Dead Space PC controls suck balls

AA is overrated anyway. I'm so used to seeing jaggies that my eyes automatically smooth them. :D
Haven't bothered reading through the 13 pages of this thread but let me guess, did EA completely fuck up another game by rushing it out before a major holiday desptie developers objections?
Haven't bothered reading through the 13 pages of this thread but let me guess, did EA completely fuck up another game by rushing it out before a major holiday desptie developers objections?
no the game is fine. if anything the thread was rushed before users really got a hands on.Dead Space was one of my best gaming experiences ever and I highly recommend it.

to sum up the thread: controls are fine as long as you dont use the in game vsync which will cap you at half your refresh rate. Nvidia card users can turn it off in the game and use their cards control panel to turn on vysnc which will work normally.
Yep it was a nightmare navigating the menues with v-sync on... mouse works great except for inventory as mentioned. mouse support is considerably better implemented then in Far Cry 2...

And if you are trying to diss the graphics come on... What are you dissing it against? Pirates of Carribean Bluray or not really a fair comparison. Only Crysis can compete if you look at the whole picture. And I run at 1360x768 on my LCD TV. It´s pretty dark so you shouldn´t see that much details in the textures anyway. The fantastic lightning and shadow do a great job of covering ev rough edges that´s for sure. But again the benefit of LCD TVs is that they are superb at hiding flaws. I do have a 1900x1200 monitor as well 24" but it´s less pleasing generally I have to say...

As for AA if you want to be immune try gaming on a PS 3... I can´t understand how sony can release a console in the 21st century that doesn´t support aa... Every single damn demo or game I have on PS 3 is full of jaggies...
I'm using vsync in Nvidia CP with Triple Buffering on in NVP too. No perceivable lag now, the vsync is borked in the in game menu. Controls are also fine with the GlovePie keyboard remapping tool, so controls are very comfortable and slick.

As for visuals the game looks fine, if you look closely at some of the darker areas moving into light there is some pixelation but nothing major. At max everything at 1680 x 1050 it runs beautifully and looks very nice

I really must be cr*p at this game as my ammo reserves are still pitiful. I think I have spent way too much on power nodes, my rig is already maxed out for air and hitpoints and I'm only on chapter 4! I think I should have concentrated more on weapons
I'm using vsync in Nvidia CP with Triple Buffering on in NVP too. No perceivable lag now, the vsync is borked in the in game menu.
Yeah, I noticed it's a lot better now. The lag is gone and I can aim much better.
I'm not sure if I should read through the entire thread... so I'll ask my question.

Has anyone figured out a way to change the hardcoded key mappings to be what they want? I'd really love to change all of the keys to how I want them...
Get a programmable keyboard replacement is the best bet. I wouldn´t recommend just a programmable keyboard... It just stinks for ergonomics. I currently use the Fang Zboard. I used the Nostromo N52 before. Both have pros and cons but the Zboard is ambidextrous and have more buttons. the default layout is like that I seldom have to remap keys for action games anyway. PC seem to have quite a standardized interface regarding which weapons are used.

Thus I never felt I had to learn how to programme it lol. I may try the N52 for Dead Space... It has a D-pad so if it works as intended should help quite a bit with the inventory. Therre isn´t really a scare button configuration other then WASD to assign down, up, left right arrows to so wouldn´t be easier then to guessing the right short cut ;). No Novint Falcon support yet so I don´t need the ambidextrous future.
I'm not sure if I should read through the entire thread... so I'll ask my question.

Has anyone figured out a way to change the hardcoded key mappings to be what they want? I'd really love to change all of the keys to how I want them...

Yes CrimsonKnight13, you can use GlovePIE to remap your keys. I'm currently using Enter as E (Use) and the WASD keys I've remapped to the directional keypad.

This is what I'm using : -

Key.Home = Keyboard.Up
Key.End = Keyboard. Down
Key.Delete = Keyboard.Left
Key.PageDown = Keyboard.Right
Key.E = Keyboard.Enter

Found this solution in the Dead Space Technical Support forum, as here
Awesome! Thanks, spicey! You have saved Dead Space from being dead on my PC. :D I greatly appreciate it & I'll try it out later tonight.
Awesome! Thanks, spicey! You have saved Dead Space from being dead on my PC. :D I greatly appreciate it & I'll try it out later tonight.

