Dark Souls 2 Game Discussion Thread with Spoilers


Supreme [H]ardness
May 9, 2006
Would it be against forum rules to have a thread dedicated to Dark Souls 2 discussion that talks about the gameplay openly?
There is nothing in the rules against doing this. Just try to respect readers by putting spoiler tags where appropriate when concerning specific situations. Putting "SPOILERS" in the thread title also wouldn't hurt.
Yes, hopefully we can keep the console players out of the PC game thread :p
There is nothing in the rules against doing this. Just try to respect readers by putting spoiler tags where appropriate when concerning specific situations. Putting "SPOILERS" in the thread title also wouldn't hurt.

Ok, I guess it's time I figured out how to use spoiler tags. :D

Yes, hopefully we can keep the console players out of the PC game thread :p

The console Dark Souls 2 sub-forum is not very popular, so I thought I'd have better luck with discussion over here. Oh, and, I still owe you for the help on that DLC dragon kill in DS so let me know if you ever give in and buy the console version. :)
Testing.... How many estus flask shards have you all found so far? I have 4 so far which makes such a huge difference from only having 1 or 2.
Found only 2 so far, but I'm still in the Forest of Fallen Giants. Wanted to mention that I almost died to those 3 pigs around the corner from where I found the first that a corpse in a well was carrying :eek:. Little bastards took 6 Soul Arrows to take down... EACH!
I killed one pig and then ran away from the others... talk about a lot of work for not a lot of souls!

By the way, did you know that there is a second shard in that mansion next to the well in which you got the first shard from? You can get the key to the mansion from this guy that makes maps.

I got another by going to the room above that first merchant (some old hag?) you come across. You get the key for it after beating one of the bosses near that location.

Seems like you are playing a sorcerer as well Armenius. How much farther do I have to progress to get spells beyond the initial soul arrows?
I don't know, still in Forest of the Fallen Giants with only Soul Arrows.
You can actually attack the door and knock it down without the key ;). I'm thinking that anything that shudders when you attack it will break. I'm too afraid to try it on the wooden chests...
Went out if town for the weekend but ready to get back to this game and hopefully finish it up this week.

One thing I noticed about Xbox connection to the game servers is that it has been very spotty. When it was working it was so easy to connect with other players. You would usually see three soapsigns placed around bonfires. Half of the time servers were down, however. I would end up relying on npc summons and they would typically help out a lot. As a sorcerer, im not sure how I would have beaten a few of the bosses that I've beaten so far without someone tanking.
Looks like this isn't too popular of a thread as most on here are just waiting for the pc version to come around. I'll stop in periodically to try and keep it alive though!

Just finished the game this weekend and it was nice to see that you do not have to begin NG+ right away. I had about 510 achievement points after the last boss and decided to go achievement hunting. There are no PITA achievements that you need to get all the rare weapons (ala Dark Souls 1), so I don't feel too bad about using all those boss souls. Looks like I'll have to wait until NG++ to finish all achievements though because there are certain spells, hexes, and miracles that you can not obtain feasibly until then. I don't always need to 100% a game, but when I've already put this much time in it, I figure I might as well!

So far, I've had at least 50 co-op / pvp encounters in the 50 so hours that I've played. This game does a much better job of getting you to play online than Dark Souls or Demon's souls. Lagged backstabs still suck however (happened only twice).
Figure I'll ask this here even though I'm waiting for the PC version.

Can someone explain in detail the new respawn mechanic? Any information I've been able to find has been rather ambiguous.

Is it based on player deaths, enemy deaths, or a combination thereof?
Is it worldwide, per level, or per area between bonfires?
If it's based on enemy deaths does each enemy get a counter or are they all linked? I.E. can I kill one enemy, rest at a bonfire, kill him again, rest again, ad nauseam until that one guy no longer spawns and then move on to the next guy or will doing so make every other enemy stop spawning as well?
Finally, what is the amount of deaths? kills? before respawn turns off? I've heard 10-15, so is it not static? If it's not, what contributes to the increase or decrease of the counter?
Number of respawns varies between 8 and 15, I believe, based off enemy type. So if the respawn counter for 4 identical enemies in the same area is 10 and you kill three of them 10 times, the 4th one will continue to respawn until you kill it a 10th time.

There are quite a few more bonfires in DS2 compared to DS1. At the end of DS1, you could probably spawn to about a dozen spots, not counting the DLC. With DS2, it's at least double this. There is an item that allows you to reset the enemies around any particular bonfire. This will respawn them at an NG+ difficulty. If you then use it again, the enemies become NG++ difficulty. Supposedly this will roll over into a real NG+ playthrough. So if you used the item twice at one bonfire to get NG++ difficulty, it is supposed to be NG+++ difficulty once you are in a real NG+ playthrough.

The item is supposed to respawn items, enemies, and bosses.
Thanks, Tzzird. Pretty much how I think it should be done, in theory at least. Individual counters per enemy and maximum spawns based on enemy strength. Would be pretty lame to suicide ~10 times and then have a straight shot to the boss. How do you feel it works in practice though?

