Data recovery?


Jun 1, 2002
I'm not sure where to put this question, but this seemed like it might be the best place.I had a problem with xp earlier-- we had a brown out while the hard drive was reading something, and the machine shut down cold. When I tried to boot into XP, it crashed and restarted itself. I rebooted again and it made it to the login screen, but when I tried to logon as myself, it hung again. I could login as either of the other two users i keep on the machine just fine. At any rate, after crashing the machine a few times more, i reinstalled XP on an extra hard drive. (I figured if there was intermittancy on the drive, i might be able to get my crap off of it before i chunked it..) I can read all the data on the one that was acting up without a hitch, but since I was overzealous and locked the My Documents folder, I can't access any of the files i needed from it. DOH. so. anyone have a suggestion to go about getting my data?

thanks much


(reading this, i sound like some 12 year old kid in a classroom trying to read his classmates' stuff..i assure you, i am not.)
m0unds said:
locked the My Documents folder

do you mean its encrypted?

or do you simply lack permission

disable simple file sharing
take ownership of files and folders;en-us;308421&sd=tech

more >

if on the other hand you employed EFS
youll need to recover the certificate