Data corruption on my SSD. Is the drive bad?


Jan 17, 2004
Yesterday, I could not start up my computer because Windows had suddenly become corrupt. Before this happened, I did notice programs as well as Windows explorer hanging and crashing.

When I took the drive out for testing, I was able to confirm that it had a LOT of damaged sectors in HDD Tune. The partition was also inaccessible though I was able to slowly recover a few files. Since I will be sending the drive for RMA, I decided to do a full wipe on it, and after the drive is behaving normally. I'm unable to get it to fail any tests and I can write a NTFS onto it and move files to it and back.

Is there a more reliable way of testing whether this SSD is defective? I could go ahead and install Windows back onto it, but it would be a hassle just to find Windows crashing again in a week.

Any reliable testers you guys use on these drives? I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to the technical details of storage drives.