No problem, glad to help! :p The WASD controls and lack of customisation really put me off the game at first, I was waiting for a patch as I'm useless with the WASD and E key coupled with left shift to sprint. But this works a treat and the controls are now a pleasure rather than a battle.

I just love the boot stomp. Sooo satisfying stomping down on an alien to finish them off. Thud!!

What a unexpected treat this game is. I nearly missed it but the Gamespot review (90%) grabbed my attention.
So when you guys say controls are fine, does that mean you move the mouse while aiming and it sort of grudgingly moves along? To me, it does not feel anywhere near COD4 or Left4Dead response. That's w/ Vsync off on an ATI card Catalyst 8.9 ~ 8.11.
So when you guys say controls are fine, does that mean you move the mouse while aiming and it sort of grudgingly moves along? To me, it does not feel anywhere near COD4 or Left4Dead response. That's w/ Vsync off on an ATI card Catalyst 8.9 ~ 8.11.

Seems pretty responsive to me. Probably not as responsive as twitch shooters but pretty good all the same. The feeling of slight heaviness in turning when stationary is due to the fact you're running around in an environmental suit. The weapons aiming is smooth for me, no issues at all

I think setting a high DPI on my G5 mouse helps too along with using vsync in the control panel and not in game. Without vsync on the tearing is as bad as I have seen in a game, it hurts my eyes, especially the strobe lighting effects.
It does help the whole, "oh shit" reflex, but I'm a fool for on target aiming and Dead Space doesn't have it. Maybe I'm just pissed that it scares me so much, haha.
True the aiming is really smooth here... There is perhaps a minor deadzone but being used to use a monitor with noticable input lag doesn´t make that much of a difference. It´s kind of an elitist complaint it really doesn´t affect your aim or anything. That you are slow and such is due to your suit and is a design feature not something "wrong with the controls"

As for mouse I have a Razer Copperhead. I am a high sensitivity gamer so I run with really high sensitivity. I would suggest try that if you want "faster controls"... But really it´s more tense to play Dead Space with a gamepad so unless you are a chicken like me go with that lol.

But no problems aiming for limbs or anything when my mind is there and not freaked out.
This game is starting to annoy me. With Vsync off in game, and nothing changed in the nvidia control panel, the mouse has no lag whatsoever. But, sometimes when looking around there is a huge deadzone requiring me to swipe the mouse like 3 or 4 times just to turn around.

Then I try turning vsync on in the nvidia control panel and triple buffering as well, while keeping vsync off in game, and there is still noticeable input lag but the deadzone issue is gone.

I can't enjoy this game when it plays like this :mad:
First pic is how it really looks on my home theater. Second pic is enhanced so you can see the home theater.


You get that suit after you beat the game the first time. Technically, I think it is level 6.

It's a military suit, level 6. You get it in the second run through the game after you beat it once already. Costs 99k gold.
I just got the Level 4 I wonder how Isaac can even see anything in that one lol.

Most say it start to get repetitive now wonder if the interest will be there to the end.
This game is starting to annoy me. With Vsync off in game, and nothing changed in the nvidia control panel, the mouse has no lag whatsoever. But, sometimes when looking around there is a huge deadzone requiring me to swipe the mouse like 3 or 4 times just to turn around.
I disabled vsync in game, and I enabled Tripple Buffering and Vsync in Nvidia panel, and the controls are pretty must fixed. I used to have your problem your describing but after I fixed the nvidia panel options, it seems to have worked. I also maxed out the mouse sensitivity, seems great now with no floaty/delayed mouse. Panning left to right is very responsive.
I disabled vsync in game, and I enabled Tripple Buffering and Vsync in Nvidia panel, and the controls are pretty must fixed. I used to have your problem your describing but after I fixed the nvidia panel options, it seems to have worked. I also maxed out the mouse sensitivity, seems great now with no floaty/delayed mouse. Panning left to right is very responsive.
triple buffering from ATI or Nvidia control panel DOES NOT do anything for DirectX games. that only applies to OpenGL and you would need to install a third party app to force triple buffering in a DirectX game.
triple buffering from ATI or Nvidia control panel DOES NOT do anything for DirectX games. that only applies to OpenGL and you would need to install a third party app to force triple buffering in a DirectX game.
Either way, those 3 changes I made, as well as increasing mouse sensitivity, completely fixed the control issues with the game. The game menus are still not right but I just use the arrow keys to navigate that anyways.
Either way, those 3 changes I made, as well as increasing mouse sensitivity, completely fixed the control issues with the game. The game menus are still not right but I just use the arrow keys to navigate that anyways.

