DARPA’s New Multi-Million Dollar “Terminator” Program

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Further proof that we are all going to die at the hands of our new robot overlords.

DARPA just put out a call for a robotics software/hardware research and development program called ARM, which seeks to build a robot that can autonomously and skillfully grasp a number of objects using two arms and hands – including objects like knives and pistols. Disturbingly, the brief states that the new robot hand and control software should be able to (and I quote), “Hold an inert grenade with one hand, and pull the pin with the other hand.”
My CPU is a neural net processor. A learning computer.
I dont see what all the fuss is about. The specs clearly say it must be able to hold an inert grenade. Not a live one. Sheesh, talk about paranoia in these parts.
I dont see what all the fuss is about. The specs clearly say it must be able to hold an inert grenade. Not a live one. Sheesh, talk about paranoia in these parts.

. . . are the knives and pistols to be "inert" as well? :p
I dont see what all the fuss is about. The specs clearly say it must be able to hold an inert grenade. Not a live one. Sheesh, talk about paranoia in these parts.

exactly. these things are so complex, its ridiculous to think you can just swap an apple for an orange without some serious modifications. were safe people, go back to having sex with the robots.
I dont see what all the fuss is about. The specs clearly say it must be able to hold an inert grenade. Not a live one. Sheesh, talk about paranoia in these parts.

In the military, you practice with inert grenades BEFORE you get to throw a real grenade.
I for one will welcome our new machine overlords led by the all powerful Skynet! :eek: ;)
also worth remembering, these darpa projects are just a data-mining technique the government uses to get valuable science out of people that really dont have to pay. they get lucky here and there when some civilization creates a great innovation but for the most part this is all just to further develop what they already have. something tells me they have the legs working just fine;)
So, we have google in cahoots with NSA, then IBM is working on a cloud network for the military. And this. Skynet needs robot development.

Hey.. even if you don't believe in half the conspiracies, aren't they fun to talk about?
Why does this thing have two arms? I realize there comes a point of diminishing returns, but surely "two" isn't the right answer here.

I'm reminded of one of the most poignant moments from Battlestar Galactica, of all things:

I don't want to be human! I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to - I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws! And feel the wind of a supernova flowing over me! I'm a machine! And I can know much more! I can experience so much more. But I'm trapped in this absurd body!
Hey.. even if you don't believe in half the conspiracies, aren't they fun to talk about?

Pretty much. Fun theories to play with. Anyway, you gotta wonder if the real danger would even realistically be in "robot domination." Shouldn't we be more worried about a small sect of humans controlling an entirely obedient army? Muhahahahha
I couldn't stop laughing while reading the article. We're all going to die. What a bunch of wacko nutjobs.

Oh well, at least we are one step closer to the sexbots...
Oh well, at least we are one step closer to the sexbots...

Well, I don't agree on that. A sexbot would be the antithesis of a warbot. As if there were enough sexbots around there would no longer be any fighting.

The t-101 as per the movies is an inefficient killing machine, it's design is strictly based around infiltration then taking out a limited target. If they really wanted to design something that would be efficient at killing they would not use arms. Guns are a perfect example of efficient evolution of destruction. Do you throw bullets? No, that's extremely inefficient. But you can _launch_ grenades from rifle mounted launchers.

I suspect this is either actually trying to design infiltrators or just a proof of concept project.
The t-101 as per the movies is an inefficient killing machine, it's design is strictly based around infiltration then taking out a limited target. If they really wanted to design something that would be efficient at killing they would not use arms. Guns are a perfect example of efficient evolution of destruction. Do you throw bullets? No, that's extremely inefficient. But you can _launch_ grenades from rifle mounted launchers.

I suspect this is either actually trying to design infiltrators or just a proof of concept project.

I was kind of curious about this. It seems like a wheeled platform would be more effective with launchers / guys / 360* imaging ect would be much more efficient of a platform. The only benefit i can see of this "humaniod" robotic soldier would be psychological, not practical. Assuming they are remotely efficent it would also add the psychological factor of everything you have seen in the movies.
i meant to say civillian, not civilization in that other post.

but i was also just thinking how nice it would be to have a robot help me with my drywall work and such around the house. just to have a human like machine that i can just say "here, lift that end up. a little more... more... stop". it could make life a lot easier... and quite possibly send a lot of basic jobs to the history books.
I dont see what all the fuss is about. The specs clearly say it must be able to hold an inert grenade. Not a live one. Sheesh, talk about paranoia in these parts.
And the difference between an inert grenade and a live one is...?

I'd guess they wanted it to be tested on an inert grenade because the mess of a successful test on a live grenade would become rather costly...
Of course we got it, but I thought CORE was the machine side whereas ARM were mechanized biological creatures?
i meant to say civillian, not civilization in that other post.

but i was also just thinking how nice it would be to have a robot help me with my drywall work and such around the house. just to have a human like machine that i can just say "here, lift that end up. a little more... more... stop". it could make life a lot easier... and quite possibly send a lot of basic jobs to the history books.

Something about this idea is vaguely familiar in the history of mankind...hmm...
Yeah if DARPA is involved it is a very important project and it will have MANY practical applications.

The reason for designing robots for warfare in a roughly human shape makes sense if you are trying to create an all purpose machine.
With don't ask don't tell going away the robot will look like humans, but won't need medical or health benefits. (and will overpay there taxes and not file a refund) (not sure who they will be voting for)

Theres strong, and there is robot strong.
I think everyone's missing the point. It seems to me this would be a lot more useful as a training tool for real people to practice drills and such. There's far easier methods to pull a pin on a grenade than designing an entire autonomous arm and hand! The machines we really have to worry about probably won't be human looking ;)