Death of the Space Combat Sim?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 4, 2003
Growing up, my favorite genre was also the space sim, especially a series like Wing Commander. My pilthy 286 could never dream of running Wing Commander so I sneaked to my friend's house and play that game for hours there, humourously, spending more time in the in-game space simulator in the Tiger's Claw cafeteria than actually on sorties.

Throughout the 1990s, there was a never ending parade of fantastic Wing Commander games, I had the skill of leading my target, getting missle locks, etc. perfectly. There was also a great complement of Lucasarts games like X-Wing and Tie Fighter.

Then there was the great Descent Freespace, and finally, Freespace 2 which is really, the last good space sim ever made. But what the hell? That was Space Combat Game of the Year 1999!!!

Yes, 6 years ago. And now there has been nothing ever since. We just get mindless FPS clone after FPS clone and I think it's a horrible shame, with this amazing hardware that we have now, that we can't apply any of this graphical power to a space simulator.

Why has the genre completely died out? Is there no hope? Nothing on the horizon? I want to see antialiased ships. I want to see incredible shader effects as I fly through a nebula or the atmosphere of a planet. I want to see modern particle effects and bump mapping as I fly into intense space combat with hundreds of fighters and giant warships and carriers. I want to see HDR lighting as I accidently fly in the direction of a sun and get momentarily blinded.

Come on! Does the first person shooter have to be the only platform where we ever get to flex the muscles of all the hardware we spend our hard-earned money on? Can't game companies get creative or innovative again? Where is Wing Commander 6? Oh...that's right, EA destroyed the franchise and swept it under the carpet. Where is Freespace 2? Oh yeah, Interplay is bankrupt. These were such amazing games and yet, they don't seem to recieve any support, from either the developers or fans anymore. Am I the only one left? Are all our force feedback joysticks with 8-way hats just collecting dust under our desks?
I've got the same gripe. The closest thing we've got not to a space combat sim is SWG: Jump to Lightspeed. It's ok as far as combat sims go, the graphics are ok. I know that there is a really nice open source C++ 3D engine ( that could make one. I started playing around and got a ship to fly with a joystick, shoot spheres, and had AI that could intercept...but I quickly ran out of time.

It was actually pretty easy. Anyone with a little knowledge of C++, Objects, and logic could write a simple space combat sim. The hard part is the shaders and AI IMO. The hardest part about getting started (least when I worked with it) was that the documentation sucked.

Just an idea.
been dead for awhile
Freelancer was great but felt lacking

I miss the old Xwing/tie Fighter/wing commander games

I gotta try The ones that were released within the past few years (X2, Nexus I think)
Wing Commander :D those were the days

Well, i hope X3 Reunion will spark things up for me.
Theres a trailer of that game about 30 mb, the graphics are awasome.
Go check it out, maybe youll like it :D.
While space strategy is good (Homeworld - another fantastic game that we'll sadly never see again), X2, X3, and Nexus are not space-combat sims and they just don't have the sim immersiveness.
I'll agree with Ruffy that Freelancer was lacking, and was very redundant... but for the first 2 or 3 hours of playing it, it was pretty good. One of those games that Microsoft Studios released that started out with great potential (so that the reviewers would give it relatively high marks) and then quickly went down the toilet after a while.

Its got some decent detail when it comes to equipping your ship, such as different weapons having different firing rate and projectile speed, pretty good spacial details and shading, and will allow you to enjoy some (surprisingly) good graphics while leading the reticle ahead of your target..... to a point.......... literally, they took half the fun out of it by giving you a secondary reticle so that there isn't much of any skill required.

Missions is where this game falls short. There's 2 basic types of missions: Go to location X and kill these guys, or go to location X and retrieve this. The story driven missions are progressive, and challenging. The point in which I stopped playing was when I had to try and punch through several blockades and escape from a pursuing faction.

If you can find a copy of Freelancer in a bargain bin, or used, you might want to consider it, but you will ultimately be disappointed.... But its space combat, with better graphics than those unforgettable classics of the past.

You're right though. Any game company could make a killing if they produced a well-made single player space combat sim with multiplayer capability.
I've long for a new space sim.

A space sim where you are actually a character in the universe and not your "spaceship."

I want to actually enter a planet's atmosphere and have to make it through and then find a place to land on the planet, and explore, etc. Then head back off into the great big sky.

