Dead Hard drive? Video Card? Or both?


Limp Gawd
Jul 10, 2005
Well it all began about a year ago when I made my first attempt to install watercooling. I made a huge mistake of not taking my hardware out first and letting it run over night to check for leaks. Well, turns out I had some and it leaked mostly on the back of my video card and I saw a few drips on the hard drive. I used a non-conductive coolant however I did add UV dye to it, so I'd assume my non-conductive coolant would now be conductive and leads me to believe that my video card or hard drive might have shorted. Then of course after that I accidentley broke a pin on my cpu, so I just threw the pc in the closet for a few months. Nice huh?

Anyways... just this week I ordered an opty 165 and decided to go back to air cooling and hopefully get the pc back working again. So I install the opty and I get no power when pressing the power button of the case. The motherboard light is on so I know the psu isn't dead. I then decide to unplug the psu from everything but the motherboard and see if I could get anything. Turns out I could get power after doing so. After process of elimination, I found that when I connect my psu to either my video card or hard drive I get no power. The funny thing is, with my 7800GT getting minimum power from the PCI-E slot alone, it still powers on and I get picture on my monitor.

Any ideas?
Two likely causes to my mind

1) You've shorted out the route from the PSU input on the 7600GT to the rest of the board

2) You caused a surge that's blown one or more capacitors in the PSU and thus affecting SOME of it's outputs.

Try the card in another machine, seen what happens, same for the harddrive. If they don't work, then you'll have to replace them, if they do work, simply get a new PSU and try again.
Two likely causes to my mind

1) You've shorted out the route from the PSU input on the 7600GT to the rest of the board

2) You caused a surge that's blown one or more capacitors in the PSU and thus affecting SOME of it's outputs.

Try the card in another machine, seen what happens, same for the harddrive. If they don't work, then you'll have to replace them, if they do work, simply get a new PSU and try again.

Thanks, I'll have to try that later today. In the mean time, does anyone have any other suggestions?