Well you'll reget leaving triple buffering on the next time you run an OpenGL app :D
Well you'll reget leaving triple buffering on the next time you run an OpenGL app :D
The settings in the Nvidia panel are per app, son :rolleyes:

Anyways, I tried it with and without triple-buffering on. It's absolutely 100% noticeably better, responsive wise, with it on. If you turn it off, it does that slow pan left and right, no matter how fast you move the mouse. When it's on, if you move the mouse fast, it zips across the screen. Try it if you don't believe me. Oh wait, your probably don't have the game to try it, so you actually don't know if I'm right, your just assuming I'm wrong without being able to test it yourself.

In game:
Vsync OFF
Mouse Sensitivity MAX (right)

Nvidia Control Panel:
Deadspace.exe (dead space.exe)
Vsync: Force ON
Triple Buffering: ON

This game is very good now, compared to really poor controls earlier.
The settings in the Nvidia panel are per app, son :rolleyes:

Anyways, I tried it with and without triple-buffering on. It's absolutely 100% noticeably better, responsive wise, with it on. If you turn it off, it does that slow pan left and right, no matter how fast you move the mouse. When it's on, if you move the mouse fast, it zips across the screen. Try it if you don't believe me. Oh wait, your probably don't have the game to try it, so you actually don't know if I'm right, your just assuming I'm wrong without being able to test it yourself.

In game:
Vsync OFF
Mouse Sensitivity MAX (right)

Nvidia Control Panel:
Deadspace.exe (dead space.exe)
Vsync: Force ON
Triple Buffering: ON

This game is very good now, compared to really poor controls earlier.
poor chris still thinking that triple buffering from the control panel has an affect on directX games. too bad you cant listen even though I have told you numerous times that the triple buffering option in your control panel is only for openGL games. :rolleyes:

just for shits and grins I toggled it on and off and let two other people and myself give it a whirl. well what do you know it feels EXACTLY the SAME with it on or off because that doesnt have any affect on directX games like I told you. you can use a third party app to force triple buffering on for directX games like Dead Space but that is the ONLY way to do it.
Bioshock and Far Cry 2 is worse then dead space... lag in mouse is not acceptable in fps games. Dead Space have just as little lag and is not an fps ;)

anyone who finds them unplayable for the little lag it got is overreacting like crazy IMO :p
Bioshock and Far Cry 2 is worse then dead space... lag in mouse is not acceptable in fps games. Dead Space have just as little lag and is not an fps ;)

anyone who finds them unplayable for the little lag it got is overreacting like crazy IMO :p

I didn't get any lag in FarCry 2 once I turned vsync off, the game is just plain rubbish. It is one of the first games that I have bought that I haven't bothered finishing

Back to Dead Space - only thing that lags slightly is the mouse in the menus. In game it is smooth. A G5 mouse at high DPI is very beneficial.

Up to Chapter 7 and the game just gets better, the hydroponics level was tough as nails and the level design is superb.
Just picked it up for PS3....damn I need to know the weapon upgrade path, the first gun seems the best
Just picked it up for PS3....damn I need to know the weapon upgrade path, the first gun seems the best

Force Gun that you get later on is great, I have used quite a few nodes on that. Plasma Cutter upgraded is great, but I would use nodes on the Pulse Rifle. It is the most versatile weapon in Dead Space, rapid fire and damaging
Force Gun that you get later on is great, I have used quite a few nodes on that. Plasma Cutter upgraded is great, but I would use nodes on the Pulse Rifle. It is the most versatile useful weapon in Dead Space, rapid fire and damaging

I've beaten the game and am playing it over using the military - level 6 - suit. I used a fully upgraded Line Gun for 80% of the game. The flame thrower is useful for those pesky midget headcrab things.

