Darksiders any good?


Feb 27, 2007
Got a free steam key when I bought my 1090T. Should I get rid of it via ebay or actually play the game?

I know I can't sell it here or I would.
If your into games like God of war & devil may cry you will love it. I didnt like it at first but its really a good game.
I never played God of War or Devil May Cry, but I like Darksiders for PC.
I'm just going to ebay it. I'll put all the profits to The Salvation Army as my annual donation to them :)
It plagiarises a whole bunch of games (God of War, Zelda, Portal, Soul Reaver) and never reaches the same level of quality of any of them. $10 purchase at best.
Exactly who are you talking to???

Probably you. I think he's disappointed you started a new topic about Darksiders when there's already a long one about it in this same forum. He and the person before him both linked to it.

There's a demo available for PS3/360 so there might be one for PC as well.
I'd agree it's about a $10-$15 purchase, which is a lot higher than I'd go for a lot of games, but still overall just a solid game, nothing spectacular or really that memorable.

It is basically a Zelda clone for non-Nintendo platforms, with a little higher emphasis on combat and aiming at a slightly more adult audience. It actually is quite fun.

For anyone going to play it on PC though, play it with a 360 controller.
I thought it was a decent game for those who aren't interested in an original story line (like many others have said.) Just don't expect many surprises out of this game. However, the game play is pretty solid.
Exactly who are you talking to???

im talking to you, the OP, mr. i didnt search :)

i was also playing, calm down, have some dip [r.i.p. mr george carlin]

on the same page as your new thread was a 6 page, 7000 hit, 100 reply thread going about darksiders

im not trying to argue, never that friend....

its the internet - dont take it seriously mate
I'm playing through it (also got it free with AMD purchase) and I quite like it. The graphics are very nice and it is very Zelda like (have to find keys for doors in chests, pushing blocks, sword combos).

I also play it with a 360 controller which it integrate perfectly.
It is a blatant ripoff of god of war and zelda, but in a good way. IMO it's hard to get that experience on PC. I've been enjoying this game a lot.
Have to say I enjoyed the game, just finished it. The story line is interesting. Although I felt the swimming was a little weird, my screen jittered like crazy when I swam and the controls were a little non responsive in the water. And the horse combat was cool, but I wish you could do more from the horse...just swinging your sword and charging is dull.