Death To Spies


Nov 14, 2005
I purchased this game through Steam and have been playing it for the past few nights, so I thought I'd give it a little forum love.

If you like slow, methodical games like Hitman or Commandos, then I definitely think you should check out Death To Spies. But this game takes it even a step further. It's very slow, and very methodical. At times to the point of being annoying.

It's played in the third-person perspective with FPS-like controls. But you'll be doing very little shooting in this game. The main gameplay mechanic starts off with you silently killing a German soldier and taking his clothes. This will allow you a little more freedom moving around the level - although there are still NPC's (officers) that will recognize you as an impostor. Much of the game is spent watching your minimap, which shows the enemies' cone-of-vision. These vision cones will change depending on your disguise, your posture, movement, etc... Stay too long in their sight, or do something mischievous like pick a lock, then they will become alerted and start yelling and shooting. At that point you're pretty much dead.

One of its biggest downfalls is the lack of direction. As you start each mission, you're given a vague set of objectives with little to no guidance as to how to achieve them. There's a lot of trial and error in terms of just figuring out what it is you need to do, and more importantly, how to do it. I wish the developers would have made the objectives a little more clear, or better yet have a little video briefing before each mission highlighting the objectives or something. As is, it's pretty cut and dry.

Graphics aren't a technical marvel, but they still look great. They have a sort of cartoony, pseudo-realistic look to them that works well. Frame rates are very solid on my rig with everything maxed.

Sound is lacking, but what is there is okay. What's really missing are German voices from NPC's. As you're walking around a fully populated German base, you quickly notice nobody is talking. =/ You'll also notice there's the same 10 second loop of German music blaring through the loud speakers - which gets old fast.

All in all though, the core stealth and sneaking gameplay are still there. Sneaking around, either in disguise or hiding in bushes, can lead to some pretty intense and fun moments. It's a game with modest production values from a small developer, so don't expect a AAA experience the likes of Hitman or Splinter Cell. But if you like this sort of stuff, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this one. It certainly helps it's only $30.
Sounds like something I'd love. I'm a little disappointed with these 'stealth' games that are really just first-person shooters. Yeah, you can sneak around, but you have to kill everyone around you or they'll follow you. Metal Gear, Far Cry, Siphon Filter, Splinter Cell, Crysis. They give you multiple ways to go about things, but it's really difficult to make it through many places without a bloodbath. :D Or bloodbaths are just more fun.

I'll definitely check out this game.
Sounds like something I'd love. I'm a little disappointed with these 'stealth' games that are really just first-person shooters. Yeah, you can sneak around, but you have to kill everyone around you or they'll follow you. Metal Gear, Far Cry, Siphon Filter, Splinter Cell, Crysis. They give you multiple ways to go about things, but it's really difficult to make it through many places without a bloodbath. :D Or bloodbaths are just more fun.

I'll definitely check out this game.

I disagree on the Splinter Cell. I found it easier to avoid a fire fight and much easier to finish a level than having a shoot out.
Double Agent was the last one. It was pretty good although I personally feel that the previous one, Chaos Theory, is the best Splinter Cell game of them all thus far.

This game Death to Spies sounds intruiging, as a big Splinter Cell and Hitman fan myself. I'd never even heard of it until I saw this thread just now.
Double Agent was the last one. It was pretty good although I personally feel that the previous one, Chaos Theory, is the best Splinter Cell game of them all thus far.

This game Death to Spies sounds intruiging, as a big Splinter Cell and Hitman fan myself. I'd never even heard of it until I saw this thread just now.

Never bothered to buy Double Agent because it looked like they changed the fundamental theme of Splinter Cell.

Chaos Theory was great.


I purchased this game through Steam and have been playing it for the past few nights, so I thought I'd give it a little forum love.

If you like slow, methodical games like Hitman or Commandos, then I definitely think you should check out Death To Spies. But this game takes it even a step further. It's very slow, and very methodical. At times to the point of being annoying.

