Darkfall beta!!!1!11

I wonder how good it is since they can't even host their own video because its 668mb
Funcom? They've done that with almost all their content, or they redirect to 3rd party sites (file planet, filecloud, etc) for hosting.
who releases a 668mb video and only hosts it on torrent?

A company that dosent have left over money for bandwidth to host a video like that.

Oh, and dont forget WoW hosts their patches on torrent, which are often smaller than 668MB. And god knows they have the money do to directdownload hosting.:p

I am quite excited about this, gl getting into the beta everyone!
Thanks for the news. I haven't been keeping up with the forums lately, but I'll sign up and hope it doesn't suck.
All you Vaporware Trolls need to watch the video! Don't hate on DFO just because its gonna shit all over AoC, WoW, GW, and Warhammer.
All you Vaporware Trolls need to watch the video! Don't hate on DFO just because its gonna shit all over AoC, WoW, GW, and Warhammer.
You know, every single time I see a new MMO coming out, someone always says something like this and it turns out false and it sounds like you are trying to start a flame war.. but, I could be wrong.

I have mixed feelings about it from watching the trailer but I'll probably give it a shot.
You know, every single time I see a new MMO coming out, someone always says something like this and it turns out false and it sounds like you are trying to start a flame war.. but, I could be wrong.

Agreed. I'm skeptical this game will even come out but if by some random act of God it does, it looks like shit to me. Not getting my hopes up. You're only setting yourself up for failure if you hype yourself for any MMO in my opinion.
People who cried about warhammer graphics will commit suicide before they play this game.
I agree that the graphics leave much to be desired, but I would take a feature complete game with bad graphics over the half-assed attempts at mmos that have been common over the past several years while Darkfall has been in development. This is the trade-off that Aventurine seems to have made. It could be a fatal mistake, but I am signed up for the beta anyway.
People who cried about warhammer graphics will commit suicide before they play this game.

ok.. so I loled at that one

its sept now... they expecting a December release?

hell.. WAR has been in closed beta for over a year now
ok.. so I loled at that one

its sept now... they expecting a December release?

hell.. WAR has been in closed beta for over a year now

The game is feature complete, and has been in beta for several months. Aventurine decided to pay internal testers rather than use fans from the community. All of the footage in the video was collected by these paid testers. The Darkfall beta will be an open beta mainly for load testing.