Database Server on OneDrive and/or MS Teams


Feb 24, 2017
Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask the people who are more knowledgeable than me the following:

1. I understand that OneDrive is a file sharing service. But, is there a way to run a database server like SQL or store an sqlite file that can be accessed by mutliple people?

2. Is it possible to create a relational database in MS Teams and connect to it from a desktop app?

I know that behind teams and onedrive, Sharepoint and Azure, etc. are being used but i can't see atm how to do the above.

You can store an sqlite file on OneDrive, but if you plan to have multiple computers writing to that file, it's going to be a nightmare. Running sqlite on a conventional file share (NFS, smb, etc) with multiple writers can work, but only if file locking works properly, and you're limited to one writer at a time; it's probably still a bad idea if you want multiple writers.

If you just want to export a read only sqlite file, so some desktop application can use a reasonable data format for like a catalog or something, that would probably work.

For teams, I don't actually know what that product is, I thought it was just chat and calls, like a renamed Skype for Business? Did it takeover SharePoint, too?

Anyway, this is one of those things where if you begin at the begin, and tell us what you're trying to do big picture, we can give better advice.
You can store an sqlite file on OneDrive, but if you plan to have multiple computers writing to that file, it's going to be a nightmare. Running sqlite on a conventional file share (NFS, smb, etc) with multiple writers can work, but only if file locking works properly, and you're limited to one writer at a time; it's probably still a bad idea if you want multiple writers.
Yes, I suspect so. And it is nightmare to devise a locking mechanism.

If you just want to export a read only sqlite file, so some desktop application can use a reasonable data format for like a catalog or something, that would probably work.
No, I need write access too

For teams, I don't actually know what that product is, I thought it was just chat and calls, like a renamed Skype for Business? Did it takeover SharePoint, too?
MS Teams has evolved and it is more than a messaging app. It works as the front end of Sharepoint, Onedrive, etc.

Anyway, this is one of those things where if you begin at the begin, and tell us what you're trying to do big picture, we can give better advice.
I explained what I want to do.

Thanks anyway.
RE #1: the short answer is no, the long answer is sort of.

Long answer - there are three probable ways to handle it.

First - your program copies the DB down, makes changes, and ships it back up to one drive. Not super fun.

Second - you map the onedrive location locally to the PC and use that to connect. That is painfully slow to point of being fairly useless.

Third - use a third party tool like cdata or I haven't used either and imagine that is just more yak shaving to try as a work around for something that should not be done.

RE #2 - no, not really. You can create a sql db in Azure if you have access to that.