Data on Twitter Decline Stacks Up

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Regardless which source you get your data from, it looks like Twitter’s numbers have fallen over the last few months. The question is, are people really leaving Twitter or are they just accessing the service via cell phone or third party app?

According to data provided to eMarketer by Nielsen, traffic to was down a dramatic 27.8% between September and October 2009, falling to 18.9 million unique visitors. Nielsen is the latest in a list of research firms reporting declines at comScore said unique visitors were down 8.1% in October, while Compete reported a 2.1% decline.
Accessing it through cell phone if the numbers don't count that.
But if it is falling...good, and I hope it continues.

They said the Wii was a fad and that shit is still thriving.

I wonder how many people who bought Wii's still play them after the novelty wears off. Everyone I know who bought one is letting it collect dust while they play their Xbox 360/PS3/PC.
twiwhat? lolz. no1 wants to know what you're doing right this second right now. i think people r 2busy living their own lives. fb status updates are already goofy enough, we don't need2know EVERYTHING.
Disconnect its servers and all associated systems and rocket them to the sun at twitter's expense.
mmmm enjoying glazed donuts.... (11:21am 11/23/2009)

oops sorry wrong website
I wonder how many people who bought Wii's still play them after the novelty wears off. Everyone I know who bought one is letting it collect dust while they play their Xbox 360/PS3/PC.

I am one that you speak of, hah. My wife and son play it occasionally to play Boom Blox Bash Party though. That's a genuinely good game.
I wonder how many people who bought Wii's still play them after the novelty wears off. Everyone I know who bought one is letting it collect dust while they play their Xbox 360/PS3/PC.

I have two Wii's that hasn't been turned on for months until the new Super Mario Bros Wii came out. Wii has a short interest span but a high return factor when sensational games are launched.
FB is replacing twitter with status updates. You get longer than 140 characters and you can see more shit. Plus you won't get assailed with spam followers on twitter leading you to a prostitution ring site. There is a modicum of control.