Dead Island: Official Announcement Trailer

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Now this is the kind of trailer that makes you buy a game. For more information, you can check out the Dead Island Facebook page as well. Be warned, the video is graphic, so if you are at work, school, your mom's house etc., you've been warned.
Yeah I always want to buy a game based off of a CG trailer that does not represent what the actual game will be like in any way shape or form. While I am super jazzed by what I saw I will with hold the man goo until I see actual game play and graphics.
I still await game cinematics with a character more convincing than Marius from Diablo 2.
Yeah I always want to buy a game based off of a CG trailer that does not represent what the actual game will be like in any way shape or form. While I am super jazzed by what I saw I will with hold the man goo until I see actual game play and graphics.

I thought the visuals were good to be true so the gameplay graphics will be way different...:rolleyes:
Looks great!

But.... YAZSG (Yet Another Zombie Slasher Game) ?

What I would really like to see is a new, modern-day version of a MYST type game.

Where are the Miller brothers when you need them...
I watched this early this morning, awesome freaking trailer. Hopefully the gameplay holds up when it's released. Apparently, the trailer is in fact using the game engine.
Yeah the trailer is terrifying, but it is CG and it doesn't show any game play. We all know what that can lead to. Crap. Lets hope it lives up to the overnight hype though because I really did like the trailer.
Here's yet another "that was a cg trailer and I have zero expectations for the game itself" comment.

But seriously, I'm not holding my breath.
It is a CG trailer that totally cranked my interest from 1% before to %100 afterward.

Game could totally suck but that was one of the bes trailers I've seen in a long time. Very well done. :cool:
Despite being a rip-off of a Modest Mouse music video, I found it to be quite effective. Still, I think I might be zombied out.
It is a CG trailer that totally cranked my interest from 1% before to %100 afterward.

Game could totally suck but that was one of the bes trailers I've seen in a long time. Very well done. :cool:


Might be just a CGI trailer, but the atmosphere, emotion and aesthetic were just crushing and truly impressive.

Also, even for a CGI trailer, the visuals flipped me out. It's so life-like, there are times it truly looks like real actors being filmed in the trailer.

I've been waiting for this game since it was announced. It looks visually a lot less gritty than originally, but if it's done right with the atmosphere etc., than even without the grit to the look, I think it could turn out to be incredible.

Left 4 Dead is a joke, as have been every zombie title released, with the exception of Resident Evil, 2 & 3, because it was all about atmosphere which, to me, is most of what makes a zombie flick/game etc, it's not just about the gore.

If they incorporate the intense action and gore into a powerfully palpable atmosphere, it could just be the first "real" zombie title released in recent years.
never tried multiplayer vs. , eh? quite a few of us [H] spent many many hours ambushing each other.

I tried. I didn't enjoy it. The first one wasn't gory enough, the second and first one had enemies which weren't varied enough, graphics are lame, weapons are fairly bad, etc.
When the Zombie Apocalypse happens in the next few years. There will be many situations like this. These games help you to prepare mentally and give you the will to prepare physically and knowledgeable.
They've got some in game shots around the web, it looks good, though not nearly as good as that trailer.
When the Zombie Apocalypse happens in the next few years. There will be many situations like this. These games help you to prepare mentally and give you the will to prepare physically and knowledgeable.


i really wish the zombie fad would burn out already. almost every single movie/game that comes out like this is mostly indiscernible from anything previous to it.

zombie movie/game cliches:
  • CDC/government failed intervention
  • any non-infected automatically acquire knowledge of heavy weaponry and always get headshots
  • U.S. military being completely overwhelmed by brainless, essentially rabid humans
  • the hunt for 'the cure' that's always within reach
  • cute little girl who looks normal, then turns around and ZOMG how could she be a zombie!?
  • using excessive gore for shock value, distract you from the cookie cutter storyline
  • small group holed up in shopping center/department store/
  • protagonists not understanding WTF is going on even though the same scenario has been played out ad nauseam in pop culture
If teh music doesnt get joo Teh Zombies will MUhahahahahahaha Freaking Awesome Trailer :D
i don't see why you guys think this was so amazing? I think that you aren't used to a trailer with this kind of music. If you turn the sound off it becomes pretty boring.

i really wish the zombie fad would burn out already. almost every single movie/game that comes out like this is mostly indiscernible from anything previous to it.

zombie movie/game cliches:
  • CDC/government failed intervention
  • any non-infected automatically acquire knowledge of heavy weaponry and always get headshots
  • U.S. military being completely overwhelmed by brainless, essentially rabid humans
  • the hunt for 'the cure' that's always within reach
  • cute little girl who looks normal, then turns around and ZOMG how could she be a zombie!?
  • using excessive gore for shock value, distract you from the cookie cutter storyline
  • small group holed up in shopping center/department store/
  • protagonists not understanding WTF is going on even though the same scenario has been played out ad nauseam in pop culture

I'd kinda like to see a game done like the book WWZ.
Man, that was the most boring pos I've seen in a while. *yawn*