Dead Space - $6.80 on steam


Aug 2, 2004

Looks like this weekend deal is Dead Space. For $6.80, this is an enormous amount of fun. Took me a bit of time to warm up to the game, but once I got passed the over the shoulder perspective and the hang of the controls - solid fun. Does not look like to you need to purchase DS2 to get that price. ($60, really?)

(Edit: As Zero82z pointed out, the 66% off is the unbundled price of $6.80. Those picking up DS2 can get it for 75% off, or about $5.)
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I purchased the game for $6.80 yesterday without pre-ordering Dead Space 2. I've heard a lot of good things about the game, so I figured I would add it to my Steam catalog.
Wow, nice price. Might pick it up after class. Beat it once a million years ago, maybe another is in order.
Man, steam is getting hot with PC gaming and especially hot on the prices... glad they keep it somewhat in "the game" after all these game makers are ditching it primarily for the shitty console ports
good game. Story gets redundant.

"Go here and fix this so we can gtfo of here", fixed, "OMG now this is broken go fix it so we can GTFO of here." fixed. "ok lets get ready to go, ZOMG now this is broken go fix it so we can GTFO of here". And repeat till end of game.
I want it but I just have so little time and so many other games to play still. :p I may end up getting it down the line with Dead Space 2 when it's not $60.
I thought i read somewhere that you can't remap the buttons for this game. Turns me off when games do that.

Anyone know?
Great game... and while your objectives are repetitive, the bits of information you pick up long the way make for a decent story... I wouldn't say the story itself is redundant.

@Soulmetzger... you can remap most buttons, but not all... Nothing Auto Hotkey won't fix though, if it really bugs you.
I bought this game on disc and could not play it for that reason. I will try Auto Hotkey. Glove Pie was crap on vista 64 and never worked. Oh and EA blows!
I picked up this game for about that price last month during the Steam holiday sales event. I haven't played it yet but after seeing the "your mom hates this game" ad on tv I moved it to the top of my list of games to play. I can only play through 2-3 games at any given time or I get the stories mixed up since I have limited time to play
good game. Story gets redundant.

"Go here and fix this so we can gtfo of here", fixed, "OMG now this is broken go fix it so we can GTFO of here." fixed. "ok lets get ready to go, ZOMG now this is broken go fix it so we can GTFO of here". And repeat till end of game.

Yeah, I don't normally do suspense/horror/gore movies or videogames. But occasionally its good for a change of pace. If it wasn't for that, the repetitiveness would have been a killer. There was enough unique stuff that they could have cut out the repetitive stuff and still had good game that was probably more enjoyable.
I've spent far too much money on Steam already... I should probably resist but that is a great deal.
All this talk about Dead Space is tempting me to reinstall. I must not though as my backlog is tremendous.
Anybody pre-order that wants to buy me a copy (I'd pay for it obviously!)? :D
I dont think you need to pre-order to get that price.

In for one, great game (never finished on Xbox).
In for one. I never really played much of the first one, but after playing the demo for the second I was waiting for this to go on sale to give it a go.
I bit. I played in on PC with my 360 controller when it first came out, but it was at a sad part of my life when I torrented games (not that this justifies it, but this game didn't have a PC demo and I wanted to try it before I dropped $50+ on it). It's an awesome game and you'd be retarded to not pick this up at this price. I pre-ordered DS2 for 360 too, so I can't wait to play it Tuesday :D.
good game. Story gets redundant.

"Go here and fix this so we can gtfo of here", fixed, "OMG now this is broken go fix it so we can GTFO of here." fixed. "ok lets get ready to go, ZOMG now this is broken go fix it so we can GTFO of here". And repeat till end of game.

wow this makes me rethink my time spent gaming
Too bad the developers didnt give an option to use the keypad for movement. Looks like I will have to hack the controls.rmp file to do that.
hrmm. I have this on PS3 but only played 10 minutes of it. I freaking hate aiming with the little joystick!

Im guessing the PC version movement is kinda like max payne and much better graphics?
Turn off vsync and adjust DPI and menu sensitivities. Goes a long ways.

I played this with KBM no problem. It took me about 5 minutes to get used to the camera angle and the controls and it was off to kicking alien ass.

Be patient. Give yourself about 5-10 minutes and you'll get used to the feel of the game and the controls.

Heh, I wish the camera angle and controls were like Max Payne but they're good enough. Max Payne in the world of Dead Space...sounds like a great mod at least. ;)

$7 is a steal for this game.