D & J Computers has BFG 7800GTX in stock 579!


Nov 1, 2004
The guys over at D & J have the BFG 7800GTX OC in stock, I just got mine in today. Grahxen from the forums here is a good friend of mine and he runs the webpage for them so I got a heads up first before they would sell out. I saw alot of other people asking what other places had them in stock so here you go. The price is pretty good too $579.


Good luck!

Exiled said:
The guys over at D & J have the BFG 7800GTX OC in stock, I just got mine in today. Grahxen from the forums here is a good friend of mine and he runs the webpage for them so I got a heads up first before they would sell out. I saw alot of other people asking what other places had them in stock so here you go. The price is pretty good too $579.


Good luck!


I'm sorry, but you forgot the /advertisement
damn... they are in jersey... means I still have to pay NY sales tax.

cheaper to go with a place in another state which sells it for 600.

Wish I hadn't already ordered a card, else I'd be taking this. A better card (wellin terms of stock clocks that is) than the LeadTek I ordered, but I'm not going to sweat it. Besides, if I'm not happy with it (ie: no OC) I can always sell it on eBay for what I paid and buy a BFG instead. :p

Oh well! Life goes on. Etc etc etc. :D

Because you can trust a store with 9 ratings on resellerratings to keep your credit card safe!
lmaro said:
Because you can trust a store with 9 ratings on resellerratings to keep your credit card safe!

Actually, no. That is because we are cater to retail/wholesale customers. Our online presence is only really to display products.

lmaro said:
Because you can trust a store with 9 ratings on resellerratings to keep your credit card safe!

Because you can trust the teenager behind the couter at any store to?

If someone got the card info stolen from them, you better believe they would have left a comment.
Well i cant really tell you the performance difference going from 2 6800gts to a 7800GTX, I upgraded from 1 GT to the 7800gtx and notice a huge performance gain. Since i am assuming from what I have read the 7800 is about as fast or faster then 2 gts in SLI it would probably be smarter to upgrade to the new 7800 GTX, and then in the future add another in SLI when you need to.
A single 7800GTX is faster than even SLI 6800Us. It also supports more features. I'd go with a single 7800GTX over SLI 6800GTs every time.
The 7800 would provide you with a much better upgrade path... imo
but I'd also say two GTs in SLI would have a slight performance edge over one 7800GTX... unless you are planning on OCing the core to 700mhz. lol but also, the GTX's newer architecture will handle HDR and other eye candy better I guess... so it's a pretty close call... I'd get the GTX if I were going to spend $600 on video card(s) now... :)
Skrying said:
A single 7800GTX is faster than even SLI 6800Us. It also supports more features. I'd go with a single 7800GTX over SLI 6800GTs every time.

for the "average" (minding the crowd here) user, running this 24/7 for gaming, etc.. with stbility, I would have to disagree with that about the single GTX being faster than SLI'd 6800U's... but if you hook it to a cascade, then all bets are off. :) it will deal with the HDR and such much better so I guess we need to start to redefine "faster" as to what that extactly means... I guess I am thinking of benchmarks... anyways... my $0.02
revenant said:
for the average person (user) I would have to disagree with that about the single GTX being faster than SLI'd 6800U's... but if you hook it to a cascade, then all bets are off. :) it will deal with the HDR and such much better so I guess we need to start to redefine "faster" as to what that extactly means... I guess I am thinking of benchmarks... anyways... my $0.02

Yes it does depend a lot on how you define "fast". Maybe the card is not "faster" than SLI'd 6800GTs, but you'll be able to play around the same FPS with more features than the SLI'd 6800GT.
that's for sure... and so I started to change my thoughts on that as I was writing it. heh... I am actually really happy to see how much OCability the 7800 has... it's a really nice build. Great for all types of users. :)
No way I'm risking ~$600 on a no-name store in Jersey. I'll pay more for newegg.
Don't hate on Jersey! :D

I'm just disappointed that 7800 doesn't have 512mb ram, like it should, for that amout of money!
Ok, I just canceled my ZZF order, and ordered from these guys. I hope I don't get screwed on this deal. It worries ordering from smaller businesses. I called and made them verify they had it in stock, and the guys said he'd ship today. He said ground shipping should get it to me by Friday, but I went ahead and got 2nd day just to be safe. So my total was $599.00. I'll let you guys know how this works out.
MFZ said:
No way I'm risking ~$600 on a no-name store in Jersey. I'll pay more for newegg.

Grahxen is a good guy and this store is legit. Done buisness with him before
Grahxen said:
Actually, no. That is because we are cater to retail/wholesale customers. Our online presence is only really to display products.


Grax you still playing SWG, this is Masta from Chilastra
UltimaParadox said:
Grax you still playing SWG, this is Masta from Chilastra

Nah, i think i am going to boycott the rest of sony's mmmoprgs from now on. I am big into World of Warcraft now. Love that game, I tried EQ2 after i left SWG, played for mabey 2 months and realized it was the same boring crap as EQ1 was. I gave WOW a try and im hooked. I got a lvl 60 on silvermoon :) Orc Shaman...

