Dead space 2 (PC Download) for $5 @ Amazon!

Item(s) Subtotal: $5.00
Shipping & Handling: $0.00
Promotion Applied: -$5.00
Total Before Tax: $0.00
Estimated Tax To Be Collected: $0.00
Grand Total: $0.00
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Used my promotional code :p
Hot shit, in for one. Do I need to have plaed the first game to understand this one?
BTW if you don't have a promo code but still want the game, it is available on Steam right now for $5. The Amazon key activates on Origin.
Nice, I picked part 1 and 2 up for $10 on Steam. I gotta stop looking on here and SD, I've bought 8 games since yesterday. Just can't pass up these prices.
Awesome, thanks for the heads up, been waiting for a deal to use my code. I have one more code to use now. This isn't multiplayer is it?
Used my last promo code on this. I loved the first game and the second one for free sounds great to me. Thanks for the heads up.

Not to mention the great timing with the 3 day weekend for MLK day next Monday.
Crap bought it a 2nd time and had no idea! Knew i should of checked but thought amazon would inform me first. Cost me nothing with a $5 off coupon.
Well I guess I will just activate it on origin, does that change anything about being able to DL it from amazon?
Well I guess I will just activate it on origin, does that change anything about being able to DL it from amazon?

I don't know why you wouldn't just use the Origin downloader, but yeah you could register it on origin and download it from Amazon as well if you wanted. The thing that confuses me is why even bother with Origin if you're just going to download from Amazon. I do not believe this game requires Origin in anyway.
Nice deal if you don't want to be tied to Steam. Steam has the same prices going on right now for the weekend deal. Nice find OP.
I just got Civ 5 and Civ 4 complete with some of my coupons. I figure they weren't going to drop the prices on the games any lower. Guess I was wrong. Still at $3.99 for both they were really worth the pick up. I'm really into the Civ 5 game, never played a Civ game before.

Still have some coupons left and I think I'll pick up Dead Space 2. I wonder if anything else is going to drop but more importantly when?