Dead Rising, Lost Planet - 360


[H]F Junkie
Sep 23, 2005
Wow, just saw some sneak peak pic's of Dead Rising and LP, and man they look HOT, these are two games i will definetly be picking up

Dead Rising, supposedly you fight massive zombies for a real time of 72 hours and a helicopter picks you up, you can use anything in the city for weapons, throwing, beating, shooting, punching, traps, and complete certain missions, seems fun, might be tedious, another pro for the game is each zombie looks different (like a randomized model, with different clothing, sizes, and injuries)

LP - unsure what the real objective is with this game, seems to be a star ship troopers meets Pitch Black, either way it looks cool
Yeah, I dl'ed the trailer for LP on XBL, and if the gameplay is as good looking/cool as it seems to be form the trailer then I think I'll be getting it.
Lost Planet definitely looks cool but i don't think it's coming out for a WHILE.

Dead Rising sounds interesting.. Is there something different to do for taht whole 72 hours or is it just mindless zombie killing? Sounds intriguing on the surface, but i don't know about how it'd be in practice.
Lost Planet was penciled in at Gamepot as coming in '07. At the same time...WOW it looks nice. I normally don't care for the whole idea of mechs, but the game looks like it's a good mix of mech combat and RE4 style action.
The final 2 seconds of the promo movie is amazing!
Trimlock said:
Wow, just saw some sneak peak pic's of Dead Rising and LP, and man they look HOT, these are two games i will definetly be picking up

Dead Rising, supposedly you fight massive zombies for a real time of 72 hours and a helicopter picks you up, you can use anything in the city for weapons, throwing, beating, shooting, punching, traps, and complete certain missions, seems fun, might be tedious, another pro for the game is each zombie looks different (like a randomized model, with different clothing, sizes, and injuries)

LP - unsure what the real objective is with this game, seems to be a star ship troopers meets Pitch Black, either way it looks cool

LP definitely looks damn cool...we'll have to wait and see what it is actually like though i guess...

Dead rising: I think thats just based in a shopping mall not an entire city...thats what I thought anyway...looks a bit repetitive and could get boring fast....conversely may be good for "pick up and play" gaming for short bursts...
Syphon Filter said:
LP definitely looks damn cool...we'll have to wait and see what it is actually like though i guess...

Dead rising: I think thats just based in a shopping mall not an entire city...thats what I thought anyway...looks a bit repetitive and could get boring fast....conversely may be good for "pick up and play" gaming for short bursts...
No, it's not based only in a shopping mall, lol! Have you seen the new trailer?
lesman said:
No, it's not based only in a shopping mall, lol! Have you seen the new trailer?

I have seen the trailer, and it takes place only in and around the mall near as I can tell.

EDIT : Also from what I gathered a lot of the missions consist of helping trapped citizens out of the if the entire city was infested with zombies it wouldn't be much of a help just to get someone out of the mall now would it?

"Alright well, I got you out of the mall...have fun trying to get out of town though!"
Dead Rising sounds interesting.. Is there something different to do for taht whole 72 hours or is it just mindless zombie killing? Sounds intriguing on the surface, but i don't know about how it'd be in practice.

theres alot of missions for you to do supposedly, not mostly helping people get out but keeping the peace as well.

being in the city, i think you are right, i think its going to be only limited to and around the mall, at the last few hours of you trying to keep them in and killing them off, you find yourself over ran and run top side trying to retreat, and if you live you get saved, if you don't you don't

either way i can't wait to play it

what is the whole idea behind LP? theres not a whole lot of info on the game right now, i saw the trailer and was amazed, but i'm just trying to figure out a story with it and the purpose
all the mission's are optional too. In the ign preview, they said you can stand in one place for the whole game until the chopper picks you up