Dead Island vs Left for Dead?

Mar 28, 2005
Looking at the steam sale. How similar are these it worth getting both? Would you choose one over the other? Lastly, any other recommendations from that list? Thanks for the advice [H]!

Update: Dead Rising 2?
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I found them to be radically different. l4d is a faster paced, pick up and play. You don't have to invest much time to it as their isn't much story to it. Constant run and gun.

Dead Island is a role-playing game. Has a story. You start out as a low level 1 and level up through the game getting more powerful, getting more powerful weapons. You have to invest some time into it to get through it. You get some puzzles, standard rpg quests (deliver this, kill that, etc). It's a way slower pace than l4d.
They're not really all that similar. L4D is a team-based shooter while Dead Island is a bit like a loot hunting adventure game. I personally didn't care for Dead Island, but it's probably more active than L4D is these days. Playing L4D alone isn't much fun and I'd suspect that a lot of the people still playing it are probably wizards at it by now. If you have any friends that might also pick it up - it's a blast.
L4D co-op is really enjoyable. other than that I didn't really care for that series of games. the other multiplayer modes just weren't my thing. Single player could have been better but that is made up for with co-op. I haven't gotten Dead Island yet, If it's a good single player story I might give it a try. BUT I think I'm losing interest in the zombie fad :/
pretty much what those guys said, so not going to reiterate the point. With that said, I liked both a lot.

L4D doesn't really have much of a story. Just clues to kind of let you know whats going on.... it's focus is all action.

DI on the other hand is all story. Very similar to something like fallout 3/NV, bugs and all lol... just with zombies and Co-op multiplayer.
Dead island is the biggest piece of shit game I ever spent 20 dollars on. I would have got more enjoyment out of burning my 20 dollar bill. The online co op was broken and they didn't fix it (They might have by now but it took forever if they did fix it)
Playing L4D alone isn't much fun and I'd suspect that a lot of the people still playing it are probably wizards at it by now.
you would assume so but when i pop on L4D every once and a while, there's still countless noobs playing
dead island is not good. i got so far into it and just uninstalled. It was so boring. L4D2 is really good though.
If you've got a few friends to play with, L4D2 is awesome. Once you've been through the base maps a few times, there are some pretty good player made maps out there too - I Hate Mountains comes to mind.
Lots of good insight. Looks like L4D2 is more my style. What about Dead Rising 2? Top of the list and I missed it. :p
you would assume so but when i pop on L4D every once and a while, there's still countless noobs playing

Interesting, but cool. I have the first one for the 360 and the last time I tried playing with some friends, everyone we ran into knew the levels front and back. Everything from those annoying hiding spots where you can't be hit, to blocking the path with borderline glitches.
Some of that stuff was patched out eventually, but the audience declined a lot when L4D2 came out. I still prefer #1.
l4d hands down.

Even if you are playing single player L4D is more enjoyable.

The only plus side to Dead Island is that you get to drive cars into zombies.
Dead Island + Community Mod.

L4D gets really boring after a while because it's basically CoD(or CS if you prefer, basically just an FPS) with zombies. It's fun but after a while it get's boring. I play it every now and then.
I tried really hard to like L4D but if you don't have a tight well skilled group to play with it's pretty weak. fighting off the constant waves of zombies when you're trying to get any where is more irritating than intense. L4D2 is worse in that you have the hunter and jackal thing constantly harassing you.

If you enjoy k/d based deathmatch type games I spose it's tolerable.

Picture yourself picking up your worthless asshole teammate that decided to step 5ft away from the group and then immediately being taken down by some other scumbag special zombie. 90% of the game.

I enjoyed Dead Island immensely despite it having a pretty awful story. The zombie hordes were actually fairly logical and smartly done. The weapons and upgrade mechanics were incredibly addicting. It's Borderlands with Zombies more or less. XP, upgrades, quests, exploration and all that. Very pretty game too. I did not encounter any bugs but I played maybe 3 months ago. Long after release. Co-op was fun too though I enjoyed it both ways.
L4D2 has "fast" zombies, meaning you'll get herds of dozens of zombies charging at 60 mph from all directions, every minute or so. I have not played Dead Island but from what I see in gameplay videos on Youtube, the zombies are very slow in comparison; more like what you would see in the AMC TV series The Walking Dead.

L4D and L4D2 are on sale this weekend for $5 each which is as low as it ever goes, so you're not out too much if you want to see what it's like.

Dead Island is on sale $10; there's a lot of hatred for it, in part because of serious bugs that took too long for them to fix (I think I've heard it's mostly or completely fixed now?), and in part because it had an amazing trailer movie that had nothing to do with the actual gameplay which disappointed many.

