Dealing with annoying web advertisements.


Jun 26, 2004
Not sure where to post this and maybe it's been covered but I am having no luck searching.

To start with I avoid running ad blockers since the sites I visit are free and they have a right to earn an income to keep the sites open. However I have recently removed some sites from my favorites and even added some to my block list to ensure I don't follow and links that would take me back to them when I am not paying attention.

The reason for be blocking these sites and this post is annoying add banners that have audio tracks. It is a form of on line advertising that I can not stand and to me it is worse then pop up ads ever were. And recently I have been coming across these ads more and more. For the most part I have no issues with just blocking these sites and never returning to them again.

However [H] went to text link advertising sometime ago now. Now I find this form of advertising annoying and probably more so then some since I have this habit if following along with the mouse pointer as I read so I trigger these mouse over ads regularly. I have be dealing with it but doing so sometimes results in me avoiding the forums for extended periods of time. I recently returned to [H] as I prep for some new builds and now I find that a lot of this mouse over text advertising on [H] is loaded with audio.

Now I know the easy solution for dealing with this on [H] would be for me to break my habit of following along with the mouse as I read. But breaking such an old habit is not easy. My real problem is with ads that have an audio tack. I really can't see how anyone thinks this is a good business tactic. For example I always though the toughbook laptops were really cool and on more then one occasion I have though about picking one up for the extended 4x4 trips. However after hearing the mouse over audio ad for them over the past week on [H] I will never own one. I will just get a hard case for my laptop and be done with it.

Anyway I am sorry about the rant but in the past month I have come across these ads on about 75% of the sites I use and it is driving me nuts. Is there any way I can stop the audio from these ads from playing? At this point I don't care if the solution blocks ads entirely I just want to be done dealing with the shit. If site owners can't make a living with out allowing audio ads in to the mix then they can make no money off of me for all I care and that goes for [H] too, There isn't a site on the Internet valuable enough to me to stomach these ads. But I would still just prefer to just put a stop to the audio.

Thanks in advance and again sorry about the rant.
Use adblock in Firefox. Not adblock plus as that comes with a pre-set list of blocked advertisers. With adblock you select what to block by right clicking the ad and telling adblock to block it. It only blocks what you tell it to block. You have to use Firefox to use it though. Another handy tool in Firefox is noscript, by default all scripts are blocked from running and you can whitelist sites or just parts of sites on a temp basis or permanently. This allows you to allow the main part of the site to function but not their doubleclick advertiser crap etc.