Dead CPU?


Aug 1, 2003
So I recently built a new rig with the following specs

Asus P5N32E SLI
Intel E6750
Corsair Dominator pc2 8500 2 x 1gb
Thermaltake Toughpower 700watt psu
blah blah blah

Built it and it worked flawlessly from day 1. Bout a week later it just wouldn't boot up. Fans would spin, drives would spin, but no beep no video. I RMA'd the mobo thinking that was the cause and picked up a different PSU to test with on the new board. Same issues.

Even with the system down to mobo + CPU + PSU I get no beeps. I believe I am correct in assuming that if I have a new mobo and psu the cpu must be at fault. Has anyone ever heard of a cpu just dying on startup? I can't confirm the psu/mobo I started with have died since I'm waiting on the cpu...just kinda curious if anyone has had any experiences similar to mine. I'm hoping the new cpu will do the trick and I can only pray the ram/vid card haven't died too.
I've had 1 CPU die on me out of the blue. It was an old P433 or there abouts. I ended up RMAing it to Intel.

Only way to be sure is to swap it to a working system, or plug in a known good CPU.

Only times the CPU would die is: extreme crazy overheating, putting waay to much voltage in it, or handling the CPU incorrectly when installing it.

All three I know didn't happen.

First thing I'd try is boot it w/out the ram.
I did boot without ram...just with new psu, new mobo, and same cpu. Still no beep even.

Temperatures were fine when it worked. The night before it died I was gaming for a few hours. Voltages were stock as well. I was careful when installing it and I inspected it after it stopped working for bent pins, scratches, etc, and as far as I can tell its fine.
So you used this computer for a week, and then one day it would only have the fans and HD's spin?

RMA'd the mobo and got a new one, a tried a different PSU - which PSU was that?
Tried w/out HD, Mem, and Video card and still nothing.

That boils it down to = well the same thing happens with the new mobo, I'm thinking it could be the PSU then - either not giving enough power or did you plug in all the required power? Go try a different PSU, not some cheap 300 watt one. Other then that, you could try reseting the BIOS. Other then that, it could be a fried mobo.

The HD's and fan spin thing can be a lot of different problems. Some from changing settings in the bios for ram, to dead mobo.
Its a 700 watt Best Buy brand. Its actually a Huntkey made PSU so its actually not bad and I highly doubt its dead in the box. If this new motherboard is DOA I'll be pissed but I'd like to think the odds are in my favor. All power cables are connected properly. I've quadruple checked everything and reset the bios several times.

The only consistent component this entire time with issues is the CPU. I'll have the new one in a week so we'll see then I guess.
Did you try pulling the battery out of the MOBO and letting it sit for a minute before turning it on. Just something to try while you are waiting for your CPU to come in.