I want to be able to freely move around within my "ship" while i'm flying, have a first person view where i'm flying from within the cockpit, like most jet sims offer. Be able to set it to autopilot and go back to the hanger and check my supplies and do other things while the ship is still heading it's course. Then the alarm sounds and I rush back tot he pilot seat to find that someone is tailing me, so I take it back to manual and try to either outrun them if I can't take them or fight.

I want my actions to mean something, not simple "good/bad" like kotor/fable, but actions that mean somethin to the people in a way that affects them more individually. If I blow up bob's ship his brother might come after me to seek revenge, however if I join bob for a raid on an outpost his brother might help me in defending me when he runs into an attack i'm on because he know's I helped bob a while back. Have factions to join with reputations to different ones, among many other aspects like that.

If I destroy an entire imperial fleet and take over huge battleships and hire crews to man them and have my own armada of ships, I want people to re-act to the news and my actions, and not merely be cardboard cutouts, "oh hello again joe, i'm sorry but those tps reports aren't done, if you don't get them done you're going to find yourself full of lead."

"I took over an entire imperial armada...and you are wanting me to do tps reports? I Could blow this entire planet up if I wanted to..."

I want to customize and outfit my ship, from different tech things, such as radar jammers, cloaking devices, EMP's, etc. Aswell as costmetically customize it.

I want to be able to go outside , in space, myself with a space suit. Be able to walk around on the outside (and have to to repair certain things) or do other things.

Imagine having a "stealth" ship, you sneak up to another ship to highjack it, you launch outside of your ship and then attach yourself to the other ship and find a way to get inside, then you fight them/take the ship over and you can either use it, sell it, salvage parts/cargo , whatever you want.

I want AI that's smart and intelligent, one that wants to live. Imagine being able to go up to a carrier ship, strategically target it's gun turrets and take them out. Then if you don't act quickly they send a message for help, however before they can you can jam the signal (if you have the equipment to do so) and then you can get the commander on your speaker and demand they jettision their cargo out or you're going to blow a hole in their hull and let them all die, so they do so (if they believe you).
i would like to see another freespace/wing commander also ...
Stiler said:
I've long for a new space sim.

A space sim where you are actually a character in the universe and not your "spaceship."

I want to actually enter a planet's atmosphere and have to make it through and then find a place to land on the planet, and explore, etc. Then head back off into the great big sky.

I want to be able to freely move around within my "ship" while i'm flying, have a first person view where i'm flying from within the cockpit, like most jet sims offer. Be able to set it to autopilot and go back to the hanger and check my supplies and do other things while the ship is still heading it's course. Then the alarm sounds and I rush back tot he pilot seat to find that someone is tailing me, so I take it back to manual and try to either outrun them if I can't take them or fight.

I want my actions to mean something, not simple "good/bad" like kotor/fable, but actions that mean somethin to the people in a way that affects them more individually. If I blow up bob's ship his brother might come after me to seek revenge, however if I join bob for a raid on an outpost his brother might help me in defending me when he runs into an attack i'm on because he know's I helped bob a while back. Have factions to join with reputations to different ones, among many other aspects like that.

If I destroy an entire imperial fleet and take over huge battleships and hire crews to man them and have my own armada of ships, I want people to re-act to the news and my actions, and not merely be cardboard cutouts, "oh hello again joe, i'm sorry but those tps reports aren't done, if you don't get them done you're going to find yourself full of lead."

"I took over an entire imperial armada...and you are wanting me to do tps reports? I Could blow this entire planet up if I wanted to..."

I want to customize and outfit my ship, from different tech things, such as radar jammers, cloaking devices, EMP's, etc. Aswell as costmetically customize it.

I want to be able to go outside , in space, myself with a space suit. Be able to walk around on the outside (and have to to repair certain things) or do other things.

Imagine having a "stealth" ship, you sneak up to another ship to highjack it, you launch outside of your ship and then attach yourself to the other ship and find a way to get inside, then you fight them/take the ship over and you can either use it, sell it, salvage parts/cargo , whatever you want.

I want AI that's smart and intelligent, one that wants to live. Imagine being able to go up to a carrier ship, strategically target it's gun turrets and take them out. Then if you don't act quickly they send a message for help, however before they can you can jam the signal (if you have the equipment to do so) and then you can get the commander on your speaker and demand they jettision their cargo out or you're going to blow a hole in their hull and let them all die, so they do so (if they believe you).

