DDR2 to lower the price of DDR?


Jan 19, 2003
I was wondering if anyone thinks DDR2 will lower the prices of DDR (especailly on the higher end)?

sure hope it does.
Hopefully it will make high end DDR more affordable, as DDR-II is supposed to be super expensive when it debuts
I would think so, when new Technology comes out, old technology prices go down.
that's what i was thinking then i look at the price of sdram and it's like the same price.
It should make the prices of DDR go down. Back when DDR was first introduced, the price of SD dropped significantly. The more the price goes down the better. I'm looking into a Christmas upgrade and no way will I be able to afford DDR2.
I don't know if it will lower the prices of DDR significantly, not everything is priced based on performance. They've still got to manufacture the DDR, so prices could stay where they currently are. Now days it's really not any cheaper to buy SD-ram compared to DDR-ram (infact it's usually more expensive), and I think the same will probably be true with DDR and DDR2.
Actually, sdr didn't go down in price that drastically untlil ddr became the "norm"several months later.
It wil be a while after the mainstream release of DDR-II before the price of DDR will drop significantly. There will need to be widespread market penetration and the yeilds of DDR-II will have to be pretty good before the price of DDR will drop. When the demand for DDR drops and DDR-II becomes more affordable, is when the price of DDR will drop.

Oh yeah, this also hinges upon whether the RAM makers decide to add a bit of a premium onto DDR-II to begin with to make a little extra money. If this happens, it will be even longer before DDR drops in price.

There are many market factors that come into play when trying to figure out when prices on older tech will drop. Just don't expect DDR prices to drop dramatically after DDR-II boards come out.
lets look at an example that is given to us today: A64 and P4:EE
they JUST came out and the prices of the current CPU's have not changed one bit....so there you have it, as DDRII comes out, DDR will not change at all right away
lets watch what happens to the Current CPU's so that we can make a call on whether or not DDRII will change the price of DDR that much
After looking to find some "cheap" upgrades for an older P3 750 MHz linux machine, I was very pissed off to find that 512MB to a gig of SDRAM costed MORE than the prices of DDR RAM. What the fuck is up with that...

I can only figuire that they hold the prices high to encourage the purchases of current technology. Isn't this what intel did to their older processors, sell the older ones for the same price of faster, more up to date CPU's?
Ya SDRAM (especially PC133) hasn't moved at all. And for some retarded reason people still sell PC100 128mb sticks (best buy) for like $15

They aren't worth anything!

512 ddr should be between 40-60.........the prices now are outrageous.
Originally posted by MooCow
After looking to find some "cheap" upgrades for an older P3 750 MHz linux machine, I was very pissed off to find that 512MB to a gig of SDRAM costed MORE than the prices of DDR RAM. What the fuck is up with that...

I can only figuire that they hold the prices high to encourage the purchases of current technology. Isn't this what intel did to their older processors, sell the older ones for the same price of faster, more up to date CPU's?

SDR SDRAM is not made in the volume that is used to be since the mainstream RAM is DDR. Thus, due to supply and demand, prices are not dirt cheap. With a new RAM technology more than likely going mainstream before too long, SDRAM just isn't very profitable anymore being that it is two generations behind what is coming up soon. It's just not really worth many companies time to make the chips for it anymore.
DDR will becomd cheaper for awhile. Thats what happened with SDRAM. Now that almost noone needs SDRAM its come back up in price because there is a limited amount of it around.
That would be very nice if DDR prices went down, hopefully the Winbond BH-4 chips will be released and it will overclock like crazy and they'll be dirt cheap compared to DDR-II. But then again, DDR-II would perform twice as better i'm assuming?
The thing is winbond isnt producing its BH5, BH6, or CH5 chips anymore which most high end DDR uses, so I don't see prices falling. I wish winbond had some more competition so they couldn't limit supply so much.
Most likely it will remain around the same price. Maybe 10-15% lower after DDR-II catches on.
lol... buying ram now might not be such a bad idea. The same 1gig Corsair XMS went up $13 in one week alone. Fortunately, I bought it a little lower. Also, the Valueselects used to be $145, now are running in the $160s.