The Walking Dead (the game) seems to be a very adventure story type game rather than a shooter or rpg game and is not my style at all.

Dead Rising 2 is yet another very different take, and may be better than all of these. You're in a mall with a LOT of very slow zombies, able to use anything you can pick up to beat on them.

I won't go into detail about the DayZ mod for ARMA II or the standalone WarZ; I'll let you look at the big threads in the PC gaming section. They are a work in progress; very raw with enormous potential but lots of flaws.
I've played a lot of L4D/L4D2 and can still hang when I join for a game or two every few months. But the player base is mostly highly-skilled holdouts now. The co-op is so reliant on close co-ordination between teammates that it's almost impossible to get into a co-op versus game that will play successfully to the end of the campaign. You will either get kicked for screwing up one too many times or one side will rage quit early. On the whole that's why I stopped playing L4D; I still enjoy the game but there's too much frustration simply trying to get into a game worth playing.
Questions regarding Dead Island, since I'm thinking of snagging it for $10...

- Did they fix the player vs AI dmg ratio?
Previously, I heard the zombies hit way too hard, and the player did not do nearly as much damage to zombies.

- Is there really anything to "explore" in the game? Or is it pretty much just empty space that looks pretty with nothing worth while to find?

- Did they ever do anything about the horrible console-like HUD or the FOV issue for the PC version?
It looked almost "cartoony" and was friggin' huge, and supposedly they were supposed to do something about the FOV, which was also horrible.

Just waiting for Far Cry 3 impatiently, so looking for something to do in the mean while.
Dead Island + Community Mod.

L4D gets really boring after a while because it's basically CoD(or CS if you prefer, basically just an FPS) with zombies. It's fun but after a while it get's boring. I play it every now and then.

CS is one of the most unique and deep FPS games you can hope to find. :confused: It's literally nothing like either of those...

As for Dead Island vs L4D, they're completely and utterly different games, not even close.

Dead Island is a pretty fucking shit game imo. I found it soul crushingly boring, and I loved Borderlands and other games that it's apparently similar too.

L4D strives to basically throw you into the middle of a zombie movie, it's a bit cheesy, good characters and humor, and constant fucking action. It has co-op and a hideously competitive versus mode. There's a huge skill curve, a lot of depth to it, and it's pretty rad basically.
Dead island is the biggest piece of shit game I ever spent 20 dollars on. I would have got more enjoyment out of burning my 20 dollar bill.

I agree, Dead island is just such a shitty game.

Dead Island is a pretty fucking shit game imo. I found it soul crushingly boring, and I loved Borderlands and other games that it's apparently similar too.

Yeah, I'm a borderlands fan too and I just couldn't take Dead Island. Its too monotonous.
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CS is one of the most unique and deep FPS games you can hope to find. :confused: It's literally nothing like either of those...

A multiplayer FPS deep? I've heard it all now. Unique? OK you buy your guns, can shoot through random walls(dedust2) and can't aim down the sights except snipers.
Dead Rising is a little... I don't know but there never feels like theres a great desire to do anything. I'm sure there's a story or something, but... So basically if you like strange humor and killing zombies with things, then go for this.

Oh and play L4D with friends or people you know. Public people in Valve games quite often times tend to be... not the kind of people you want to play with. every time it's been "hey I set the spare slot to public" someone joins and just shoots at someone the whole time, or plays music over the voice, or traps people in doors or enrages the witch for comedy gold! :D

CS is one of the most unique and deep FPS games you can hope to find.

The levels of depth of CS:
1. run around be pwned by serious pros!
2. Learn to buy/not buy Deagle. Bang bang bang! Pwn some noobs! Watch some youtube tactics about how to aim at some person like in every other game!
3. repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
4. Notice it's like anal CoD played by anal serious people.
5. Quit. :p
Very Very different games. Dead Island was good but I found it a bit boring. Great game tho worth 10 bucks.

Left 4 Dead 2 well... I'm a L4D2 junkie period! Usually play every night I've been playing since the L4D early demo. Games very fast paced but has a bit of a learning curve and the community can be pretty nasty lol.

