Decent: Sony DSC V1?


Jun 24, 2004
First and foremost: I humbly submit I am nowhere near a photo guru, I just enjoy taking pictures. Most anyone in this forum knows twice as much as I do about cameras, at a bare minum, so forgive my ignorance in Photography issues.

The mother of the house is using and old Sony DSC-P70 3.3 MP and loves it, but the problem is... the dog of the house has chewed it up and it is showing it's age.

That said, she loves her Sony camera and believe it takes better pictures than all the other digitals her friends take... there is almost no convincing her otherwise.

In an attempt to upgrade, I am suggesting the DSC V1, which should please her, as it is still sony, and still a DSC.

She will be using it as a P&S, but I will be going a little further, so I have opted against a W1. I have been reading the major review sites, and they seem pretty positive, but I do get two vibes: bad batter life and getting outdated.

You DSC V1 users out there (if you exist), can you address these concerns? Is the camera treating you well besides battery life, and do you still feel it is keeping pace with the newer models?

well i have never used one, but every one of those that got sold at my circuit city when i worked there got returned :(

we had more open box V1's than we had closed box V1's for months :(

honestly for the price i think you can do better with a canon P&S or a nikon coolpix...

ive honestly never been a fan of the sony cameras, their "colors" and their extremely expensive batteries, and propriatary (sp) media...

but if you have a lot (im taking hundreds of dollars) invested in memory stick you may want to stick with sony anyway

as always, YMMV & do not take with alcohol
i have a v1. i have had it since christmas '03, and this summer i have been using it far more than the c-2100uz i had last year.

i honestly love this camera, i have 2 batteries so the batt life isnt too bad for me, but for a person with only 1 batterie i can see that becoming a problem.

when i put a freshly charged battery in my camera is says that i have 90 minutes of battery life. when using the camera out side or in situations when i dont need the flash, it does great, and lasts a long time ( i dont think 90 mins, but nearly that) i took my camera down on a weekend vacation 2 weeks ago, i had lost my #2 batt at the time so i only had the one, and it lasted all weekend (full of pictures, more than 85 pics, and 6 movies).

as for the other options with the camera.... i love the movie mode, takes em till the stick is full in great quality (for a P&S camera), i recently figured out how to use the manual controls, and they are wonderful, it takes really great pictures in situations where there is normal light/higher light (inside a school gym with bright fluorescent lights, or outside on a bright sunny day). but i have found that in situations where there is low light the quality drops for me, so i get grainy photos. but that might be my inexperiance with iso speeds.

all in all, i love the camera, and its the first one that i am never gonna get rid of. im keeping it till it absolutly will not work anymore.

P.S. i hate sonys proprietary stuff too. damn memorysticks, and battereis (new v-1 batt = $60 :eek: )
I sometimes use this camera at work. It's decent -- nice quality on the LCD screen and on the computer screen. To me, though, it's a little bulky and heavy, but then again the megapixels and zoom are pretty good. But if that is a big deal to you, I guess this camera will do the trick. If megapixels is not a big deal to you -- say for instance that you can do just fine with 3 MP because all you're doing is posting your pictures to the Internet and occasionally printing 5 X 7 shots of friends, then I'd suggest something a little cheaper and smaller. $500 is a lot to spend for a non-advanced P&S, I think. But I don't know your financial situation.

Also, as someone said above, the sony proprietary parts can turn out to be a big problem. You have to buy an expensive memory stick that will only work for your sony camera or sony PDA. Lots of brands make cameras that accept CF or SD cards and so you can use your card on many cameras from many brands. For instance a Nikon Coolpix 3100 takes a CF card, but so does a Canon D30. Those are two very different cameras that accept the same medium. Thumbs up to that.
Thanks for the input!

I agree, sony proprietary stuff sucks, but then again, I have the sony plasma TV, so it will be easy to just pop a Memory Stick into the XBR media reciever box and look @ my pics on the plasma :)

Thanks for the input... going to take some shots with one today.