 3000 series to 4000 series is one of the biggest in the recent GPU history.
Yeah, it's around 75 percent in raster and even more in raytracing... It's a huge jump. I'm sticking with my 3080 for now and holding out for the 5xxx series, but if you have the cash it's already a gigantic uplift to go from 3xxx to 4xxx. Add in better power efficiency and frame generation and it's even better.
1440p...G-Sync display...I want to play Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2 and I know my 3080 will run it fine without path tracing but I want to play it with the highest quality graphics
are there any other games rumored to be coming out that will feature path tracing?...or is Cyberpunk 2077 and Alan Wake 2 the exceptions and there are no other ones coming in the next 12 months or so? it worth it to even get a 4090 now just for those 2 games when it would seem that the 5000 series and beyond will run them even better

I can most likely run Alan Wake 2 and Cyberpunk 2077 with ray tracing maxed out (not path tracing) with my current 3080 with DLSS Quality enabled at 1440p and get over 60fps

Depends on if you have disposable income. The 40 series has terrible price to performance ratio. In saying that, the 50 series is confirmed not to release until 2025.

Did you try the mod posted earlier in the thread? On a 3080 I went from 54fps average to 78fps average at 1080p which made the game very playable at 1440p with path tracing and ray reconstruction enabled.
Yeah, it's around 75 percent in raster and even more in raytracing... It's a huge jump. I'm sticking with my 3080 for now and holding out for the 5xxx series, but if you have the cash it's already a gigantic uplift to go from 3xxx to 4xxx. Add in better power efficiency and frame generation and it's even better.
This is what I am doing. Painful to wait, but not gonna upgrade my 3080 to a 4090 at this point.
I tried that mod on the weekend and with full path tracing enabled at max settings at 4K on a 4090 I went (in Dogtown) from 45 FPS to about 60 FPS. I’m not sure how this was accomplished but a pretty good result, I reckon.

So why the hell can’t CDPR themselves do that? Maybe they should contact the guy?
Path tracing in this game is still a "tech preview." In other words, not fully implemented.
Simplifying the package = more sales. Maybe it will pull enough money that they will continue to work on path tracing!
Simplifying the package = more sales. Maybe it will pull enough money that they will continue to work on path tracing!
In the aforementioned Q&A, you said there was still lots of room for improvement on the Path Tracing Technology Preview. Are you still planning to add new features or improvements to the mode?

We are still maturing our Path Tracing implementation. We focused on low-light image stability and overall image quality delivered with Path Tracing. We implemented a quality booster for indirect calculations that stabilized the situations where there normally was a little luminance energy, and as a result, we had a low amount of light samples, resulting in a “boiling” and blurriness effect. We also worked on some details of the image presentation targeting character rendering. Overall I think we managed to bring the solution to a very stable and visually mature state with the planned release.

The addition of DLSS 3.5 Ray Reconstruction was unanimously praised upon release. However, some fringe cases of smearing, halos, and posterization were discovered. Are you working with NVIDIA to solve these issues?

As I mentioned above, I would say that is exactly the area where we focused mostly on: leveling up the quality of our RT: Overdrive mode. I do feel we have made good progress there and, hopefully, will be able to share it soon.
Path tracing in this game is still a "tech preview." In other words, not fully implemented.

It creates weird visual effects at times. Other times, it looks fantastic. Definitely a performance hit though.
CD Projekt Red is increasingly clearly concluding the chapter of its story related to Cyberpunk 2077, so that it can devote itself fully to work on its sequel. We have received a large addition in the form of Phantom Liberty, support is slowly being extinguished with further patches, but only now can we talk about the impressive culmination of this chapter: and it is, indeed, the omnibus edition of Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition, which the Polish studio announced even before the release of Phantom Liberty.

Today, it no longer holds any secrets from us. We know the release date of this edition, which will also get a boxed edition, as well as its very nice cover, which makes room for the most important characters that V encounters in Night City during his adventures.

CD Projekt Red has confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition will hit shops on 5 December, so it will be just right for a Christmas present (and if you hurry, even for Santa!). The digital and physical versions will hit PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, so it will also be the first boxed edition of the game for current-generation consoles. The set will include both Cyberpunk 2077 (in version 2.0, of course, and with all additional content released so far, as well as access to items offered through the My Rewards programme) and the Phantom Liberty expansion pack. Unfortunately, we do not know the price of this release for now.
You work for a PR firm don't you?
I didn't bother using Path Tracing. Did it look better? In some videos it did but it also changed the lighting drastically in some scenes. Even if more realistic it didn't look better. Regular ray tracing already looks good. You can max out regular ray tracing settings and turn on DLSS if necessary. Will path tracing add a lot more to the experience? I doubt it. I know wanting to use the max graphics settings but it probably isn't a big enough change to make the game a better experience.
I think path tracing looks pretty cool. Cool enough for me to upgrade from a 3090 Ti to a 4090, at least. Having said that, it's gratuitous in terms of the performance cost.
CDPR says that details about the 2.1 patch releasing next Tuesday will be revealed during their REDstreams on Twitch tomorrow Friday December 1 at 16:00 CET/10:00 EST.
Presumably this means that there will be either additional content or a reworked system. That is what every other major point release was (like vehicle combat, police update, etc). Looking forward to what it will be. Though I do have to mention I've been playing through CP + PL again for the third time, and I just sorta wish that they could push all these major releases faster so I could enjoy them with the game. It's great that they're happening at all, I much prefer the continued support to not, but I feel like these major updates are things that should've been available at launch or with PL, etc. Rather than having a launch and this stuff coming much later.

I hope that's a lesson learned for CDPR, because although CP2077 was a reasonable game at launch, it was so uneven. Certain aspects were very polished and certain aspects were missing polish and of course a lot of features were missing or broken. And I hope Witcher Next and CP 2077 2 (CP2078?, well whatever) the devs will be given the time to fully cook rather than releasing something that is partially baked.
I'm sure there will be some smaller patches for any bugs they missed, or new ones that popped up. But I think this will be the last major one. I'm thinking this will fix the majority of the issues I had with PL, and a number of those were already addressed.