Decieding between the Dell 2405 and Gateway FPD2185W


Limp Gawd
Aug 8, 2005
The time has come to upgrade my monitor. My Hyundai L90D+ has served me well, but i want something with higher resolutions, and a little more screenspace. I've pretty much narrowed my choices down to the Dell 2405fpw or the Gateway FDP2185W. Let me first say that i have read a lot of reviews on both monitors, so i'm aware that each has some problems.

Dell 2405fpw
  • more expenseive: currently around $950, although could wait for coupons or call Dell for discounts
  • Larger screen size, higher resolutions: Definatly a plus, i've got the SLI'd 7800GTX's, might as well use them
  • Dell's Return policy: might be a little harder to return if problems arrise...or at least be more of a hassle

Gateway FPD2185W
  • Available Locally - can purchase at best buy and return/exchange if problems arrise
  • Cheaper: $630 after tax - plus i have a $100 BB gift card, could try pricematching with CC's price
  • HDCP - with Vista and new DVD technology coming, makes monitor more futureproof

I don't really care about inputs, as i'll be using this as a computer monitor with DVI cables only. I'm OK with the price of the 2405(as i know i can get it cheaper than tht price above), as long as i'm convinced that it is worth it.

Is there anything else that i should be taking into consideration? I think that right now i'm slightly leaning towards the Gateway, just because i can get it locally. In the event that there is something wrong, i have no problem making a scene in their store.
I'm pretty much wondering the same as you, and I'll be using the monitors the same way. Only difference for me is that Circuit City has the gateway monitor for $519 this week, and that gives it quite the advantage over the 2405.
None of the Circuit City's within 150miles of me have it in stock. They're even out of stock online. It would be awesome if i could get Best Buy to price match it for me, but i don't think they will for an out-of-stock item.
I got my 2405 2 weeks ago, and i have been playing video games on it ever since, so if you plan on playing games, 2405 rocks.

And seening that you have high end machine, might as well get 2405, but i have single 6600gt
You guys missed the CC deal when they were in-stock online yesterday:

$519 -10% MSN discount = $467.99 free shipping. :(

Had one in my cart but decided to wait until more HDCP monitors become available.
I'd get the Dell 2405. I returned the fpd2185w after a week of frustration with it. Read these forums and you'll see people with big problems with it.
Gmeister said:
I'd get the Dell 2405. I returned the fpd2185w after a week of frustration with it. Read these forums and you'll see people with big problems with it.
I did read through the entire thread here (all 40 pages), so i know that some people are having problems. However, since i would be purchasing it locally, returning/exchanging wouldn't be a problem. It seems people were either in your boat (extremely frustrated) or extrememly pleased.

SSlaytanic said:
2405 or wait for 2407.

either way, Dell's 24''ers are the best.
Well, i'm considering the 2405. The 2407 WILL most likely be the ideal monitor (size, HDCP, etc...), however, we still don't have a release date, just speculation that it will come out in Feb/March. Plus, i would guess that the initial price will be a bit higher than i'd like to spend. Given that the 2405 is listed as $1200 still (i know noone pays that, but thats technically the price) and the the 3007 is $2200, i would GUESS that the 2407 will come out at around $1600. Thats three times the price of the Gateway.