Dear L4D players


Feb 23, 2003
I'm not sure what the deal is lately, but I keep getting player killed, typically by little kids who like to constantly shout in to their microphones throughout the game.

Please stop.

Your Pal

MrFace(or Gh0st)
I'm not sure what the deal is lately, but I keep getting player killed, typically by little kids who like to constantly shout in to their microphones throughout the game.

Please stop.

Your Pal

MrFace(or Gh0st)

Is true, too many griefers
It's fun to grief sometimes in L4D (in all games really). Know why? The community has really started to blow. It was great when the game started, and there are still some awesome people who play. However...when you've got some idiot talking into his mic getting mad because one shotgun pellet missed the zombies left testicle, it's griefing time. Also, if somebody is vote kicking me out of the game for no apparent reason, of course I'm going to set off an event, use my molotovs, medpack, shoot the team up, or SOMETHING...because that's just abuse of the voting system. Regardless, there are some idiots who just do grief for no apprent reason at all, and you just need to vote them out and use the option for what it should be used for- and if it is ignored, leave and join a new game. Personally, I play with 2 friends, one who hosts the server, and we have a hell of a time. It's a perk server, and they are both admins, so if you corner camp, they spawn witches, if you disrespect, they kick/ban, etc. etc. It's very awesome.

You just need to find a good group to play with.
Rule #1: Never use the chat provided by the game. Mute and disable immediately after installing game.
I'll be sure to keep a lookout for Gh0st, and shoot you directly in the face.

The only people worthy of griefin' are the clan homo's that know the game like the backs of their hands. They get pissed at EVERYTHING.
This is why I'm glad I have about 10 friends who regularly play L4D. Sucks that the public community has gotten so childish though. :mad:
Usually I just leave when that sort of thing starts happening. . Plenty'a normal players to complete the game with. But I know what you mean.
I just ban them from the server. Of course I only play on two servers and I'm an admin on both.
They need a fucking mute/block button.

Ohhh lolomfg so funny to vocalize "tank" constantly through the whole round.
As much as i like L4D, I find myself starting to play less and enjoy less.
Too many people who has no idea how to play vs.
Too many people cursing out.
To many people vote kick for no reason.
Too many people vote for everything just to get you pissed off.
Too many this and that......
Too manythings to list

I find myself quit out of game to find new one many times not because I'm raging cause we are losing, but my team had no idea how to play it. They don't stick, cover, listen etc.

Sucks that I don't have many people I know play L4D.
My favorite L4D game to play is L4D deathmatch. Just start up a game of survival, never trigger the event, and try to kill everyone before they kill you. It's good fun.

(Note: I'm just bored with L4D in general these days. I finally got my 53,595 achievement...nothing really there for me now.)
I quit playing L4D because we can never finish even half of a campaign without the other team giving up. Im hoping this new shorter map is better...

Also, a problem I've been having in TF2: One team completely dominates. It's really annoying (even when Im winning) not having competition. Either you barrel roll your way to a victory, or they kill you time after time. Perhaps this is happens in every game, but I don't seem to remember it so bad in the CoDs or UTs. Unsure what it is, but it completely takes the fun out not having a good challenge.
You know what this threads perfect for? Making new Steam friends of course!

Steam name: J0diuh

I haven't played L4D in awhile, but the new maps coming out soon.
Sadly you're wrong. :(

happily I am right. Been playing all these days, all the kids that goes around on mic always on 360, and I am pretty sure a lot of console/PC owner will agree with me on that..
(Note: I'm just bored with L4D in general these days. I finally got my 53,595 achievement...nothing really there for me now.)
This is why I hate achievements. Everyone thinks a game can't be played any more when you get all the little "points." Or some people refuse to play a game because there are no achievements. But the shit that gets youtube'd isn't even achievement related! People playing the game for FUN do amusing things they don't get points for! OMG NO POINTS!? NOOOO. Time to join every expert game and just go through TKing, I'm sure no one has thought of that yet.
Tomb Raider Legend had the best achievements. Here's why:

1. You got one at the end if every level for simply continuing to play the game.
2. It happened with a cool chime and flashy things on the screen.

It required no extra work and motivated me with a little reward. I feel similar about the L4D achievements that get awarded wo/ my knowledge. It's like a little surprise that says, "He Jod! You rock!" Some of them have pushed me to have a completely different gameplay experience such as the "only pistols" achievement.

But I would never stop playing a game because of one, that's a decision based on the all important " Am I having fun still" factor.
To the need to play with my 7-year-old. He goes at break-neck speed (so don't fall behind or you'll be "left for dead"). He lives to help people who need health (assuming he hasn't already left you behind) or be pulled up off a ledge. He's the ultimate teammate. Unfortunately, he does like to talk into the mic and give you orders ("Come on!" "Shoot that!") the whole time he's playing.

And for some reason, beyond me, in TF2 he likes to play in "achievement rooms" and help other people get achievements ("What? You won't me to stand over here and let you kill me? No problem.")
I'm going to play again once CC comes out. And then L4D2! (Fuck all the boycott people. MY MONEY. MY TIME. Hahaha).
I play with at least 2 people I know perosnally or I don't play.

The only bad part is the other team is ussually a random gathering of douches that die and then rage quit.

They really need lobbies for known teams this would fix many of the problems.
Yeah man, let's just let people who intentionally fuck the game up and disrespect stay.

Fliddycent. :rolleyes:

It was really the "disrespect" part. If they're being dicks then it's fair enough to do what you want, but I don't see how "disrespecting" someone warrants anything other than ignoring them.
happily I am right. Been playing all these days, all the kids that goes around on mic always on 360, and I am pretty sure a lot of console/PC owner will agree with me on that..

I mean they're horrible on PC as well. :p
It was really the "disrespect" part. If they're being dicks then it's fair enough to do what you want, but I don't see how "disrespecting" someone warrants anything other than ignoring them.

So saying "OMG THIS SERVER SUCKS" or spamming commands when the admin tells you not to or rage quitting doesn't warrant a kick/ban?
Fliddycent. :rolleyes:
Played the Death Toll campaign with 3 others in a pub tonight, good game until all 3 quit just before the finale. WTH, left me on my own :eek: This sort of stuff really ruins it for me and puts me off playing.
Played the Death Toll campaign with 3 others in a pub tonight, good game until all 3 quit just before the finale. WTH, left me on my own :eek: This sort of stuff really ruins it for me and puts me off playing.

Yeah know what you mean.

Valve could help fix this by giving more of a reward for finishing the game like Better overview of each players stats and shit, like in the campain mode......but then again maybe I am the only one who like to see how much I rape others.
There are ways to grief and ways not to grief. My style of "griefing" involves quite a lot of fucking around, but it doesn't severely impact the gameplay experience of others.

On Expert, though, I play it straight. Expert's supposed to be the difficulty level people play to enjoy the game as it's designed to be enjoyed (exploiting if they wish to beat the campaign or earn achievements). Unfortunately, it seems very few people understand this concept.
Left 4 Dead... I want my money back. I've completed all the content and have no desire to revisit it with anyone aside from my friends. They really don't play anymore.

Lesson learned I guess...