DEAD-Seasonic focus gx and px 850 at BB on sale.


Apr 16, 2018
I just happened upon this by accident. Normal prices are $149 and $169 but once you log into your bb account, add them to your cart and hit check out. you get a 17% discount. So the gx-850 was $134.99 and the px-850 was $152.99 so after much deliberation i had to get the px-850 of course!
Ive no idea how long this will last or even why the discount came up but you may as well give it a try.

EDIT- if your logged into your account you can see the members only prices.

PX-850 is OOS as of 3/25
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Thanks, I grabbed one too! Been kicking the can around so to speak on picking one up since it will likely be months before I can snag a gpu, but now at least this part is over. I have a gold focus+ 850w in my current build from 2017 that I am quite happy with, so this should serve my new build quite well.
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I like the sparkle platform that those Supernovas are based on, but $130 for a 750W gold is meh. Especially when the 850W version of the G5 shows up on Warehouse Deals for like $103 pretty regularly.

For similar money get this instead:

Fractal Ion+ 760W - a top tier platinum that was OOS for eons and will be back OOS very quickly. Also 10yr warranty.
Whos the oem for the fractal?
BB is on the friggin ball. They shipped it out via ups at 9:44am. No sitting on your payment for a week with these guys. Which has become an aggravating (yep youve lost all future business) trend lately.
BB is on the friggin ball. They shipped it out via ups at 9:44am. No sitting on your payment for a week with these guys. Which has become an aggravating (yep youve lost all future business) trend lately.
Glad to hear it! Mine is still at Getting it Ready. Fine by me, it will likely sit unused for months, maybe even into next year!
Edit: 15 minutes after I post this and BB sends me a text saying my item has shipped, lol.
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BB is on the friggin ball. They shipped it out via ups at 9:44am. No sitting on your payment for a week with these guys. Which has become an aggravating (yep youve lost all future business) trend lately.
They're pouncing on the slack from places like Amazon and NewEgg. From Blu-rays to blenders to power supplies, I've been getting tracking info within hours for the last several of my purchases.
I ordered mine 2 days ago and it will be here tomorrow. Thanks you to I am getting a 15 dollar refund to match the sale, they also knocked 25 off the 10700k i ordered and 20 off the nvme to match Amazon pricing. So, thank you. You inspired me and i saved almost 60 bucks
They're pouncing on the slack from places like Amazon and NewEgg. From Blu-rays to blenders to power supplies, I've been getting tracking info within hours for the last several of my purchases.
I'm grateful for them. I wish I could be on a computer with actual internet when they do their restocks instead of stuck on my cellphone with crappy, laggy service. They came through for me on my 5900X CPU, though, so I'm grateful for them.

Great prices on these PSUs right now. Thanks, OP!
Good to hear you all are saving some loot as well!
Mine came today as promised woohoo. I didnt mention it because ive had such bad experiences lately and didnt want to jinx it haha. BB has earned my loyalty when ever possible. They were true to their word when giving me a ship time and didnt monkey around with getting it shipped out quick. I havent really looked to them in the past when pricing gear but i will do so from now on. Solid CS goes a long way in my book these days.
I only remember BB from the good old 400% expensive cable and endless protection plan days. This is a welcomed change.
I only remember BB from the good old 400% expensive cable and endless protection plan days. This is a welcomed change.
i know right lol i got a x570 and 3700x few months back and a adata nvme then i picked up a 1000watt psu kinda got used to the fast shipping getting it in 1-2days tops. And they price match i was able to get my 3700x for 289 at the time with price matching.
I received mine yesterday, BB is my “hotspot” so to say, as of late. Thanks OP for this!
Nice to see you got one too!
Just checked and the px850 is oos unfortunately. Word has gotten out. Better grab whats left while you can.
Tbh when i went there originally i was looking for a prime 850(for the single ended gpu connectors) but those have become as rare as high end gpus. Im sure glad i saw these or i would have kicked myself for missing out.