data recovery software...


Mar 22, 2002
Ok... created a partition and was transferring files... had a power outage during the process and it corrupted not only the new partition but the original... i installed an image of a fresh windows install... and i am trying to use "recover my files" but it has been searching for two days now and still isn't finished yet... looks like at this rate another day and a half... i could have sworn there was a peice of software that let you view lost files as you would normally in explorer... but i can't remember what it was or where i had found it the first time... i'm running winXP so if anyone know of a program that can view lost/deleted files without doing some crazy ass search like "recover my files" is doing... i'd really appreciate it... time has become of the essence as i need to finish some projects that can't be finished until the files are recovered... if i am even that lucky... haha...

thanks in advance for any input you may have!!