Kinda like a GTA type game, You got good ideas, when are you going to start coding this game?
I would love for another round of wing commander / xwing / tie fighter /xwing vs tie fighter / freespace.

Even if it is just remakes with better graphics/multiplayer it would be nice to play some of these games with current systems being used fully.
the nerds come out at night! the nerds come out at night! :p
tie fighter was such a great game at the time

i remember making my own missions and stuff for it
such a good time
Stiler said:
I've long for a new space sim.

A space sim where you are actually a character in the universe and not your "spaceship."

I want to actually enter a planet's atmosphere and have to make it through and then find a place to land on the planet, and explore, etc. Then head back off into the great big sky.

I want to be able to freely move around within my "ship" while i'm flying, have a first person view where i'm flying from within the cockpit, like most jet sims offer. Be able to set it to autopilot and go back to the hanger and check my supplies and do other things while the ship is still heading it's course. Then the alarm sounds and I rush back tot he pilot seat to find that someone is tailing me, so I take it back to manual and try to either outrun them if I can't take them or fight.

I want my actions to mean something, not simple "good/bad" like kotor/fable, but actions that mean somethin to the people in a way that affects them more individually. If I blow up bob's ship his brother might come after me to seek revenge, however if I join bob for a raid on an outpost his brother might help me in defending me when he runs into an attack i'm on because he know's I helped bob a while back. Have factions to join with reputations to different ones, among many other aspects like that.

If I destroy an entire imperial fleet and take over huge battleships and hire crews to man them and have my own armada of ships, I want people to re-act to the news and my actions, and not merely be cardboard cutouts, "oh hello again joe, i'm sorry but those tps reports aren't done, if you don't get them done you're going to find yourself full of lead."

"I took over an entire imperial armada...and you are wanting me to do tps reports? I Could blow this entire planet up if I wanted to..."

I want to customize and outfit my ship, from different tech things, such as radar jammers, cloaking devices, EMP's, etc. Aswell as costmetically customize it.

I want to be able to go outside , in space, myself with a space suit. Be able to walk around on the outside (and have to to repair certain things) or do other things.

Imagine having a "stealth" ship, you sneak up to another ship to highjack it, you launch outside of your ship and then attach yourself to the other ship and find a way to get inside, then you fight them/take the ship over and you can either use it, sell it, salvage parts/cargo , whatever you want.

I want AI that's smart and intelligent, one that wants to live. Imagine being able to go up to a carrier ship, strategically target it's gun turrets and take them out. Then if you don't act quickly they send a message for help, however before they can you can jam the signal (if you have the equipment to do so) and then you can get the commander on your speaker and demand they jettision their cargo out or you're going to blow a hole in their hull and let them all die, so they do so (if they believe you).

Such a game would, imo, be very near the Holy Grail of gaming. I imagine it would be a little hard to code, though.
Almost sounds like you're describing a souped up version of Privateer. God that game was great. I was really disappointed by the hokey live action sequences and frustrating gameplay of Privateer 2, though.
KillerMonkey said:
Such a game would, imo, be very near the Holy Grail of gaming. I imagine it would be a little hard to code, though.

The Derek Smart Battle Cruiser games have this mindset...
The space sims still exist my friend.. mind you not in joystick fasion....

But if you want some good space sims try Indpendance War 2: Edge of Chaos

If you are looking for something "recent" then by all means try Nexus: The Jupiter Incident.. for some AMAZING SPACE BATTLES, especially when you start throwing long range missles at each other, and the explosions that WHITE the entire screen.. simply amazing...

Also try "Hegemonia: Legions of Iron"

Space sims are there, they just dont get hyped, or promoted, so you have to "stumble" onto them.

If anything please buy Nexus, youll be damn glad you did.
I really miss Privateer. I found my old copy of that the other day. I remember opening the box and seeing FOURTEEN 3.5" floppy disks, and going "man, I hope I have the hard drive space for this. I might have to delete commander keen or wolfenstein 3d for a while."
mhenley said:
I'll agree with Ruffy that Freelancer was lacking, and was very redundant... but for the first 2 or 3 hours of playing it, it was pretty good. One of those games that Microsoft Studios released that started out with great potential (so that the reviewers would give it relatively high marks) and then quickly went down the toilet after a while.