Didn't like the Force Gun or Contact Gun much, but I may sell one of my fully upgraded weapons and tinker with the force or contact gun. I have the Line Gun, Plasma Cutter, Flamethrower, and Pulse Rifle all maxed. The Pulse Rifle isn't that good; I only have it for a change of pace. The other guns are much better at dismembering. Even the Flamethrower can dismember if you burn a limb off.
I didn't get any lag in FarCry 2 once I turned vsync off, the game is just plain rubbish. It is one of the first games that I have bought that I haven't bothered finishing

Back to Dead Space - only thing that lags slightly is the mouse in the menus. In game it is smooth. A G5 mouse at high DPI is very beneficial.

Up to Chapter 7 and the game just gets better, the hydroponics level was tough as nails and the level design is superb.

I remember the hydroponics level. No spoilers from me, but I agree.
Sounds good since I am at chapter 7 and am getting a bit boored.

As for weapons Line Gun seem to have most potential... It´s one shot kills mostly you hardly have to aim with it. Ripper is nice since well you seem to get infinite ammo on it. It´s a bit borked I mean there is no point relying on the secondary fire mode on that... Great if you want to sell ammo to gain money to upgrade other weapons. I run out on ammo very fast with line gun, plasma cutter and contact beam,

Contact Beam is quite powerful but having to charge it is so annoying... But fantastic for boss fights. Also exactly what do the second attack do??? Make the enemies fall to the ground or what? Seem fire downwards and making damage in a radius around you???

But well they seem pretty well balanced I am sure you can finish the game with just about any weapon. Pulse gun seem useless though... You need weapons with good aim to make use of the strategic dismemberment option and conserve ammo.

So well my favourite is Line Gun definiatly... I just have to learn to use mines more. I get lazy since well it´s often one shot kills anyway...
Contact Beam is quite powerful but having to charge it is so annoying... But fantastic for boss fights. Also exactly what do the second attack do??? Make the enemies fall to the ground or what? Seem fire downwards and making damage in a radius around you???

So well my favourite is Line Gun definiatly... I just have to learn to use mines more. I get lazy since well it´s often one shot kills anyway...

The secondary fire on the Contact Beam is to take down those swarming midget headcrabs (as I call them), I believe.

Mine's are also great for taking out those pesky headcrabs. Sometimes, if you have room, you can pull the headcrabs, get close to a door, run out the door, and drop a mine before the door closes. Great for taking out those crabs.

Line Gun is great...even better once you get the full width upgraded. 4-5 shots can take down those elephant sized monsters.
The secondary fire on the Contact Beam is to take down those swarming midget headcrabs (as I call them), I believe.

Mine's are also great for taking out those pesky headcrabs. Sometimes, if you have room, you can pull the headcrabs, get close to a door, run out the door, and drop a mine before the door closes. Great for taking out those crabs.

Line Gun is great...even better once you get the full width upgraded. 4-5 shots can take down those elephant sized monsters.

I keep forgetting about the secondary fire option!

The force gun is superb on groups of critters, even better than the flamer, a whole group of headcrabs can be obliterated with one shot. It is particularly useful in confined spaces, force slam them into a wall and the damage is massive.

The most useless weapon has to be the ripper, rarely does it do enough damage and it's a nightmare to aim.

Possible slight spoilers below.

Making my way to the other ship (Valor) via zero gravity, how cool is this game? Got a little stuck when planting the beacon on Chapter 7, I didn't realise you can exit to zero-g the other side of the asteriod!

Currently on Chapter 9 - I don't want it to end, even when it does, there is plenty of replay value especially with the military suit
ripper is great... It slows the enemy down as you cut them and as mentioned extremely economic in term of ammunition... when I run dry on everything else I still have ammo for the ripper in abundance. It´s also decent against these small pest where you just waste ammo with line or plasma cutter otherwise. I tried contact beams secondary mode but it´s not really working that well against them.

I have sold ammo for the ripper for tons and tons of cash already and have never had to buy any ammo either.

oh and btw let you get killed by all the various monsters to see the death animations... I thought I lost to much health so let one of these small face hugger with heads kill me... soon replaced by a new one that was great lol.
I find myself using the plasma cutter the most. I have upgraded my armor and kinesis the most...almost nothing to my guns, I really need to get on that.

I like the line gun but it is almost always out of ammo.