Dead P8P67 Pro?


Limp Gawd
Jun 11, 2005
So I got the last of the parts for my new build, including the ASUS P8P67 Pro. I built everything up and booted and did all the normal stuff, installing Windows and setting up drivers. Aside from a stupid issue with my DVD drive not wanting to read the ASUS driver CD, everything went pretty well.

This morning, I got up and booted it up, intending to set my 1TB HDD to format while I went to work, since it takes so long. It would turn on, then off again... it did this a few times and I decided to remove the eSATA connector I had plugged into the back (the drive it was connected to wasn't on). After this, it finally decided to POST (not sure if the eSATA cable had something to do with it or not).

I got into Windows, set my format, and left for work. I got home tonight, and things were great. I did a few things, then shut down. I got one of my old HDDs out of my old system, so I could hook it up and begin copying files over. I also screwed in the last 3 Mobo screws that I neglected during the original build. I also plugged in a connector for the case front panel that I forgot (audio connectors). Now, I turned on the system, and I find that the RAM error light is on. confused, I try a few more times to no avail. Again, I unplug the eSATA connector (I was copying stuff from the external drive earlier, and it was working great, and again, the drive is currently off). I don't remember the precise sequence of events after this, but I got past the RAM error light, and it was settling on the Boot Device error light and failing to POST. I thought maybe plugging in the extra hard drive did something to it so I disconnected it. No fix. I then set the reset CMOS jumper and ran that, but that didn't seem to help either. I disconnected the rest of my SATA devices. Still no fix. I tried doing single-stick RAM with both sticks and that didn't help.

I began searching online for people with this issue. The only one that seemed similar to mine had a response indicating a potential short from one of the standoffs/screws on the mobo. I decided I best undo everything I changed since it was last working and removed the extra screws. That didn't fix anything.

Eventually I removed the whole board, and tried to get it to post outside the case, with just video card, RAM and CPU. Still the same error light. Without the video card, I get both the boot device error light and VGA error light, as one might expect.

My only conclusion is that somehow the board has died on me. I really can't imagine what the hell would have happened between it working fine and the few things I did after shutting down.

I'm getting ready to RMA it... but I'm wondering if anyone else here has any insights or knowledge of issues with these boards? I seem to be seeing a number of threads in various places with people having problems with this board model. It may just be because it's one of the few models available for sandy bridge so there's a disproportionate level of issues being discussed...

Anyway, can anyone think of anything else I could test? Can anyone suggest a possible reason for the sudden death of the board? I was really looking forward to getting stuff installed and seeing what this baby can do... I'm also debating whether I want to buy a new board locally and just return this one for a refund so I can get this system up and running for the weekend. Of course, I'm not sure I can find this board locally. Maybe I should get a different one? Gigabyte? MSI?

This is so frustrating.
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A lot of people, myself included, are having booting issues. I think Asus will be releasing a new BIOS to fix these issues.

As for getting yours back up and running, try clearing the CMOS using this method.
I did clear the CMOS actually, forgot to mention it. I'll add that to the original post. I didn't do the battery removal thing but that typically isn't necessary. I already updated the BIOS to the latest non-beta version (1003) last night and it was working fine with it.
if it is a fix that is capable through a bios the hell does Asus let something like this slide into GA? I was on the fence about upgrading from my 1090T/890FX setup to sandy bridge, but the quality control of most of these mobo's has definitely kept my upgrading bug at bay. Ridiculous.
if it is a fix that is capable through a bios the hell does Asus let something like this slide into GA? I was on the fence about upgrading from my 1090T/890FX setup to sandy bridge, but the quality control of most of these mobo's has definitely kept my upgrading bug at bay. Ridiculous.

I've been a die hard ASUS fan for years and honestly I can't remember a build that didn't have an ASUS part in it. Having said this i'm seriously considering going Gigabyte or MSI for my next build.
I've been a die hard ASUS fan for years and honestly I can't remember a build that didn't have an ASUS part in it. Having said this i'm seriously considering going Gigabyte or MSI for my next build.

