Dead Island Trailer

Best game trailer I've seen sine probably the first Gears of War trailer.
very well done trailer. interested to see some game footage.
Ha, just saw the trailer linked on another forum and came over here to see if there was any discussion about it. Looks incredibly awesome and disturbing. If the gameplay lives up to the trailer, DO WANT!
been following this game for a couple years. It's been canceled a few times. Glad to see they got some sort of publisher backing.

Damned depressing trailer though. Interesting how in reverse, even though you know its in reverse, watching the Dad let go of the girls hand is just heart wrenching.
Wow...very intense. And I mean that in the most intense way one could use the word intense. :eek: Way more emotional than ever seeing Ellis or Zoey get eaten alive...

I haven't heard news of this game in a LONG time. Looks like its shaping up, well at least the CGI anyway!
I dunno why everyone is saying it's a CG trailer it clearly looks like in-engine graphics to me. I'm pretty much totally burnt out on the whole zombie thing by now but that is definitely a well done trailer, it got my attention for sure.
That has to have some of the best motion-capture and animation ever.

Awesome video, but I'm not getting my hopes up abaout the game; I can already tell it will be banned in Australia...
Some info from the official website:

The player is drawn into the world of Dead Island on the brink of a mysterious zombie epidemic, that suddenly and with no warning breaks out on the fictional island of Banoi. As a guest of the Royal Palms Resort, the player's stay was supposed to be a dream holiday, a get away from daily grind into the idyllic beaches of a tropical paradise. But suddenly and faced with unimaginable terror, there is only one thing left to do: survive...

This is Dead Island...a paradise to die for

- first-person melee combat
- 4 player co-op
- weapon customization
- set on an open world tropical island
- RPG elements for character development
- hordes of gruesome zombies

For Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC - Release Date: 2011
A very effective trailer,but zombies have long since grown thin with me,they've been overused to death (no pun intended). Even George Romero can't come up with anything original with them anymore.
But how can you say no with this sort of description?

Imagine Borderlands set on the Just Cause 2 island with the Left 4 Dead style of zombies, featuring a quest system similar to Fallout 3 and the weapons system of Dead Rising 2. Blend all of that together, and you get Dead Island; or, as Deep Silver likes to refer to it, a "first-person zombie slasher action RPG."
Am I the only one who thought the trailer was pretty fucked up? As for the graphics and "motion capture", it's cgi..... I wouldn't think twice if somebody said it was from a canceled resident evil on the ps1.
Trailer is fantasic, however before I decide, I need to see some gameplay footage.
I dunno why everyone is saying it's a CG trailer it clearly looks like in-engine graphics to me. I'm pretty much totally burnt out on the whole zombie thing by now but that is definitely a well done trailer, it got my attention for sure.

Well, it may have been rendered with the game engine much like the Left 4 Dead intro movies (or the Uncharted 3 trailer)... But in the same way, the actual game play won't look or feel anything like it. In engine or not, it's still cinematic, not in game footage. So at the end of the day, it's still a CGI trailer. Then again, you could make the argument that game play footage is CGI too. It's still Computer Generated Imagery after all. :)
Nice trailer, but you can't go a month these days without a new zombie game coming out.
So how is this different than Left For Dead 2?

How is an orange different from an apple?

Really? If you had bothered to read anything about this game you wouldn't say that.

Imagine Borderlands set on the Just Cause 2 island with the Left 4 Dead style of zombies, featuring a quest system similar to Fallout 3 and the weapons system of Dead Rising 2. Blend all of that together, and you get Dead Island; or, as Deep Silver likes to refer to it, a "first-person zombie slasher action RPG."

Weapons and ammo are scarce, melee weapons deteriorate and break, you have quests and an actual purpose (GET TO DA SHELTAH!!! doesn't count), if you die you don't magically appear a few minutes later in a locked shack.
Am I the only one who thought the trailer was pretty fucked up? As for the graphics and "motion capture", it's cgi..... I wouldn't think twice if somebody said it was from a canceled resident evil on the ps1.

Yeah cause with the hardware back then it would have only taken a bank of 25 servers 12 years to render it, dont even get me started on the hair.
Oh look, a trailer that tells us absolutely nothing about the game. Cool, let's get hyped!
Man, video games are becoming like movies. So many people whining about them just because. I could understand complaints about price points but everything else is really unnecessary. If you could make a better game with a super new idea that no one has ever thought about before... go ahead, make it.

Man, video games are becoming like movies. So many people whining about them just because. I could understand complaints about price points but everything else is really unnecessary. If you could make a better game with a super new idea that no one has ever thought about before... go ahead, make it.


you must buy everything.
Man, video games are becoming like movies. So many people whining about them just because. I could understand complaints about price points but everything else is really unnecessary. If you could make a better game with a super new idea that no one has ever thought about before... go ahead, make it.


Oh, you mean people have standards besides $$$? Shocking. Utterly SHOCKING!
If the multiplayer holds more than 12 people in a server that would be awesome. I have been waiting for Valve to say they are making a L4D MMO -- something like a GTA4 L4D. Open world sandbox style world, but with goals like Zombie Master requiring the players to work together to survive.

I hear there is a game on the 360 coming out that is similar to a Zombie MMO. I think it is under the codename "class 3" and is being developed by Undead Labs.
They better not have taken out the model damage system. It looked really amazing.