It's played in the third-person perspective with FPS-like controls. But you'll be doing very little shooting in this game. The main gameplay mechanic starts off with you silently killing a German soldier and taking his clothes. This will allow you a little more freedom moving around the level - although there are still NPC's (officers) that will recognize you as an impostor. Much of the game is spent watching your minimap, which shows the enemies' cone-of-vision. These vision cones will change depending on your disguise, your posture, movement, etc... Stay too long in their sight, or do something mischievous like pick a lock, then they will become alerted and start yelling and shooting. At that point you're pretty much dead.

One of its biggest downfalls is the lack of direction. As you start each mission, you're given a vague set of objectives with little to no guidance as to how to achieve them. There's a lot of trial and error in terms of just figuring out what it is you need to do, and more importantly, how to do it. I wish the developers would have made the objectives a little more clear, or better yet have a little video briefing before each mission highlighting the objectives or something. As is, it's pretty cut and dry.

Graphics aren't a technical marvel, but they still look great. They have a sort of cartoony, pseudo-realistic look to them that works well. Frame rates are very solid on my rig with everything maxed.

Sound is lacking, but what is there is okay. What's really missing are German voices from NPC's. As you're walking around a fully populated German base, you quickly notice nobody is talking. =/ You'll also notice there's the same 10 second loop of German music blaring through the loud speakers - which gets old fast.

All in all though, the core stealth and sneaking gameplay are still there. Sneaking around, either in disguise or hiding in bushes, can lead to some pretty intense and fun moments. It's a game with modest production values from a small developer, so don't expect a AAA experience the likes of Hitman or Splinter Cell. But if you like this sort of stuff, you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this one. It certainly helps it's only $30.

So I was reading over this thread and then you posted screenshots and then I immediately purchased this. Thanks for sharing!
This definitely scratches that Hitman itch and even Splinter Cell itch in the interim but I'll tell you this with no shame: Even on Easy, I think this game is damned hard myself.
Anyone who's been playing this:

It's probably my fault but has anyone encountered any situations where either an item or an objective you're supposed to accomplish simply isn't there or anywhere to be found?

Example: The first level, after you sneak into the Nazi camp. You're supposed to get into that one building and get these documents. To do so, you're supposed to get the key off of an officer in there and get into his safe.

I've snuck in there, taken down several guys including the correct officer in the correct office/location and I'll be damned if I can find the key on him or anywhere else and I simply can't seem to move forward or get it done.
is that a silencer on a revolver? i thought that didnt actually work? ah well, i guess i'll have to re-install steam to try this out.
Example: The first level, after you sneak into the Nazi camp. You're supposed to get into that one building and get these documents. To do so, you're supposed to get the key off of an officer in there and get into his safe.

I've snuck in there, taken down several guys including the correct officer in the correct office/location and I'll be damned if I can find the key on him or anywhere else and I simply can't seem to move forward or get it done.

Again, this goes along with my main complaint for the game - that there's just so little direction as to what the game wants you to do.

The objectives in that part of the mission are actually backwards. You need to complete objective 3 before you can complete objective 2. Objective 3 is to subdue the named officer. He is the blinking red arrow on your mini-map, and he follows a set path around the whole of the base, visiting several buildings. He also has a guard that follows closely behind him who you will need to take out first. Make sure to only knock the officer out and not kill him. Once you do that you can take his clothes and the needed key.

After you have the key, you can go into the building to complete objective 2 - after which you will get your next set of objectives.

The objectives in mission 3 are even more murky and difficult to decipher. =(
Again, this goes along with my main complaint for the game - that there's just so little direction as to what the game wants you to do.

Virtually none.

The objectives in that part of the mission are actually backwards. You need to complete objective 3 before you can complete objective 2. Objective 3 is to subdue the named officer. He is the blinking red arrow on your mini-map, and he follows a set path around the whole of the base, visiting several buildings. He also has a guard that follows closely behind him who you will need to take out first. Make sure to only knock the officer out and not kill him. Once you do that you can take his clothes and the needed key.