Its got some decent detail when it comes to equipping your ship, such as different weapons having different firing rate and projectile speed, pretty good spacial details and shading, and will allow you to enjoy some (surprisingly) good graphics while leading the reticle ahead of your target..... to a point.......... literally, they took half the fun out of it by giving you a secondary reticle so that there isn't much of any skill required.

Missions is where this game falls short. There's 2 basic types of missions: Go to location X and kill these guys, or go to location X and retrieve this. The story driven missions are progressive, and challenging. The point in which I stopped playing was when I had to try and punch through several blockades and escape from a pursuing faction.

If you can find a copy of Freelancer in a bargain bin, or used, you might want to consider it, but you will ultimately be disappointed.... But its space combat, with better graphics than those unforgettable classics of the past.

You're right though. Any game company could make a killing if they produced a well-made single player space combat sim with multiplayer capability.

Dude if you missed out on the nomads you missed out on ALOT. The last few levels were INSANE and beautiful
Maybe there is a possibility of a Serenity game seeing as it is recent and a damn good movie... get working publishers/devs!
If you can find it, the Rebalance Mod for Freelancer is exceptional. It takes Freelancer and makes it a much better game. They add what seems like 100's of new ships (ships from Homeworld, Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, BSG, and many other from Sci-fi games, movies, and tv shows). They give you more wepaons, ship parts, and planet systems (with planets that spin). They even make the enemy AI better as they use their Shield and Nano stuff regularly in battle. Really, if you can find Rebalance 3.4 or 3.5beta it makes Freelancer a damn fun space sim.
Stiler said:
I've long for a new space sim.

A space sim where you are actually a character in the universe and not your "spaceship."

I want to actually enter a planet's atmosphere and have to make it through and then find a place to land on the planet, and explore, etc. Then head back off into the great big sky.

I want to be able to freely move around within my "ship" while i'm flying, have a first person view where i'm flying from within the cockpit, like most jet sims offer. Be able to set it to autopilot and go back to the hanger and check my supplies and do other things while the ship is still heading it's course. Then the alarm sounds and I rush back tot he pilot seat to find that someone is tailing me, so I take it back to manual and try to either outrun them if I can't take them or fight.

I want my actions to mean something, not simple "good/bad" like kotor/fable, but actions that mean somethin to the people in a way that affects them more individually. If I blow up bob's ship his brother might come after me to seek revenge, however if I join bob for a raid on an outpost his brother might help me in defending me when he runs into an attack i'm on because he know's I helped bob a while back. Have factions to join with reputations to different ones, among many other aspects like that.

If I destroy an entire imperial fleet and take over huge battleships and hire crews to man them and have my own armada of ships, I want people to re-act to the news and my actions, and not merely be cardboard cutouts, "oh hello again joe, i'm sorry but those tps reports aren't done, if you don't get them done you're going to find yourself full of lead."

"I took over an entire imperial armada...and you are wanting me to do tps reports? I Could blow this entire planet up if I wanted to..."

I want to customize and outfit my ship, from different tech things, such as radar jammers, cloaking devices, EMP's, etc. Aswell as costmetically customize it.

I want to be able to go outside , in space, myself with a space suit. Be able to walk around on the outside (and have to to repair certain things) or do other things.

Imagine having a "stealth" ship, you sneak up to another ship to highjack it, you launch outside of your ship and then attach yourself to the other ship and find a way to get inside, then you fight them/take the ship over and you can either use it, sell it, salvage parts/cargo , whatever you want.

I want AI that's smart and intelligent, one that wants to live. Imagine being able to go up to a carrier ship, strategically target it's gun turrets and take them out. Then if you don't act quickly they send a message for help, however before they can you can jam the signal (if you have the equipment to do so) and then you can get the commander on your speaker and demand they jettision their cargo out or you're going to blow a hole in their hull and let them all die, so they do so (if they believe you).

To tell you the truth I think everyone in the world has had this idea. A space sim "where you can do anything" said from behind starry eyes. It still never fails to capture my imagination, however.
:p I have actually made a few attempts to develop this but it's gone on the back burner until I get some AI algorithms that mimic real people. Ship mates are a must. Reactionary enemies are a must. It would be nice to set up ecosystems and communities of people based on these same procedures. The tech just isn't there now, however, unless you could figure out a way of faking it. (for example, giving writers control of their characters) But f that, I want to make the best game ever made which would include a living, breathing galaxy.