Funny you mention that. I've been building my own PC's for about 10 years now (pretty mcuh since i joined [H], this is where I went for my first walkthru :)). Anyway, For probably the first 7 years I was almost nothing but Asus, with some Abit/DFI/Iwill (remember them?) thrown in. But I noticed a trend about Asus boards...they almost always have some nuances about them, and never seem to just work 100% out of the box. The double booting/cold booting is a problem they've had for generations across certain mobo's of all different chipsets. I finally said enough of them, and have been using MSI and most recently Gigabyte, and every build I've done has been more or less troubleshooting at all. I was actually contemplating buying the Asus P67 deluxe or Pro, because I wanted to see what all the hubbub was about with UEFI, and I prefer Intel NIC's to Realtek...but not after I see dozens and dozens of posts across a multitude of boards relating the same issues of old. I guess I'll hold out until Bulldozer, see what it offers, and if I still decide to go Intel, by then hopefully they'll be some other offerings with EFI and Intel NIC's.
Well I'm not ready to give up on ASUS yet. This doesn't just seem to be "nuance". It seems like hardware failure. It refuses to POST no matter what I do. I'm going to buy a new one locally and get that working if possible. Of course, if that fails then I can guess there's actually some other component causing the problem. I know it's not the vid card because I tried another known good card and still had problems.

Also, since I already installed and activated (OEM) windows, I don't want to have to go through the trouble of calling them up for re-activation which I'd probably have to do with a new model of motherboard.
I think the [H] review of this board mentioned boot issues after changing the boot order. I like this board but am likely going to wait for the BIOS update or just go with MSI.
Just want to follow up on this issue... I ended up picking up a new board (same model) at Fry's and it works perfectly fine so it does seem that the original one did in fact go bad on me. Not sure what the heck happened that caused it but I'm happy now that I have a working one.
I have a similar issue:

After installing my new build, I had this problem: Black screen, no boot.+

I have these working:+
CPU fan One
tower fan Tower Led and pwr switch.
Green led (mobo)
Drive reader HDD+

What's not working:+
GPU fan 2 other tower fan Boot check led ( I have only the green one and the EPU and TPU working )

The components are working with another mainboard, the powersupply is running fine. I think some part of the mobo is not working, because I can't make work any PCIE (for GPU),I don't get led message, I have fans connected to the mobo that are not working when connected to particulars pins ( only top right one is providing power ).+

Components: 2500k Gskill ripjaw for sandy bridge 2x4 Corsair ax850 Gtx 570+

What do you think it could be? It's a new mobo and from start it's not working. I tried everything, can not get it working.+

Handeled with maximum care, never had any problems with my builds because of improper handling.+

Thanks in advance
I have a similar issue:

After installing my new build, I had this problem: Black screen, no boot.+

I have these working:+
CPU fan One
tower fan Tower Led and pwr switch.
Green led (mobo)
Drive reader HDD+

What's not working:+
GPU fan 2 other tower fan Boot check led ( I have only the green one and the EPU and TPU working )

The components are working with another mainboard, the powersupply is running fine. I think some part of the mobo is not working, because I can't make work any PCIE (for GPU),I don't get led message, I have fans connected to the mobo that are not working when connected to particulars pins ( only top right one is providing power ).+

Components: 2500k Gskill ripjaw for sandy bridge 2x4 Corsair ax850 Gtx 570+

What do you think it could be? It's a new mobo and from start it's not working. I tried everything, can not get it working.+

Handeled with maximum care, never had any problems with my builds because of improper handling.+

Thanks in advance
Definitely sounds like a motherboard issue. New or not, it might be DOA as these things do happen. The only thing I could suggest is a RTC Clear. Unfortunately, I now have this problem after trying to flash 1502 on my Pro (no POST) and nothing seems to help.

I would RMA your board to the place of purchase.
Well I see that many P8P67 are dying.

What I find odd is that mine has absolutely no error led blinking whatsoever.
I've seen the same mobo blinking all around like a christmas tree, but mine is just plain green power led.

I'm contacting Asus and the seller in order to find what I can do.

I can only hope that they'll replace it.