I take it you only learned this through tons of repeated trial and error because there's no absoutely no other way I can imagine a person could find this out.

After you have the key, you can go into the building to complete objective 2 - after which you will get your next set of objectives.

The objectives in mission 3 are even more murky and difficult to decipher. =(

^^ LOL, there's almost no way a person could know this stuff coming into it.

Heck, how did you figure all that out? Tons of trial and error? If this were a Hitman game, I've had several instances where I've longed to "buy intel" already and I'm still in the first level.

The game gives you sparse "what" information and that's it. I really do like it, overall, but it desperately needs a patch and some better in-game documentation.

Here's the company's official forums. You'll see at least one for Death to Spies. Among the tidbits I gleaned out of there is that an expansion pack is due out at the end of March thereabouts.
Heck, how did you figure all that out? Tons of trial and error?

No, it wasn't pure trial and error. If you read the text of the objectives, I believe it states the guys' name who has the key you need..... that guy being the blinking-red-arrow guy.

The objectives aren't completely worthless - they're just really hard to understand at times.
No, it wasn't pure trial and error. If you read the text of the objectives, I believe it states the guys' name who has the key you need..... that guy being the blinking-red-arrow guy.

The objectives aren't completely worthless - they're just really hard to understand at times.

Fair enough. I'm getting more used to this game. I think it's pretty awesome although it's merciless. :)

How do I use the chloroform when I approach the guy?

If you sneak up on the guy you should see a stun option show up in your action menu in the lower lefthand corner of the screen.

It should be assigned to button 2 along with the choker. You have to make sure that you've selected the chloroform as the active instead of the choker and then it should work.
how do you choke someone then? same way? i'm finding it hard to sneak up on people to get a uniform in the demo.

--nevermind, i found someone standing still :)
there is a demo you can download, i just finished it. the base area is much easier once you get the SS officer uniform.
i just re-installed Hidden and Dangerous 2 and I think this game is a modification of that, the interface and graphics are very similar.
I've been looking for a good hitman style game, been a while since blood money. I love games where you have to figure out all guard positions and make a kill without anyone seeing and sneaky sneaky and all that. I'll be checking this out.
Just want to bump this thread and express my love for this amazing game :)

It's so much better than Hitman!
P.S here's a tip I found not long ago:

If you're wondering why you can only change clothes with some of the guards/officers, it's because you shot them.

You have to choke/knock/chloroform them to be able to use their suites. Else if you shoot them, blood and brain chunks will splatter all over the suits, obviously compromising your cover :D
Again, this goes along with my main complaint for the game - that there's just so little direction as to what the game wants you to do.

The objectives in that part of the mission are actually backwards. You need to complete objective 3 before you can complete objective 2. Objective 3 is to subdue the named officer. He is the blinking red arrow on your mini-map, and he follows a set path around the whole of the base, visiting several buildings. He also has a guard that follows closely behind him who you will need to take out first. Make sure to only knock the officer out and not kill him. Once you do that you can take his clothes and the needed key.

After you have the key, you can go into the building to complete objective 2 - after which you will get your next set of objectives.

The objectives in mission 3 are even more murky and difficult to decipher. =(

Yeah that was weird. But if you carefully read the steps, it does say (in step 2 I believe) that the key to the safe is on that guy (whatshisname). Who is described in step 3.

Plus you have numbers on your minimap corresponding to the step. For example you'll have the number "3" painted on several buildings on your minimap in mission 2, showing you where the officer makes his patrols. Giving you a clue where you need to go.
Actually its not dead, the expansion was released not too long ago. Moment of truth or something. Awesome game.
Actually its not dead, the expansion was released not too long ago. Moment of truth or something. Awesome game.

thread is dead not the game. If you want to talk about the game start a new thread. Don't pull up a thread that is nearly 2 years old.
Both Death to Spies games are excellent and cheap. If you need a Hitman,Commandos, Splinter Cell fix I highly recommend them and especially the second one, Moment of Truth, which is less buggy and more polished.