Better have tough skin. I see people keep saying if you do not have a group it will suck. I mainly just quick join games most my friends play other stuff. Yeah you run into groups that are pure garbage, but at the very least say 1 out of 3 games i join I have a decent team. Guess some peoples luck is bad or something lol. Even after you play enough you can somewhat take a bad team and make them play good somewhat lol. When I'm in a bad group of noobs I just stick to my rule I let two ahead of me and one behind (always a "weakest link" player that is dogging it) the other team will tend to pick on the weakest player just be prepared to always kill whatever infected gets him and fast. Generally works good enough to keep us somewhat in the game.
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Dead Rising is a little... I don't know but there never feels like theres a great desire to do anything. I'm sure there's a story or something, but... So basically if you like strange humor and killing zombies with things, then go for this.

The first dead rising is great. I don't know what you mean by not having a motivation to do anything. Its a really good sandbox title with a ton of rpg style unlocks. I enjoyed the hell out of that game. I never really gave the second one much of a shot.
Dead island is fun with buddies, mods and the ability to get yourself some badass weapons early on. Otherwise, the pacing is shit, the game is buggy as hell, and the difficultly curve is ridiculously disjointed.

I really enjoyed most of it, but there is a lot of inventory management, supplies management and I heard you like backtracking your steps so I put some backtracking in your retracing so you could retrace your steps while you backtrap your retrace. Lots of that.

I cheated and had a hell of a time.
I had a lot of fun with Dead Island - probably a good 40 hours on my first play-through. Looking forward to re-playing it once I can get some friends to get it and do some co-op. Think of it like a cross between Borderlands and Dead Rising, and you'll get the gist of what the game-play is like. Massive open-world setting, mostly mele combat, and a fairly decent RPG-style quest and leveling system.

L4D2 (MUCH better than L4D1 imo) is an ultra-fast-paced shooter where there are only a few maps and the guns kindof suck even though some of them have unlimited ammo. :confused: It's ok for playing with 3 friends for a short time, but IMO it gets old really fast when you end up playing the same section over and over and over.
The first dead rising is great. I don't know what you mean by not having a motivation to do anything. Its a really good sandbox title with a ton of rpg style unlocks. I enjoyed the hell out of that game. I never really gave the second one much of a shot.

I meant 2. It's just you don't really feel compelled to do anything in that one. The combat is kind of odd as you never feel like anything is a danger to you unless you engadge it, and the zombies just kind of stand around or walk slowly towards you. So unless you want to fight things, you don't have to. Theres just nothing grabbing about it (though i've only played the first bit for a while then moved on to other games... it might get better later on)
I had a lot of fun with Dead Island - probably a good 40 hours on my first play-through. Looking forward to re-playing it once I can get some friends to get it and do some co-op. Think of it like a cross between Borderlands and Dead Rising, and you'll get the gist of what the game-play is like. Massive open-world setting, mostly mele combat, and a fairly decent RPG-style quest and leveling system.

L4D2 (MUCH better than L4D1 imo) is an ultra-fast-paced shooter where there are only a few maps and the guns kindof suck even though some of them have unlimited ammo. :confused: It's ok for playing with 3 friends for a short time, but IMO it gets old really fast when you end up playing the same section over and over and over.

One of the problems I have with left4dead is that even though it seems like there's a variety of zombies one you play for a while it gets really repetitive. All the zombies look the same to me.

I'll play Dead Island with you if you catch me online "Piscian18" on steam.
The levels of depth of CS:
1. run around be pwned by serious pros!
2. Learn to buy/not buy Deagle. Bang bang bang! Pwn some noobs! Watch some youtube tactics about how to aim at some person like in every other game!
3. repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
4. Notice it's like anal CoD played by anal serious people.
5. Quit. :p

Play with and against other good people, the metagame is huge. Just like Quake, which is pretty much the opposite of what people seem to think it is when good people duel. It's an almost hilariously in depth battle of the fucking minds.
Play with and against other good people, the metagame is huge. Just like Quake, which is pretty much the opposite of what people seem to think it is when good people duel. It's an almost hilariously in depth battle of the fucking minds.

But you can read depth into anything if you look for it. As long as you can aim better and avoid being aimed/shot at better and can find a decent weapon it doesn't really matter what else goes on!
But you can read depth into anything if you look for it. As long as you can aim better and avoid being aimed/shot at better and can find a decent weapon it doesn't really matter what else goes on!

Except that's not even close to being true...
Being the guy that thinks he's hot shit and managing one kill after pushing car before dying 0.04 seconds later instead of being the guy who sat sandbags with a teammate watching the corner is a fantastic way to fuck your team over. It's a team game, you need to talk. Even if you don't say something as simple as I'M FLASHED, you could screw the round over.

So yes, the former will always be preferable unless the difference is utterly comical for whatever reason. You don't need to topfrag every game, you need your team to win it.