Default CPU priority in XP?


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
I was wondering if there's a way to change the default application priority in winxp?

Like certain applications will use 100% of your cpu and make multitasking impossible. Unless I'm running a game I don't want any application to have maxiumum priority.

Is this possible?
It can be done from the command line (so you can rig a shortcut as appropriate) or via a tool like PowerMenu, which can toggle priorities dynamically.

What's eating your CPU, though? Not many programs other than games will do that by default.
Like installing apps via cdrom. Certain applications during install. A buggy program stuck in a loop...

It's not a common thing it just becomes annoying. Like I don't think an installer programs needs ALL of my cpu making doing anything else impossible. Reminds of downloading on a 56k or something :)
You can also do it from the task manager by right-clicking the process. I still have 56k :(
A low priority doesn't mean that a process -won't- use 100%. It means that, when multiple processes want CPU time, lower priority processes will get less time when other processes want it. If all your other apps are sitting there idle, a process with the lowest priority can still take 100%.