D3D/DirectX problem with my 6800GT


Limp Gawd
Nov 7, 2004
I don't know if this is the proper place to post this, but i am having some problems with my Asus V9999GT, 6800GT. I am running stock 350/700. When playing games such as SWBF, SWRC, or even the Star Wars Lego demo, I an getting severe artifacting/tearing/locking up of video during the splash screens of these games. I have tried the following things: Replacing the PSU with a Noisetaker 495, loading/unloading/rolling back drivers, reformatting and installing the os with dx9c, and dx9b, bios adjustments, bios updates. Still the same result. I can run Doom3 totally fine, also all kinds of other games like COD, HL2, UT4k, etc. Yes, you think its just the game but I tried a 5900 card in my rig, and a 9700Pro last week, and never saw any problems with these cards. I can run 3dmark 0-whatever for 24 hours with my GT and no problems at all. If i get the tearing/lockups, I exit the game with taskman, and go into dxdiag. Then I run the d3d test and see the artifacts in the d3d tests. How do I rma this card saying"yeah, I get this problem in Star Wars games, but not in anything else, send me another card"?
If I have to buy another card then so be it, but I am at my wits end here.

my rig: A-64 3200, Claw. Abit Kv8-Pro. 2-512mb Samsung DDR400. WinXP-Pro

nb: This is my first Nvidia card, may it be my last? We'll see...
Stock on your gt is 350/700?? Should be 350/1000...
Anyway.. I was having similiar problems with my evga 6800gt. Turned out to be bad memory. It would run 3dmark all day but as soon as I wanted to play half life 2 or doom3 I would get lock ups.. freezes.. opengl errors. If your within warranty, I suggest getting it rma'd
well, I think I'm done with Nvidia this time around. Can anyone say X800XL AGP? I can!
That is a 128MB 6800 GT that is why the memory speed is only at 700Mhz.
Asus also makes a regular 256MB 6800 GT that runs at 350/1000.

I quick look at Pricewatch suggests that only Asus makes this "weird" 128MB 6800 GT.
F'it, I just took care of my little problem: All it took was money.

I bought a shiny new X800XL, pci-e. Problem solved. V9999GT on rma now

oh, btw, I had to buy a new mobo, and proc too.

DFI Lanparty Infinity UltraD NF4
Winchester 3200, 939, CBBHD0450,

Bye bye Nvidia, Hello Ruby, nice to be back!