Damaged MB while removing heat sink; need advice?


Oct 22, 2003
I was just attempting to remove my heatsink from my Asus A7N8X deluxe and my screwdriver slipped and nicked the mb. My computer will not boot and I think I may have seriously damaged the board. Is this something that would be covered by waranty or RMA, or do I have to fork over some cash for a new mobo and write this one off. I would appreciate advice from anyone that has had a similar mishap. Thanks.
morally, it would be wrong to RMA it. you could try, however, although they may say it was your fault and not refund your money/replace the board. most likely, you'll have to buy a new one.
I figured I was going to have to fork over some more cash. Damnit, you do something half-ass and this is what happens. Thanks for the replies.
To whoever is still reading this thread;

I have never done a straight mobo swap. Can I expect any issues in regards to Windows recognizing the new mobo, or is it safe to reinstall windows on the new mobo. I am going to replace my A7N8X Deluxe with an A7N8X-E Deluxe. Thanks.
How badly did you damage the board? I've seen some trace repair product that was supposed to handle minor damage. Like if you just damaged some of the electrical traces, you could "paint" them back. Has anybody else seen or used the stuff. I can't remember where I saw it either.
Originally posted by Balboa

... Can I expect any issues in regards to Windows recognizing the new mobo, or is it safe to reinstall windows on the new mobo. I am going to replace my A7N8X Deluxe with an A7N8X-E Deluxe. Thanks.
ive swapped the exact same combo (deluxe to e-deluxe). there was no problem at all. just swap it out and turn it back on. i would suggest you reinstall anyways even if its the same board (pcb) though.
Thanks for the responses. I'll have to look into the trace repair stuff. I guess if it's successful, I'll end up with an extra mobo. Thanks again.
i went from an a7n8x-x to an NF7-S and since they have the same chipset they dont need to reformat, but i did need to re submit my windows XP CD key(there was a "drastic" hardware change:mad: )

i still uninstalled all drivers and stuff
trace repair kit is available at frys electronics. but i would just buy a new mobo, a trace repair would make the mobo less reliable, better to just get a new one...:(
Hopefully you saw the refurbished A7N8X-E Deluxes on newegg for $75...

I ordered one a few days ago.
you could do what I did and get someone to solder the traces back....

I did that to one of my boards and gave it to my stepdad and he took it under a microscope and soildered it back...