Oblivion is interesting in what they are trying to do with radiant AI.
I just miss tie fighter. If they did a nice graphic update on that and left the gameplay alone, I'd be in heaven.
But you see, we have things like World of Warcraft, we have GTA, we have Star Wars Galaxies, and we certainly had Privateer like 12 years ago. We also have amazing FPS games that take place inside places that could very well be ships.

I don't see any reason why this isn't possible in this day and age, the problem is that nobody will build it because all the creative developers have been bought up and liquidated by the giant publishers like EA, Ubisoft, and Vivendi and they don't see it profitable to make a space sim. Origin is gone, Interplay is gone, Volition is dead in the water, Relic Entertainment is bought out, etc. and all the liscenses are all over the place and archived. They don't see space-sims as profitable anymore.

Take a look at the Battle of Proxycon sequence in 3DMark03. Wouldn't it be amazing if you were onboard you ship when a giant battle broke out and you had to fight your way through your ship, fighting off intruders FPS style while trying to get to the hanger? Then somehow launching off in your craft and it becomes a space-combat sim? Or perhaps you fight your way to the bridge and take over as commander of the fleet and it becomes a space-strategy interface?

I think people would love just exploring a completely interactive starship or carrier, with wingmen, shipmates, real plots, etc. as well as vibrant planets, and varied gameplay. I'd love to just sit in a shuttle or a transport and stare out the window as it flies around a fleet in orbit or lands on a planet, etc.

Or you can make it with RPG elements as well, like KOTOR, and you can create a character that'll either become an ace pilot in the military, a fleet strategist, or a bounty hunter/privateer, etc.

It'd be amazing if somebody could create something like a wikipedia game development type atmosphere, where hundreds of people could just contribute to a project.

Again, the problem goes back to the publishers, they just don't see anything like this as being profitable anymore. Freespace and Homeworld weren't very commercially successful, so all the money goes into your standard crate-fest FPS games these days.
I've been hoping for a fresh breath in the space sim genre for far too long. I see longing for new installments of WC or SW series pretty often...I think there's at least enough fanbase for some sort of new project.

It's sad to think that I've seen more adventure games than space sims in the past 5 years (another great genre with titles far and in between).
Best gameplay = X-Wing and Tie Fighter.

Sounds like BattleField in space :)

I hope they release another good space sim soon. These flight sims are good and all but i have this tendency to hit the ground :p
Sly said:
Best gameplay = X-Wing and Tie Fighter.

Sounds like BattleField in space :)

I hope they release another good space sim soon. These flight sims are good and all but i have this tendency to hit the ground :p

We already have Battlfield in space, it's Star Wars: Battlefront and it's boring :) I really miss the old story/character elements of the old combat sims, especially Wing Commander.
Stiller: Your idea sounds a bit like Spore, a game where you can do pretty much anything, I have been waiting all my life for a game like that.

A game that can change completly as you play it and reacts to what you do.
I got Wing Commander for GBA last year :D Maneuvering is hard as hell with the little 4 direction gamepad, I gave up... Maybe that's why it was in the bargain bin. Anyone ever played Darklight Conflict? It was made for Windows 95, it gets all screwy when I try to install it on my Win2k system *sigh* I used to play that game for hours and hours...
Stiler : While I would kill for a game like you describe, you know the old addage "jack of all trades, master of none". If you make a game that does everything it will most likely do none of them well, which would make for an overall piss-poor game. I mean it takes 3 years at best to make a good game, you are talking about combining 3 or 4 or more different games into one. So who is willing to go through a 12 year development process?? Certainly no developer dumping money into it.
eetoi said:
I got Wing Commander for GBA last year :D Maneuvering is hard as hell with the little 4 direction gamepad, I gave up... Maybe that's why it was in the bargain bin. Anyone ever played Darklight Conflict? It was made for Windows 95, it gets all screwy when I try to install it on my Win2k system *sigh* I used to play that game for hours and hours...

I loved darklight conflict.. And actualy it is a DOS game.. I have gotten it to work with DOSbox on my xp system.. I even had a mod of sorts for it, that allowed you play without that annoying oval screen.. Can't find the mod now though.. It had very realistic spaceflight physics compared to many titles, including the newer ones..