Also, I've heard of that item and how it basically resets an area, but raises the difficulty one game. However, does it also allow invasions/co-op again?
Thanks, Tzzird. Pretty much how I think it should be done, in theory at least. Individual counters per enemy and maximum spawns based on enemy strength. Would be pretty lame to suicide ~10 times and then have a straight shot to the boss. How do you feel it works in practice though?

Also, I've heard of that item and how it basically resets an area, but raises the difficulty one game. However, does it also allow invasions/co-op again?

I feel it works great. I was pretty bummed that you couldn't purchase twinkling titanite this time around, so this resetting of the bonfire has been a godsend.

I haven't been invaded after going up one bonfire level, but possibly that's due to people just not doing that much invading at this point in the game's life. In my regular playthroughs I was invaded maybe 5 times all game.

Co-op still works perfectly. Not sure if it only pulls people who are at a new bonfire level or is districtly level dependent.
Played it a bunch last night, and I have to say I like the game as frustrating as it is. That 50% HP penalty for being hollow just sucks. You are 1 or 2 shot killed so often it just isn't funny. I have 4 Effigy things but just don't want to use them until I reach some boss, that just seems impossible without a full HP bar. I found the ring that reduces that penalty to 25% so hopefully things will be better now :).

I haven't been invaded yet but I have to say that constant threat really pisses me off, I much prefer how they did it in the original, stay hollow and no one can invade. There is no pause button in this game, and if you get killed in a boss area you're kind of screwed till you finish it since you have to go retrieve the souls and can't exit the boss area once you enter. Does anyone know if you do "save and quit" after you die, do the souls you dropped stay around when you come back? I was only planning to play an hour last night when I got stuck at a boss. Unfortunately I had to leave after my hour was up, but I had too many souls to lose to try a save and quit, so after I died, I just left my character standing at the bonfire and left for an hour. Luckily no one invaded, but for how I play my games, this no pause button thing makes this game really difficult to play. I don't usually don't get multiple consecutive hours to play games anymore. I would have been more than a little pissed off if someone invaded and killed me while I was away and I lost them. In hindsight, I should probably have pulled the network cable from the ps3, but it isn't exactly in a convenient spot.
I don't want to be rude here, but it is a Dark Souls game. You knew what you were getting into.

As far as I know when you QUIT the game the current game state is saved AS IS.. If you died in a boss room and you quit/come back your souls are still in the boss room.

Happy hunting!
I don't want to be rude here, but it is a Dark Souls game. You knew what you were getting into.

As far as I know when you QUIT the game the current game state is saved AS IS.. If you died in a boss room and you quit/come back your souls are still in the boss room.

Happy hunting!

There are some bosses that are kind enough to deposit your lost souls right outside of the fog. I always figured that it's the extra tough bosses that they do this for.

I played through NG+ last night and was destroying almost everything in my path. Unfortunately when I got to Sinner's Rise to take on the Lost Sinner, I hit a gigantic roadblock. I had used the item to reset the enemies on my first playthrough so it's like I'm fighting NG++ with the Lost Sinner. That by itself wouldn't have been a big issue, but it seems that there is an extra surprise in NG++ that wasn't there in NG+ (at least I didn't notice it befoer).
I don't want to be rude here, but it is a Dark Souls game. You knew what you were getting into.

As far as I know when you QUIT the game the current game state is saved AS IS.. If you died in a boss room and you quit/come back your souls are still in the boss room.

Happy hunting!
Yeah I do know it's Dark Souls, and I do expect it to be a punishingly difficult game, but not everyone has endless hours to keep playing. Sadly those days are behind me. And I don't find the tone rude at all :).

Well it's good to know, I'll give it a try next time I play (after I lower the amount after buying stuff and leveling just to make sure). I just didn't know for sure last night and I just didn't want to risk losing what I just gained because I had gone through enough times that they weren't respawning anymore on the way to the boss and it was all accumulated in that room.
Much easier with the ring of life protection "glitch".

Didn't this get patched? I read that the developers said this was not intended and figured they had removed it.

Even with this, there are parts of the game that will drive you absolutely bonkers. I spent 2 hours last night trying to take down DDF in NG++ (NG+ playthrough with bonfire upped one). Each attempt at the boss took ten minutes from the bonfire and I had two attempts in a row in which DDF should have gone down. I actually killed him one of the times, only to fall to one of his minions a split second later. Surprised I haven't flung a controller yet!
After 3 playthroughs, which includes about 5 or 6 hours of pure pvp, I'm at SL 246 and ready for a PvE challenge. Signed up for the Company of Champions playthrough for NG+++ which makes NPC's and PC's unsummonable for boss fights. You can still get invaded, which is something you want. Upon defeat, invaders drop an awestone, which you need 50 of to get to the high rank in this covenants. NPC's that invade also drop this as well as regular mobs on a very rare basis. I don't think one playthrough will net me even half of these awestones.