Dealing with mouse (in)sensitivity on hi-res displays


Mar 31, 2000
I'm using a Dell 2405 that displays 1920x1200 and I cannot get my mouse sensitivity high enough. I'm using a Wheel Mouse Optical USB with the standard windows mouse control panel. Even with Intellipoint software and sensitivity maxed out it's too slow. Also, for some reason neither the default Windows mouse panel or Intellipoint show any options for mouse acceleration. I couldn't find any programs to download that would allow me to tweak mouse settings either.

Finally, I tried tweaking the registry settings for acceleration but it didn't do that much. What else could I do?
I hate to say it, but maybe you're susceptible to the dreaded input lag that some people complain about with that monitor (as well as some others).

Is trying a different mouse feasible for you? I know some people are really adamant about their mouse and like a certain design. If you are willing to try another one, then I'd recommend maybe checking out the Logitech laser mice (possibly Microsoft's own as well, although I don't know much about it). Its difficult for me to explain, but they've always moved in such a way that it felt like I was pushing the cursor, whereas other mice (like the MX510 I've been using) feel like I'm pulling the cursor.

Other than that, I don't know what you could do. I was thinking that Windows had a menu where you could adjust mouse acceleration, but I don't know.
It's not lag, it just requires a lot more mouse movement to get the cursor from one corner to the opposite than it did on a CRT at 1152x864, using the same mouse.
The answer to this is actually quite simple - get a new mouse!

Logitech has an excellent series of mice that have a little button on them for increasing or decreasing mouse sensitivity. Press once, and a tiny motion will carry you all the way across a 1920x1200 display (I know, I have one), and press... and back to normal for ingame stuff... and press again, and down to super-fine control for detail photoediting or FPS sniping.

There are several models the best of which are the corded and cordless laser mice: the G5 and G7, but there is also the smaller ambidextrous two-position G3 laser, and the MX-518 corded optical.

I have and love the G7 which comes with two rechargable battery packs one of which is always recharging in the USB receiver. In adition it comes with a USB key receiver, so it can be used with your laptop as well.

the resolution on these new laser mice is exceptional (2000.dpi) and the default switching is 400dpi/800dpi/2000dpi.

Anyways, thats your answer :)

Could it be a simple question of the screen being larger than it used to be so it's taking longer? ;)

Anyhow, I have a G7 and I love it too. Logitech's marketing it as a gaming mouse but as jtking said, the resolution switching on the fly makes it useful in a million and one different applications.
Is this something called 'input lag'?
I have this problem too,I just got 244t and now I was very angry about its lag.
Have the way to solve that bug?