Multiplayer was ok too, but it was pretty much just deathmatch style of play so it got old quick..
I miss Earth and Beyond an space-aged MMORPG where you inherit a race and create your own spaceship, aquiring skills and weapons and hull upgrades as you progress in levels. It was the very first MMO I played and it got me hooked. All E&B servers are long-since shut down, very sad, really.
I also have high hopes for X3. I tried to get into X2 but the controls and physics were just too bad for me to be able to enjoy it. The last really excellent space sim I've played was Independence War II. It's very open ended with decent graphics and wonderful controls. If you haven't tried it yet I highly recommend it.
Hmm, I'm a little disappointed that X3 seems to have removed the actual cockpit from your view, it's more of only a GUI like Wing Commander 4.

I actually liked seeing the cockpit there, it makes it more immersive but I suppose it keeps ugly cockpits struts out of the way of the pretty visuals in X3 :)

I never played X2 much, do I need to play X and X2 to enjoy X3?

Nuff said.

Allegiance is a team-oriented online multiplayer space combat simulation with real-time strategy (RTS) elements. It could be described as a much-improved "X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter." Whereas most multiplayer online games have a very simplistic concept of teamwork, if any, Allegiance distinguishes itself by having a strategy interface that demands teamwork in order to accomplish anything. Despite all these advancements, Allegiance still works great on a Pentium 2 computer with a 56k modem.

Allegiance can be played exclusively on LAN or internet servers. While it offers a multitude of gameplay modes with up to six teams, by far the most popular is the two-team conquest mode. In this mode, each team has a designated commander who oversees the asteroid mining operation, invests in the tech tree, buys and constructs new bases and commands the team in a semi-RTS like fashion from an overhead 3D map. The gameplay area is several sectors of space filled with asteroids on which the bases are built. There are roughly five tech-trees to pursue, resulting in a vast variety of different approaches to winning the game, including but not limited to: behind-enemy-lines teleport attacks, fighter raids, bombing, capturing enemy bases, stealth attacks and big capital ships. Typical games consist of 20 to 30 players per side, but big games can support up to 200 players simultaneously.

Allegiance was released in 2000 by Microsoft. Unfortunately, it was let down by some serious bugs that took too long to iron out, a pay-per-month scheme, and lack of developer support and marketing. The game used to be hosted as part of Microsoft's Zone gaming service, but was eventually abandoned. Not to be defeated, a group of independent Allegiance players spearheaded the effort to keep the game alive and running. What eventually became the Free Allegiance Organization (FAO) kept the game operating by hosting its own lobby and game servers and by writing their own bug fixes for the game. In February 2004, Microsoft released the source code for Allegiance, and cited the devotion of its hard-core players for doing so. Now at last the game is truely free, the bugs that crippled the initial release have been fixed, and the game development is continued by the community. It still remains the best team-oriented multiplayer action/sim game on the internet.
Working off the ideas from above, I think that anyone that has used the orbiter sim would agree that a space sim that wanted to be real would have to mimic real phyics and obital mechanics, although a easy mode for a point to point nav would need to be added for a learning curve.

I dislike the idea of a space sim that did not simulate space, combat in orbit would be like nothing else, instead of simply zooming around like a aircraft in the atmosphere, you could be making burns to out-manuver and make the kill. I understand for some this would be dauting but like I said maybe an easy mode/autopilot could be included.

Really if one wants to create a large world then starting with just one or two close planets would be nice, I think that would avoid the "jack of all trades, master of none" problem by allowing detail to be spent on only a few planets.

On a more realilistic approach :p , a Homeworld 3 would rock, I loved that series.
Erasmus354 said:
Stiler : While I would kill for a game like you describe, you know the old addage "jack of all trades, master of none". If you make a game that does everything it will most likely do none of them well, which would make for an overall piss-poor game. I mean it takes 3 years at best to make a good game, you are talking about combining 3 or 4 or more different games into one. So who is willing to go through a 12 year development process?? Certainly no developer dumping money into it.

IMO, what I described is pretty much like RPG's on a scale of the TES or Gothic series, but in space instead of on a single world/place.

I think it could be done, and no where near taking 12 years to do, but the problem is publishers who would want to fund such a project, that imo would have the potential to revive the space genre and sell well, but also if not done good, would be another drop in the bucket.
Eve: Online is good space sim MMORPG. Played it for about a year and a half. It reminded me of the old Freelancer series somewhat. Awesome graphics also.