"DabsValue" / "Usys" Monitor resolution not quite right..

Mar 19, 2005
Hi all,

I bought cheapest 20 inch monitor I could find - which was the dabsvalue one.

It claims (in the book) to have a native resolution or 1680 x 1050 @ 60hz - which is what I'm after.

When I set the resolution to this on the laptop, the monitor shrinks the display area, leaving a black band at the top and bottom of the image. I can't manually stretch the image using the monitor controls (can only move up / down / left / right). The 'Audo adjust' feature flashes for a bit but doesn't stretch the image either.

This means that everything looks squished. i've tried a number of resolutions on the monitor. The closest one that gives an almost normal resolution is 1400 x 1050 (which does use the full monitor space with no black bands) but even it isn't quite right.

I know that 'you get what you pay for' but money is tight and I assumed the monitor could display the full res properly.

Does anyone have any tips or ways that I can force the display to use the full screen?


When you set the resolution to 1680x1050 what does the monitor report the resolution as?
Interestingly, the monitor reports 1600x1200 when windows sets it to 1680x1050.

When I (in XP) set it to 1400x1050, the monitor says it's 1680x1050 -it does fill my screen then but the text still doesn't look right and upon inspection, it does seem to be making everythign 'short and fat'

I've been playing a bit with powerstrip but I can't seem to size it appropriately using that tool (the custom resolutions button is greyed out for some reason, so i'm using the 'position and size' arrows directly.
The comments on Dabs' website mention someone fiddling for ages before getting the resolution set right. I guess just persevering with driver fiddling will get you there eventually. Doesn't sound like a problem with the panel itself. Sorry I can't offer much.