Come join us :)

Exiled said:
The guys over at D & J have the BFG 7800GTX OC in stock, I just got mine in today. Grahxen from the forums here is a good friend of mine and he runs the webpage for them so I got a heads up first before they would sell out. I saw alot of other people asking what other places had them in stock so here you go. The price is pretty good too $579.


Good luck!

nice price, but shippin and handle included too. so prolly it will be equal to another vendor price on 7800 GTX. u kno wat i mean?
BigDaddy85 said:
nice price, but shippin and handle included too. so prolly it will be equal to another vendor price on 7800 GTX. u kno wat i mean?

Possibly, depends on where you live really. I was just really posting to give people an alternative to the stores that have been screwing people over. The store is about 10 mins from me and grax lives in the same apartment complex as me so it was easy.
Grahxen said:
Nah, i think i am going to boycott the rest of sony's mmmoprgs from now on. I am big into World of Warcraft now. Love that game, I tried EQ2 after i left SWG, played for mabey 2 months and realized it was the same boring crap as EQ1 was. I gave WOW a try and im hooked. I got a lvl 60 on silvermoon :) Orc Shaman...

Come join us :)


Yeah I played WoW for a while on Arthas with the IFU crew and Ronin, but life caught up with me fast with full time work and school this time around. Thinking about coming back in the fall, perhaps another game will come around soon
Just called grax at work, no more bfg in stock. The last orders shipped. He said he just got a shipment in of PNY 7800 GTX, about 25 pieces if anyone cares.

He says yes, but he said that the manf. are stressing that they want ALL cards to be sold at the 599.99 retail price. I think that is total BS really. Seems they are trying to do the same thing apple does with their hardware. Im sure if it will affect the business he will have to raise the price, but for now its staying at 579, and i just noticed he has the pny up for 569.

Wow, that's a very nice price. Congrats on someone who has the guts to run a business the way its meant to be, a service for others!
Skrying said:
Wow, that's a very nice price. Congrats on someone who has the guts to run a business the way its meant to be, a service for others!

It is nice their cheap, which goes beyond expectation, but if their that much cheaper imagine the company losing that much per card could eventually hurt them. Just because a company may sell things for msrp or higher to make up for losses doesnt mean its not run how it should be.
Homer said:
It is nice their cheap, which goes beyond expectation, but if their that much cheaper imagine the company losing that much per card could eventually hurt them. Just because a company may sell things for msrp or higher to make up for losses doesnt mean its not run how it should be.

I dont think thats what he was referring to. I was saying that the manufacturers of the cards are telling their resellers they want them to be sold at $599.99. The vendors are not making up these prices, they are just saying to sell the cards at 599.99 or basically youll get no more cards. PNY is one of these manf that are enforcing this rule. I have known grahxen for many years, and he would not drop prices to a low lvl that will hurt the business. Many other companies like newegg and some others do that though. Which is now why you see alot of their prices are not like they used to be.

From what i gather online stores in my experience will sell their products just above cost to gather a huge customer base, then slowly raise prices to start earning money. Some people will catch on to this method, some wont. The ones that dont, and the ones the companies make a profit on.

Grahxens shop is a huge wholesale/retail store, also big in the service department. He mainly sells to all small computer shops and service guys in the north NJ/NY metro area. They also do computer shows etc.

I am sure he would love to make the online store a full blown site which I am sure he could easily do, but the cutthroat prices and competition are just not worth it.

Once in a while they get great deals on products just like these 7800GTX's, which is why i started the thread. Im sure his cost was lower then some other places, hence the reason why the end user price is cheaper. He was telling me that he can also get the ASUS 7800 GTX card, but all the distributors no matter what quanity you buy they want to sell to the vendors at 575-579$. Now if you have to sell the card at 599.99, lets factor in the 2% you lose immediatly just from procesing a credit card. That brings it up to $590 already the vendors cost. Which is why i doubt he will get in any asus cards. Then some places have no choice but to hijack you on shipping just so they can pay their bills.

Anyway if you got your 7800gtx, or its on its way enjoy it. I am loving mine.

For once in a long time nvidia has finally come through with their release date.
azzkikur said:
Ok, I just canceled my ZZF order, and ordered from these guys. I hope I don't get screwed on this deal. It worries ordering from smaller businesses. I called and made them verify they had it in stock, and the guys said he'd ship today. He said ground shipping should get it to me by Friday, but I went ahead and got 2nd day just to be safe. So my total was $599.00. I'll let you guys know how this works out.
I'm getting an awesome level of service from these guys. I ordered the card around 11:00am, it was packed at 2:00pm, and UPS just picked it up. Mike (grahxen) even sent me an email to let me know he was packing my card up, then another email to let me know it shipped. I wish all the online retailers offered personalize service like this.

So, rest assured this is a great place to buy. :)