Deciding on Heatsink for new build (Silverstone TJ08-E)


Jan 13, 2004
New build:

Proc: i7 3770K (thinking of OC to 4.2~4.4)
Case: Silverstone TJ08-E


Tuniq Tower 120 Extreme
Corsair H80

The Tuniq would be cheaper, and I like the idea of less moving parts, but I'm not sure if it would be enough to keep the 3770K overclocked to 4.2-4.4GHz stable for years to come.

What do you guys think? Which heatsink would you choose? If I went with the tuniq, think I could have it free like that? or probably have to slap a fan on the left side of it?

Here's some pictures of both setups:

IMO there are much better choices than either of those but it depends on your needs. H80 is a nice space saver, but cooling/cost is terrible. Tuniq is ok cooling/cost but not great. It's also pretty meh in the cooling to space ratio. If those are your only 2 choices then I would go with the Tuniq unless space saving is an issue for you.

The Noctua NH-D14 would cool far better than either of those but wouldn't allow you to run 3.5" drives in that tray. Same with the Thermalright Silver Arrow (non SB-E edition unless you replace the 151mm fan). That said they will both cool better than the Tuniq and if you put a fan on that Tuniq you can't use the 3.5" drives either.

For a mild overclock like that though I would just go with the Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo. $30 and it will cool just as good as that H80 if not better and just as well if not better than that Tuniq without fans.
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I would do the H80 personally. The one thing everyone forgets about these coolers is all hot air is directly vented out of the case, so the rest of the space inside won't be heating up due to the cpu....
H80 as long as the pump is quiet and the fans are decent (GT-15 etc).
Id go for the corsair mainly due to the space saving. (just upgraded from a silver arrow to h100 and everything in my case runs cooler and its pleasant to work inside of it)
ive been using the tuniq now for about 6 months first on sandy bridge now on ivy bridge and hate to say it but i disagree, this cooler definately works great, im getting 60 celcius at full load over clocked to 4.6 on sandy bridge thats my max without any throttling. i just added a fan to the tuniq and the cooling is amazing, the fan im using is its extremely quiet hell i dont hear it, the fans on my gpu are louder.